about the maximum number of servers

  • There is a live streaming platform in China similar to Twitch (douyu.com), where over 30 gaming anchors play games together at night, such as Dota 2, CS2, and PUBG. Among them are Dota 2 world champions YYF, Zhou, Mu, and Hao. Last year, they organized a successful Sea of Thieves event, with nearly 200,000 viewers simultaneously. The audience eagerly anticipates another similar event this year.

    Therefore, they want to try another Sea of Thieves event, and some new gaming anchors are willing to participate. However, they were informed that Sea of Thieves has reduced the maximum server capacity, which disappoints everyone.

    I would like to know if it is possible to set up a server with a sufficient number of slots for them. If a petition is needed, I believe there would be tens of thousands of people willing to sign. Thank you for your response.

  • 23
  • @ledo3216 the maximum number of players it’s possible to get on a private server is 24, so there would be no increasing that limit to 30. If you’re looking for a private server, you’ll need to either be an affiliate alliance or a sea of thieves partner.

  • This is the recording of last year's event, filmed in YYF's livestream room. You can sense his popularity from the number of barrage messages. During the Sea of Thieves event, his livestream had over forty thousand viewers simultaneously.

  • @tesiccl Thank you for your reply. Previously, some viewers wanted streamers to play Sea of Thieves again, but streamers said that the servers can now only accommodate up to 14 people. That's why it's frustrating. If there were 24 people, I would feel weird.

  • @ledo3216

    A creator should try to get in touch with the community manager. perhaps they can arrange something.


  • @tesiccl I think the current limit is 18 platers, no?

  • @tesiccl Ah just to confirm my understanding, to create a 24 player lobby, it must be on a private server which requries the host to be an affiliate alliance or a sea of thieves partner. Is that correct?

  • @spotwindow33843

    Ah just to confirm my understanding, to create a 24 player lobby, it must be on a private server which requries the host to be an affiliate alliance or a sea of thieves partner. Is that correct?


  • @spotwindow33843

    I think the current limit is 18 platers, no?

    It’s changed so much recently I honestly can’t remember, but you’re probably right.

  • @tesiccl Anyway, thanks!

  • It is possible for 6 multi masted sailboats to exist simultaneously on a server, with 4 * 6=24. If you have never seen this before, it can only be said that you have played a little less

  • @mr-spx-ss Is it still possible now? That was the case about 2 years ago and they reduced the player limit per server to 5 ships and increased again this April to 6 ships and 18 players.

  • @spotwindow33843 You may need to learn about the alliance server. As far as I know, they sometimes have 6 multi masted sailboats in one server, so it is currently feasible,

  • @mr-spx-ss You may be mistaken. Last year's event was a party of 24 people. But now they heard that they no longer support 24 people, only 14 or 16 or 18 people (I don't remember exactly, it's cut anyway), but the number of streamers who want to play the game is increasing, and they have to give up the idea of playing the game again. I'm here to post to ask if there's a possibility of a 24-player server.

  • @tesiccl I would also like to ask if there is any way to quickly become an affiliate or partner? And can you be sure if the number of people on the private server is still 24 people, I don't want some efforts to be in vain, thank you

  • @ledo3216 there is no quick way. You have to submit the requirements to Rare and they will decide. I know it’s 24 on private servers because I am regularly on them due to sotshot or be more pirate projects I’ve been involved with in the past and more recently.

  • @tesiccl Okay, thank you very much.

  • @ledo3216 Last year was not 24 either. The public servers that we get matched into haven't been able to support 24 players for several years now. The only way to get 24 players in a server is to use a Private Server, which does allow 6 galleons, but those are restricted to partners only.

    The public matchmaking has been well below 24 for a couple of years now.

  • @d3adst1ck When the anchors organized an event last year, they contacted the game company through the livestream platform and got their own server, which allowed for 24 players. It wasn't a public server. But this year, they were told they couldn't get the same kind of server, so that's why I'm asking. It seems becoming partners is the only option now. I'm not sure how they managed it last year and why they can't do it this year. Does Rare not welcome joint events like this?

  • @mr-spx-ss Hey Man! The max player limit and the max ship limit don't always match up. I believe currently the ship limit is 6, however the max player limit is 18 (in normal servers, not private ones). This means that you can feasibly have 6 full brigs in the server, but not galleons. For example if a server already had 5 ships and 16 players, then you wouldn't be able to join that server on a galleon or a brig, only a sloop. Hope this makes sense.

  • @neo-lux13 I don't know how to explain this to you because I come from China,
    At present, it is feasible to have a server with 6 multi masted sailboats and a total of 24 players in one server.
    If you have appeal, gather about 100 players and ask them to choose a multi masted sailboat, then count down 3, 2, 1. When you count to 1, have 100 players set sail on multiple masted sailboats at the same time. Once everyone enters the game, hang the Reaper flag at the trading post and observe whether other trading posts have Reaper flags on the map table. If all 6 trading posts have Reaper flags, gather at the Reaper Island and you will receive a server with 6 multi masted sailboats.

  • @mr-spx-ss I understand what you mean, but its not correct. If 100 people did that, you would not get 6 Galleon Ships in the same server. The Maximum Player Limit means that only a few galleons are allowed to be in the same server at the same time. The Maximum Player Limit on Public Servers at the moment is 18, which limits how many Galleons can be in a server Simultaneously. 6 Galleons, or multimasted boats, can only be together in a private server, Public servers don't allow that to happen.

7 out of 23