Was I toxic or this guy?

  • Full story:

    1. I joined fishing crew with idea to fish ancientscales (as it was advertised).
    2. It's a new ship so while people were still loading, looting island and chatting I dug up 11 leeches and just started fishing.
    3. I already fished 3 smokes and one starshine while noone else even touched the water.
    4. Guys hail me to come and do bait glitch - which I responded to literally with "I don't care about your glitches, I came here to fish and that's what I'm doing".
    5. I got sent to brig.

    Just tell me honestly, who is the toxic one here. I agree I could refuse that in a nicer way, but the idea for brigging and calling someone toxic for refusing to do glitches just boggles my mind.

    PS: It's been 20 minutes and none of them cast a fishing rod even once lol. Fishing crews in a nutshell I guess.

  • 18
  • Update: Discord mod gave me official warn without even listening to my side of the story.

    So I am the bad guy here^^.

  • Personal opinion, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm not sure what the "bait glitch" is but i can't imagine its a fair and non-impactive glitch if they're wanting to do it for a "fishing" session. Maybe you could have certainly refused in a nicer way, or just left, but if you have zero interests in doing exploits/glitches, and you said as much, i see no aggression or toxicity here, maybe just a bit of a blunt reply. And to get an actual warning over that seems extreme even if you were in the wrong. This should just be a "Say it a little nicer and move on" situation.

  • OP, if what you say is true, then certainly you did nothing wrong. But come on, tell us the full story with all the details. I doubt anyone would waster their time and create controversy in order to give you an official warning without officially breaking any rules?

  • You did the thing you joined to do but it sounds like this was a group that has been doing this for a while and anything or anyone that strays from what they think is correct is punished strictly;
    I'm sorry the discord warned you but on the bright side the punishment wasn't anything harsher.

    Don't dwell on who is correct but next time if you want more control of the situation host the activity yourself and run it with what you consider fair just like how that crew considered those actions fair.

  • Both.
    Definitely both.

  • If everything posted is accurate and objective I wouldn't stay in the discord. The following is based on assuming this all objective and accurate information.

    In my view as someone that has done my share of serving as a mod in one place or another over the years the most important things to focus on are service, objectivity, and support of community.

    At no time should anyone be pressured to participate in or punished for not participating in an exploit.

    Mild clashing happens, it's a fact of life

    in this situation it is mild and can be worked out by treating people as people and not as people that need to be enforced upon

    Power within a community is for service and service takes effort to work on deescalating incidents and problem solving. This also requires dedication at the top to support a system of focus on service rather than punishment/enforcement.

    Once again this is based on everything posted being accurate and assuming there are no prior issues.

  • I joined fishing crew with idea to fish ancientscales (as it was advertised).

    Got cha.

    It's a new ship so while people were still loading, looting island and chatting I dug up 11 leeches and just started fishing.

    Okie getting yourself ready.

    I already fished 3 smokes and one starshine while noone else even touched the water.

    Doing what must be done while everyone else isn't Your doing what the "job" advertised.

    Guys hail me to come and do bait glitch - which I responded to literally with "I don't care about your glitches, I came here to fish and that's what I'm doing".

    Good good. Maintain what your doing, they are free to do what they wanna do.

    I got sent to brig.


    Just tell me honestly, who is the toxic one here. I agree I could refuse that in a nicer way, but the idea for brigging and calling someone toxic for refusing to do glitches just boggles my mind.

    I wouldnt call it toxic, I say more like poor sportmanship. You refused fine, from what you described I assume is correct. No bad mouthing, you just refused to do a glitch which in some gaming status, is good thing. Hands clean.
    Now if they called you Toxic for refusing to do what they wanted to do, that Unsporting and falls under bullying. Wouldnt say toxic.
    But yeah, pretty straight forward here. Refused to do some dirty deed but you were still doing the job advertised.

    Is this reportable? No.

    Update: Discord mod gave me official warn without even listening to my side of the story.

    Didn't see this part. So it was a Discord sorta group thing. Yeah...I stay away from those due to they have there own set of rules. It it will always fall under two things. He said She said & Who is friends with the mod.

  • @Adara-Haze
    I wouldn't say your behaviour was 'toxic', but there definitely seems to be a breakdown of communication here. From what you describe, it seems like the rest of the crew were there to socialise, maybe make new friends, with fishing being more of a pretence. You were there to FISH, and by the Pirate Lord, that is what you were going to do!

    So yeah, I don't think you did anything wrong, certainly nothing worth being brig'd or getting a mod warning over. Just a bit of a misunderstanding, would be my take on it. May you have better fortune in the future!

  • @pithyrumble Can you explain how?

  • @adara-haze

    They wanted to exploit.
    You made a whole post about it.


  • Ha ha, I’m gonna say “neither”. I think this an example of the broad misapplication of the term “toxic” in the Forum community. They treated you badly when you didn’t want to join in the “fun” - sucky. You were less than polite in declining to join said fun - sucky. The Discord mod was unfair - sucky. So, it’s “sucky” behavior but I think “toxic” is a stretch.

  • Anyone that uses glitches as an advantage is already in a "gray area" and at a disadvantage from those that don't. Sadly, you when the majority is against the minority, you will find yourself in a loosing battle if ur with the minority, so I'm really sorry this was the case for you. This however, doesn't mean you were wrong, and I would recommend that u get in contact with Rare and Discord to discuss this issue.

    In terms of Rare, if u have a video recording of the situation, you can report it to rare by submitting a ticket under the support tab here on this webpage as that is considered toxic behavior by the crew. Rare usually takes a bit to go over the evidence and come up with a conclusion.

    As for what to do in terms of in game choices, I recommend that after you submit the report, you leave and find a crew better suited for what you want to do, don't stay and waste your own time with people that aren't worth the headache.

  • What I read was that you wanted to fish, and instead chose to spend a whole 20 min in a brig because you didn't want to leave the crew and join a better one.

    And they wanted to fish, but didn't, and spent 20 min with a man down, rather than getting a new session for themselves.

    Your question was which one of you were "toxic." The answer is neither. The only thing both parties can be accused of is being stubborn and inefficient.

  • @zig-zag-ltu this really underestimates the mentality of people that seek a little power on the internet.

  • @hawkeye99 said in Was I toxic or this guy?:

    @zig-zag-ltu this really underestimates the mentality of people that seek a little power on the internet.

    always depends on the accountability that is implemented into the process from the top down

    major operations will typically have at least somewhat of an accountable system, at the very least a lenient system out of necessity because they realize or eventually come to realize that over enforcement through lack of accountability is the death of a platform or area

    This site for example consistently has strong leadership at the top when specifically talking enforcement, which is why people typically stay out of issues as long as they don't get personal and don't go to extremes on spam, etc

    Accountability starts at the top (often above those that enforce) so if the source of the power doesn't set the objective standards and maintain them consistently it's a mess.

  • @hawkeye99 said in Was I toxic or this guy?:

    @zig-zag-ltu this really underestimates the mentality of people that seek a little power on the internet.

    I have misunderstood his statement as it seems, I thought it was an official warning from Twitch not from moderator of some private channel.

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