Share Your Screenshots from the Scale Test

  • I know there be other painters on the Sea of Thieves (what is this "screenshot" word my fellow pirates be using?). Share your landscapes and self portraits here!

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  • 22
  • @icecreammanatee 0_1518831185118_c49b8477-c29f-46d6-ab92-6078ec11013a-image.png

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  • Crew member with our booty

    Self portrait with our trusty vessel

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    And a few minutes after taking that this happened.
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    Then we played music for this guy right before we got off for the night.
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  • Unfortunately the game looked better in the last build.

  • @george-2-geo said in Share Your Screenshots from the Scale Test:

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    And a few minutes after taking that this happened.
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    Then we played music for this guy right before we got off for the night.
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    Shiver me timbers! Never seen the masts act up like that before!

  • @quietrobot So my eyes aren't playing tricks! I thought it was just me.

  • @icecreammanatee Thanks! Yes, mainly in the quality of clouds and water, I hope it's just this build.

  • Sunset

    I also found Nemo! :D

  • shout out to these fellas for accepting my apology after i sank them alt text

  • how do I attach a screenshot? I took it on pc with printscrn, saved to onedrive

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  • @Johnny-Vain Try uploading from your files to Imgur or one of those Pic Upload sites (Social Networking). You have to copy the URL link of the image and paste it here to get it to appear. :)

    Managed to squeeze one in before servers got shut down..

    Farewell Beta!

    My friends and I goofing off
    When we had 11 chests in a 2 man sloop, and were chased across the map and back again by a 4 man galleon. We turned in all 11 chests eventually though ;)
    IMO a really pretty screenshot I took at the "Golden Sands Outpost"

  • And a quick question, how are you guys getting your image previews to be so big?

  • sunk once in beginning (while in the pub) after that over 7 hrs of domination. and we had the best looking ship, the black on black with shark theme. didn't spent gold on rags, bought all the fancy guns. next time tho, I'm going for looks. beautiful game.
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3 out of 22