Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Monkey Island Tall Tale' Screenshot.

  • Greetings, Pirates and Lubbers alike!
    Deckhand Lootin' Lizalaroo back again!
    Back with your next mission.......lets see what you can come up with!

    Winner of this competition will receive The Obsidian 6 pack AND The Obsidian Capstan

    Your mission?? Should you choose to accept it?

    Show me your Best 'Monkey Island Tall Tale' Screenshot

    alt text

    The latest Tall Tale sees your pirate taking a trip to Melee Island. Let's see your favourite part.
    Competition will run over 2 weeks so there's plenty of time.

    Good luck me hearties!

    To add you screenshot, upload it to a photo hosting site (like IMGUR ImgBB or FreeImage) then copy/paste the link straight into your text box on its own line.
    There is only ONE winner (unless otherwise stated) regardless of how many are in your pic. You post it, you’re in with a winning chance :)
    Note that only your first screenshot will be accepted, all others will be ignored/deleted, and it must be posted in the competition thread. Please make sure screenshots taken are your own, or you have permission to post.
    A picture will usually be added to give an idea of what is required for the mission.

    No editing, apart from cropping, allowed please.

    Deckhand decision on the winning screenshot is final.
    Codes will now be applied direct to the winning Gamertag :D
    Should you be trying to win for a friend please add that request to your post. :)

    Anything smutty will be removed as we are a family friendly forum.

    Entries will be taken up until Monday 31st July.
    Locking the thread around 4pm GMT

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

    Also, NO randomiser.
    Remember all screenshots have a chance of winning. Everyone’s opinion of a winner will be different, and I’d appreciate your respect on the decision made.
    Upvotes do not guarantee a winner.

    Now let’s see them 😁👍🏻

  • 143
  • Capstan: MagmaBoots
    6pack: tsunma

  • EDIT: I submitted a screenshot very similar to MagmaBoots without realizing, as theirs was posted a few minutes before mine and I did not refresh my browser window before posting. As such, here is a different screenshot.

  • Welcome to Mêlée Island, enjoy your stay.
    alt text

  • "Well, well. What have we here?"

  • Capstan: DuBstepzZDon

    Six pack: FlaminNexus

  • Obsidian 6 pack AND The Obsidian Capstan: Pyromanul1

  • Oh, this is the legendary Scumm Bar, I'll go into it

    SIX PACK: yulm1ck
    CAPSTAN: StribaEW

  • Ah, the Scumm bar, the world-renowned chef is hard at work, or, um, at least he should be...

  • We had a go at recreating an iconic shot! See if you can spot LeChuck!

    (Imgur link just in case!)

    Capstan: Me
    Six Pack: Suchi Pie

  • Seagulls! Stop it now...

    Rockin', rockin', and rollin'
Down to the beach, I'm strollin'
But the seagulls poke at my head, not fun!
I said, "Seagulls, mm! Stop it now!"

    Capstan for me
    6-pack for WaywardF0x

  • 'The Banana Bois' debut album cover 🍌

    Capstan: DreadedDripp
    Six Pack: ITz FREYJA

  • A cheers to the Legend Guybrush

    Capstan And Six Pack: Stooper101

  • "You alright there fella?"



  • Capstan: Me
    6pack: Reivax68gaming

  • @crewgles only one screenshot per contest :)

  • Capstan: I Code66 I
    6pack: DFH Inferno

  • The marriage of Captain Coconut and Red Herring

    Capstan: CrazyBox1
    Six Pack: CaptainGrizzly3

  • Aye! This must be the place

    Captstan for me
    6pack for Nowais#8418

17 out of 143