No gold, No ancient coins, no progression

  • Today we were hipped to try and maximise profits With community day and merchant.

    We started loading up all the loot, reached level 5 and then sold everthing! Around 500k worth in gold. But not a single coin popt up in the screen? We tough there was a delay. But 1 hour later stil nothing we also found ancient skeletons they dropt nothing aswell. The screen with registration was wel there but nothing to earn. Even small pockets of gold didnt pay out.. im really sad after working hard in it,.. is there anything rare of someone dan help ???? Please.. ;(

  • 13
  • in an alliance?

    there has long been some weird bug thing in alliances where as the alliance grows it bugs out and people don't get gold/credit and this could possibly affect ancient skellies

  • No we didn’t see ppl to alliance with.
    Because we where high in the map.

  • The same thing happened to me. I made two short voyages during the day, the first paid out normally (no community day multiplier) and the second one was like yours, no gold or progression.

  • Same. I had a decent haul hand in early AEST and no gold added, had two ancient skele spawns give no coins as well. After work it still hadnt been adjusted, but gold was tallying for new loot I had accumulated and the third ancient skele spawn did give me coins. Hopefully it gets sorted.

  • Same for our Crew we did one Athena Mission we end up getting the Ashen Athena Chest but when we sold our Stuff we didnt get any Gold or Reputation...

  • same thing, did an ashen winds and nothing is being progressed. No milestones, or gold, or commendations

  • @grafhicks it feels sad to hear… i hope we can find someone to look into the logging and see the missing coins and ancient coins. For me it also where the only two ancient skeletons i saw 🥲

  • It happened to me too, in 2 hours we found 4 ancient skeleton, no coins dropped, also no gold, reputation, season pass advancement, nor achievements.

    We waited 2 more hours, nothing. We logged out and back in, nothing. I've been waiting almost 2 days, still nothing.

    Yesterday I opened a support ticket, I explained what happened, and they just said that the loot should arrive withing 72 hours, if it doesn't arrive then you should take a ticket too and explain what happened.

    They have wrote about this massive server lag in their support page, so it's something kind of common, let's hope we get our stuff

  • I got this too while I was sailing a couple days ago. Got zero gold from the captains chest and skulls I found while Island hopping. I even fished a couple of times just to not get any reputation. Did it get fixed?

  • I have had this 2x. The first time I opened a ticket, they blew me off with a wait 72 hours message and closed the ticket, the second time they tried the same thing but I pressed the issue and ?supposedly? the issue was esculated.

    I have not heard back.

  • @elcidral got a message from rare we Will get nothing…..

  • @siralotofdies they told me they're still working around it, but it's like they took my request as a bug report, not as a refund request...

12 out of 13