What is your Pirate name? [ II ]

  • Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    Welcome aboard to all the new Pirates.
    The purpose of this 'ere topic is a simple one...

    What is your Pirate name?
    What is your title/claim to fame?

    Back when I asked this question, about a year ago, I was known as TheAaronLeigh - well that name no longer exists, ye see?

    So NOW the answer to my own question is this...

    Capt. Pikaaroon - Plunderer of all things shiny.

  • 142
  • Bilgerat EbolaCola - Walking Hazard of Pirating

  • Erinom3 - The Lone Musician

  • Busy - The Devils Merchant

  • Cap'n ScurvyBeard... Lemon Squeezy Pirateersy!

  • I think i will go with The PirateName:
    Capt. Hikari
    Pirate emperor of the Green Dragon Faction

  • Well, my nameis Tim
    but most people call me


  • Lootin' Lizalaroo - Maker of Sea of Thieves finery.

  • @pikaaroon

    Well, me pirate name be:

    Kat Truewalker - Defender of the Code!

  • Baron von Blitz, a Merchant sailing the Donnerwetter & Messenger spreading the word of the Monkey Tower.

    Rumour has it the Title isn't real and the "Baron" uses it for bartering, to buy and sell his goods, at better rates.

  • Potigax - The sailing disaster

  • Navigator Glitch, the Crow's Eye of the Chuckling Monkey.

  • ScurvyRach - constantly falling from the Monkey Tower

  • Sliver Tooth- Treasure Hunter

  • Vixen
    Loyal first mate
    Keeper of rum

  • Master Helmsman ShadeWolf, Distributor of orders, puns and grave wounds. (Part time grog-aholic)

  • Flintlock Flynn, Master of the Truffle Shuffle and Distributor of F***s and all things gasish

  • Seaman xDOUGHx - Keeper of the element of surprise, Master of none

  • Captain Grimwolf - High priest of Mother Sea, judger of beards, and grog snob

  • Captain Sirio Neruda de Bastille - Scoundrel, Smuggler and Gentleman!
    Commander of the Triumphant Hound

    Fortune Awaits!

  • Cpt. KnifeLife - Because i couldn't think of a better name.

  • Muddy Muddskipper. A name gracefully bestowed upon me by @z0mbi3Elvis. I shall wear the monicker proudly 👍🍻👍

  • @pikaaroon Cpt JaxParrow - Human cannonball !

  • Capt. Tartansnake : Snake Whisperer

  • Wargrym. Son of the open sea.

  • Captain Firo - me and my pals have a very large plan of having the best adventure of a lifetime. I personally want to do everything in this video game. Sadly, i was invite to a closed alpha but me being a big f**t, didnt check my email. Cant wait until this game comes out.

  • Captain William Kidd of Course (;

  • Captain HowlingFj0rd of the mighty Andromeda

  • Thomas Randolph Cross - Infamous Pirate Captain and Card Cheat!

    Fleet Commander of False Flag!

  • Cap'n Hhhhmmm1 (open to suggestions)

    @vulpixvixenkelz I be the true keeper of rum

  • stacky a - hoarder of loot and cats

  • The Dread Pirate Fox - A map of the world in the form of a man.

  • @pikaaroon fatsunny - the happiest pirate ever to sail

  • @pikaaroon
    Captain RedBeard - Pooped the Swab Deck
    (Instructions were unclear... I don't want to talk about it.)

  • Cpt. Sir Ivan Q. Shaggybeard, Marshall of the F*****s, Master of the Waterfront, and Matador of the G*****s.

    (It's a camp thing.)

18 out of 142