Help needed!

  • Sup guys!

    Wait...That wasn't very piraty...let me try again.

    Ahoy mateys!

    So I've been working on a project which for now is classified(not rly), But I'm not gonna talk about it until I have improved on some things. All I can say is that it's pirate themed...duh...why would I be posting it here if it wasn't...

    So I am in the position in which I always find myself into and my most hated part about graphic design...typografy "insert dramatic drumroll here"

    So I need a simple wonky-looking, pirate-feeling font. I have scoured the dark depths of the internets and norrowed down my choices to a handfull, but now I can't chose which one to use. I tested them all on me "project" and they all look good and give the feeling I want them to....which is exactly my problem because I can't rule out any of them.

    As I said the font I wanna use needs to be very simple, not any grandios and fancy letters that twist around and stuff, but I also want it to feel piraty.

    I asked my friends (all one of them) for their opinion but the results where varying and didn't lead me far.

    So before I give up and spend hours making my own font like always, I decided to give it a last shot here and ask you guys about your opinions on which font I should use.

    Now, I understand that not having any context about the project itself doesn't help much to form an opinion. So i thought that I'll post different fonts and the one with the most upvotes will be the one I'll use.

    As I said I want a simple font but still giving out a piraty vibe (take for example the one used on this forum)

    And also if you have a recommendation that is not mentioned amongst the ones I post, feel free to post it. As I said the ones I posted are the ones left standing after the 170something fonts I gathered but it is always possible that I have missed some.

    I appreciate any help you guys can give me.

    Cheers! :)

    Disclaimer: All of these fonts are free for use, in my case personal not commercial. I do not own any of these and all the credit goes to the respective creators of each one and blah blah blah. I think that covers it.

  • 28
  • So this is the one I'm leading towards.

    Vinque Regular

  • Another one that I like. Funny it was one of my first choices but then I thought I should look for more, 6 hours later it's still one of my favourite choices xD

    Poor Richard

  • This one has a good balance of simplicity and pirate swag for my purpose.

    Treasure Map Deadhand

  • Not a big fan of this one but when I tested it it looked rly good!


  • Last one, Brace yourselves this is the less simple one :P

    Not a big fan again but it looked great when tested.

    Hentimps Circlet

  • My vote goes towards Treasure Map Deadhand or Hentimps Circlet

  • @TheAaronLeigh Haha thnx for the quick reply Aaron! :D Mind giving them an upvote so that I wont get confused later? :)

    Btw it's not for the "project" I talked to you about :P

  • @fryni9lives oh? Its not? How exciting! Mystery Pirate project hahaha

    Also upvoted the fonts. 😉

  • @TheAaronLeigh Haha yup very mysterious indeed! :P Nahh it's just in a very raw form so I'll post here when it starts coming into shape.

    Thanks again mate I really appreciate it! :)

  • I must go with @TheAaronLeigh Treasure Map Deadhand looks good !

  • @Matt-Magpie Thanks mate! :D

  • @fryni9lives Vinque or Treasure Map for me.

    I use a site called dafont when I want something specific, they have a lot of good nautical/medieval ones.
    Pieces of Eight is one of my favourites.


  • @KattTruewalker Thanks! :D

    Thanks to @Runic aswell :)

  • @fryni9lives
    Treasure map or booter, depending how big it will be, and how easy you want it to read. Booter is a very clear and easy to read and will be readable in small print, but treasure map is very piratey.

  • @Runic My thoughts exactly! Booter whould be rly nice in a text form since its legible but also has the feeling I want. But treasure map better suites my needs atm :)

  • @fryni9lives said in Help needed!:

    This one has a good balance of simplicity and pirate swag for my purpose.

    Treasure Map Deadhand

    I know as a graphic designer I should be using appropriate terminology instead of just "i likey this one" however, I am no ordianary Gd so...
    I likey this one!

  • @oFFSpRiNgg22 Could you elaborate on the reasons you chose this one in particular? :P

  • @fryni9lives 1. easy enough to read. 2. the letters are quite wonky which Reminds me of those signs that hang outside a tavern or a weapon shop in a pirate setting.
    3. A few of those other fonts look a bit on the border of 'viking'.
    4. I like to do a quick glance and then look away. Whatever font My eye is attracted to within that split second I generally go with that.

  • @oFFSpRiNgg22 See I made you explain your "Ilikey this one" statment :P

    I get you though kinda work the same aswell

  • depends how type or script you want it to be..
    Treasure Map Deadhand seems good for typed.
    ...i like Hentimps eventho it comes across as elfish.

    how about these from @KattTruewalker's dafont site?
    in no particular order...

    Alien Strawberry

  • @CaptnJaq Dafont was one of the first sites I searched while looking for the fonts...The ones you and @KattTruewalker mentioned are very good and keep to the theme I want them but are not very legible for the use I need. The would be really good for titles or quotes though!

    Still thanks for the feedback and recommendations. I understand that it's hard to chose since you don't know what I need it for but still all the advice helps :)

  • @fryni9lives said in Help needed!:

    The ones you and KattTruewalker mentioned are very good and keep to the theme I want them but are not very legible for the use I need.

    cretino and alien strawberry seemed the most legible to me, print and script respectably. unless the thing you're doing consists of all caps, i could understand where you're coming from. good luck, mate.

  • @CaptnJaq Damn I forgot to mention the all caps part xD

    Anyways thants again! :)

  • If you're going for the most stereotypical pirate-y feel? Treasure Map Deadhand wins and is the one I voted for. Now, if you're looking for something that's clear and concise but still conveys a sense of adventure. Go with the Booter font. Poor Richard just reminds me of the fonts I would use as a child in Corel Wordperfect when making birthday cards for friends and family. Vinque Font screams medieval/renaissance to me while Hentimps Circlet would fit nicely in a medieval/fantasy setting.

  • What is the type font used in-game for things such as this?
    Or whatever is the closest...
    alt text

    I've tried google searching and I found a site from a Sajatypeworks that says they were commissioned by RARE to edit a Windlass but it doesn't seem like that is this font type used, although I have seen Windlass used in images they've released for statistics of the betas.

  • For those looking for a similar font of SOTgame, just try this one.

  • @cipher-8 Ahoy matey!

    I see nobody replied... but the font is called Manuskript or more precisely Manuskript Antiqua D Regular

    Hope that helps :)

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