Ghostbeard Error HELP!!!!!

  • Every time I click on start game and it begins loading the game will continue to load for about a minute then display an error saying 'kicked due to authorisation failure (Ghostbeard)'.

    I've tried nearly every solution I've come across (there isn't much information about this error) and even spoke to SOT support with no luck, this all started after the new update as it was perfectly fine before.

    But what has been determined is its the fault of EasyAntiCheat, here is the support message:

    Thank you for your support request.

    As you are receiving the Ghostbeard error, I can confirm that this is generally caused by a home network issue preventing Easy anti-cheat from communicating with Epics online service. In an attempt to resolve this issue, please see the following support articles from Easy Anti-cheat which include steps for testing your connection to EAC, and also your anti-virus software among other tests. It may also be worth checking the other support articles from within the 'Troubleshooting' section to see if this resolves your issue:

    Easy Anti-Cheat - Game Errors Solution Guide

    If your issue persists after these checks, please respond where we can investigate further.

    If anyone has any ideas or if anyone else is dealing with this please let me know

    P.S. I also have the game on PS5 and have no problems whatsoever so it's only affecting me on PC.

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  • Friend of mine is having the same issue, trying to look online for the solution but found nothing so far.

    We were both playing just fine, then dived to a quest and he got kicked with the ghost beard error and he hasn't been able to rejoin since.

    He has reinstalled the game and issue still persists, waiting on a response from the support team

  • @hillybale

    Well at least I know I'm not the only one, but I have found out some more info since I typed this:

    1. I have formatted my system 3 times now with both Win10 and 11 and still no luck.

    2. It's not my home internet as I tried it with my phone hotspot and still nothing.

    3. There is one possible way around it with software called Pihole but I'm not even gonna try that as it's a bit complex

    4. The game works perfectly fine (atm) on my ps5 so it's obviously not my router or anything

    The last thing I'm gonna try is a new ssd (need to upgrade anyway) and see if there is any changes.

    Hopefully we can figure this out soon because right now it looks like we'll just have to wait for a patch at some point

  • Same issue here. I started occurring today (5/2/2024) after I downloaded the game update. Using PC (Xbox launcher)

    UPDATE: re-installing the game fixed the issue

  • @fabri

    Glad u were able to fix it

  • @admiralnyx the issue is back for me today :(

  • I found a fix for myself that may help you guys as well.

    I was using Ethernet and having the same issue. All i needed to do to fix it was go to using wifi. The game is a little laggy without ethernet (at least for myself) but it at least let's you play until they fix this issue.

  • @hillybale

    I fixed it in xbox live by using the "Verify and repair" option

  • @hillybale
    Im having the problem aswell, i feel like its an massive problem for pc players

  • I had this problem today. Went into Settings then apps. Clicking repair and reset seemed to do it for me. Best of luck

  • same problem, no success even after reinstall.

  • I fixed the problem.

    For anyone that's tried nearly everything but still doesn't work here is what I found finally worked for me:

    • Try a new harddrive

    I had a SSD 500gb but I changed to a M.2 SSD and amazingly it worked!!!

    I know it may not work for everyone but as someone who tried so many solutions I'm just glad this worked.

    Best of luck Everyone ♥️

  • If it happens again press the windows button then g and make sure that your connected on the xbox game bar on pc that's how I fixed it

  • go into windows settings, int he settings search bar type programs and then click add or remove programs then in there search for sea of thieves and then click the three dots, then click advanced options, then scroll down until you see the reset and repair button, then reset and repair it, boom problem solved

  • What I did to fix this: I repaired the files first and launched the game, issue still present. Then I deleted RadminVPN that I needed to play LAN minecraft (sorta like Hamachi), then I launched the game and it is fine now.

  • If your on pc, launch the game and restart your pc, then it should work

  • Hello, I managed to fix this error by restoring my PC. The best part is that I didn't need to replace any parts or switch to Wi-Fi, I just lost a lot of time trying to solve it. I tried everything: reinstalling, deleting folders and reinstalling the game, using CMD, etc. The only thing that worked was restoring my PC.

  • my problem with ghostbeard is that I have sea of ​​thieves on steam, I checked the integrity of the files as the staff said and it didn't work

  • I'm also having this problem. I got kicked for a anti cheat violation. And all I was doing was raising a sail in an hg match. And I got kicked and havnt been able to play since

  • I'm getting Ghostbeard since the last community weekend. It's stuck on "Loading supplies". I contacted support, raised 3 tickets until now, but they seemingly don't have capacity (or knowledge...?) to solve this bug. They didn't even read my message, just sent me the same template messages again. That's not what I expected after I helped to ban many cheaters in the past years, by sending dozens of video reports.

    I've spent a few days to diagnose and fix this myself, tried everything I could, and of course, I tried all the things they suggested as well. I even sent them two logfiles they asked, which contained sensitive private data. I thought it's ok, if it helps me and many others. Well, it did not.

    Now I know that Ghostbeard is an EAC related problem, the client can't communicate with EAC servers. It's funny since the EAC service and the connection is up and running (I tested it), I can play on my son's PC on the same network, and I can play other EAC-protected games on mine. This is something that only they can fix, and after a month I can tell that they are not hurrying to do so. It's a farewell message for a 4k+ hour player. :(

  • I encountered the "Ghostbeard" Error today, first time, and was really confused...

    Thanks to all these posts in here I was able to fix it (for now) by checking and verifying the files through the Xbox launcher, I hope, it will hold up...

  • I have the game on the Xbox app would anyone think that buying the game on steam could fix the issue? If so, would I lose all of my progress?

  • I found a "solution" in my case. I tried to logon with my son's account and it was success! So the problem is my account and NOT the game, nor the machine or internet connection as the support suggests.
    Since the game went down the same day my Game Pass Ultimate subscription expired, i resubscribed and it's working now. This is not a real solution however, since i bought the game and i don't want to pay twice for it.

  • Hi, I had a similar issue. I was playing Sea of Thieves, took a break to do some schoolwork, and then when I tried to start the game again, I got an error. I started thinking about what might have changed on my system and realized that I use a VPN to access certain applications, but the aplication I use for that was turned off. Even though it wasn’t connected, the game still wouldn’t start. I decided to uninstall the VPN, and that solved the problem. So, if you have any software that uses a remote connection (like a VPN), try uninstalling it to see if that helps.

  • How I fixed - deleted anti cheat related files and the folder. verified. then disable all network adapters (VPN, virtual box). then open the game

  • rapaziada, no meu caso o erro de ghostbeard começou a aparecer depois de minha assinatura game pass expirar e eu renova-la. Tentei de tudo pra resolver e no final o que resolveu foi simplesmente deslogar do aplicativo xbox e da microsoft store e logar novamente.

    guys, in my case the ghostbeard error started to appear after my game pass subscription expired and I renewed it. I tried everything to resolve it and in the end what resolved it was simply logging out of the Xbox app and the Microsoft Store and logging in again.

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