This isn't really funny anymore

  • It is a bit weird. There is maybe 2 items of clothing behind a reputation wall that I actually want. Everything else I purchased week 1. For the ship same deal. Just couldnt purchase it right away as it was insanely expensive for ship skins. No way I would put that hideous legend skin on the ship. If given a color wheel and told to make what I considered the ugliest ship skin...It would have ended up close to the legend skin.

  • Wow. Could you focus any more on the negative?

  • @mrgrim67686 said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @personalc0ffee What are you even on about? Do you think you speak for the majority, because you do not.

    The majority are silent, are in the game complaining, and are busy tiring of the game laughing at all of you and the cheerleaders complaining about people voicing legitimate concerns regarding the game left and right.

    This constant BS about the game thriving and "Leave Rare alone!" needs to stop.

    You need to stop.

    He's on a moral crusade to rid the world of negativity & make SOT a better place, leave him to it ;)

  • I am fairly certain that the change in direction to add more content was a lot less about "some people whining" and the fairly heavy anecdotal evidence to date that shows while the game sold well at launch, people actually playing the game have dropped sharply.

    If Rare had their data showing that the majority were happy silent players and their numbers were showing great, they would not need to change their priorities. I suspect some people back end have been watching server numbers and connecting that to the significant feedback of lack of content and quickly getting bored and tired and the change in priority was to try to stop those people leaving.

    It is all well and good if some people are happy with the game as it is and don't want changes but it s a business and they want to make money. It is a lot harder to do that if you lose a large proportion of the player base.

    Personally, while I still like playing the game, I have been disappointed in just how much "could have been" in the game that would not have been that difficult to implement and made such a huge difference to experience - reading for example the thread on about 20 different random chests that you could find made me really notice just how much more could have been there from the start and would not be affecting things to a game breaking degree at all.

    Also personally, when I buy cosmetics for my character I like to be able to see them while playing. The idea that the cosmetics for my pirate are only visible when I do a selfy has put me right off the cosmetic options for my character. I know there are a lot of people that like them, but I have spent over 200k gold in ship customisations so far cause I can see them and they look good and I like that - but my pirate? He is still in the rags he spawned in as I just don't see the point in spending money on clothes that 99% of my game time I cannot see.

    But thats just me.

  • @personalc0ffee said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    The majority are silent, are not in these communities complaining, and are busy playing the game laughing at all of you and the whiners complaining about the game left and right.

    This game is going to last years, because that is what it is built to do. Perhaps YOU might not be playing years from nor a couple thousand others but that's not a huge net loss.
    Even if it lost 200,000 people over night, that is not a huge loss with over 1 million playing and more showing up every day.

    That's a lot of assuming and hypotheticals you got going there

    If you are here complaining about 'complainers' on these forums, you are no better than those you berate for complaining? Go and be like 'the majority' and just go play the game, laughing at everybody like you say they do.

  • I find it funny that people want a dye system, but I'll bet my left love berry that it will be those some people that complain about the dye system just being a cheap way to give the illusion of more content... one of the premises of the game was "We want people to do something they wouldn't normally do, which is why you will see no sliders in the pirate selection", I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact quote but that is the jist of it, and I think that extends to clothing and ships etc, the swords and figure heads RE a bit saddening I'll admit but for the most part I like it

  • We can all justify this injustice. It is what it is. It is cheap to render an existing image with a new skin. You ever heard of Destiny Rare? Check with them on how that went.

  • @theunknownd
    Lazy yes, but reasonable, many (including me) was screaming for content! now we got the content! and still we are not happy, or most of us.. because they served my needs my home-less-thieve looks awesome with the new Haircuts and stuff!

    for me, i only can say thanks you RARE! i can wait for the gib content update mid may !

  • Yeah this is just unacceptable. The game is slim on content and is a cosmetic only game. And they cant even bother to make unique items. There is NO excuse for this. And no one in their right mind will defend it.

    I was so disappointed when I came over this post here and on Reddit today. It's hard to "defend" a controversial game like this when Rare keeps on doing things like this.

    Disappointed in you Rare. You can do better.

  • Maybe my memory is going but I think the three figureheads at different prices with only minor color variations have been in the game since launch. Weren't they locked behind reputation level requirements? Putting them right next to each other in the catalog was a hilarious choice.
    The reorganization was the joke. The forums reaction is the punch line.

  • @wc-mattman said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    I find it funny that people want a dye system, but I'll bet my left love berry that it will be those some people that complain about the dye system just being a cheap way to give the illusion of more content... one of the premises of the game was "We want people to do something they wouldn't normally do, which is why you will see no sliders in the pirate selection", I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact quote but that is the jist of it, and I think that extends to clothing and ships etc, the swords and figure heads RE a bit saddening I'll admit but for the most part I like it

    Just discussing a dye system with the other Deckhands yesterday, it's something which would add more variety to existing cosmetics and really allow you to mix and match items and personalise your look. Most games have this type of system now - Destiny, Zelda, and I think it just helps you become a little more invested in your character.
    It would also help those who are in fleets/guilds/crews etc create distinctive uniforms perhaps. There are paint pots outside the shops, which might be indicative of something to come....

  • @augunslingin said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    It is cheap to render an existing image with a new skin.

    A whole new skin can be a bit of effort because you potentially are completely reworking the color, specular, and normal maps. Recoloring a portion of a UV, however, takes about 5 minutes. On some of the examples cited, it looks like they may have tweaked the spec maps a tad, but still it only takes a few minutes.

  • I think the problem Rare has is content space.

    They have good designs in mind to implement with the major updates and adding similar sets to that will make them feel less valuable so they have to design with 5-10 future sets in mind and the easiest way is to make it similar to the ones we already have.

    They added some cool cosmetics anyways, it's just that the bilge rat set has nothing to offer.

  • I'm pretty sure buying a golden lion figurehead with red eyes and then later buying another golden lion figurehead but with blue eyes would be mental... I'll put my logical hat on and imagine the options are just there to give people a minor variation in choice, not as an upgrade...

    Put this into perspective guys! The new outfits are all completely new models, not a single palette-swap among them. That's 7 sets of completely new stuff - that's a lot of options. New hulls and sails too, which can only ever be palette-swaps by nature. No new figurehead models this time, but there probably will be another time. So maybe, I dunno, stick with the one you've got and look forward to something you want coming later maybe??

    In other words, chill out a bit... enjoy the ride... it can't be much fun being up in arms about everything all the time!!

  • @theunknownd said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @benjawenja said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    I don't exactly get what you're angry about. Is it the many versions of the almost exact same sword that for which you must work and spend gold on? Or is it something else?

    Well, A dye system would be better than having the same item that is slightly re-coloured in the shops to sell for full price.

    Shops shouldn't include a bunch of the same items that are slightly colored.

    Buy the item you want then you can dye it in the dye shop.

    Having to re buy new items forces you to get back out there and get more loot. It's a buisness plan and a smart one. Don't call them lazy or complain for giving you MORE free stuff. This is all free, I can't wait to see how much people whine when the cash shop comes out and the people like me who will be throwing tons of money at this game will get new wardrobes.

  • @stadunator said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @theunknownd I agree, Rare and their complete lack of content for this game is ridiculous.

    SoT is the absolute best example of lazy development that I've ever seen.

    lazy and/or incompetent.

  • I would love to see the stats in how many of these "other colored items" were actually purchased in game.

  • @benjawenja
    @PK R0CKIN

    What he means is that you should buy the cosmetic once and then buy a shade to alter the colour.
    (For example)
    70k for the lion head (default green eyes)
    1k for a shade (blue eyes for example or even a silver body)

  • Holy c**p it took me a while to find the difference. Please tell me this is a joke...I haven't played for few weeks so I can't really tell. I bet the defense force will say changing an eye colour of the lion is at least a month worth of work because of all the hard implementation process.

  • @katttruewalker Most games like this also allow more customization of a characters physical appearance these days and not just their clothing.

  • @katttruewalker said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @wc-mattman said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    I find it funny that people want a dye system, but I'll bet my left love berry that it will be those some people that complain about the dye system just being a cheap way to give the illusion of more content... one of the premises of the game was "We want people to do something they wouldn't normally do, which is why you will see no sliders in the pirate selection", I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact quote but that is the jist of it, and I think that extends to clothing and ships etc, the swords and figure heads RE a bit saddening I'll admit but for the most part I like it

    Just discussing a dye system with the other Deckhands yesterday, it's something which would add more variety to existing cosmetics and really allow you to mix and match items and personalise your look. Most games have this type of system now - Destiny, Zelda, and I think it just helps you become a little more invested in your character.
    It would also help those who are in fleets/guilds/crews etc create distinctive uniforms perhaps. There are paint pots outside the shops, which might be indicative of something to come....

    Don't forget Guild Wars 2... they have a dye system that is really good. Gw2 has a lot of activities the SoT devs could perhaps be inspired by!

    Dyes are highly coveted in gw2, some are very rare.

  • @lucid-stew said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @ghostpaw said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    Like the disgruntled Disney artists sneaking inappropriate images into the cartoons they work on. Hopefully they find a way to gruntle (or regruntle) the Rare artists.

    Really, how else do you explain this? It's just a straight triadic color scheme, but it's seriously like the WORST one for a ship that's supposed to be cool.

    alt text

  • @wc-mattman ....Love Berry. I damn near 40 years I neva-eva-eva heard that before. I'm dying.

  • @program-024 While this is true about the weapons and ship customizations I feel that they did good with the new clothing options, by mixing all the current sets you can end up creating a pretty unique character, you couldn't before. Clothing wise the amount of sets available (not recolors) went from 4 sets to 11, which I think is great. But yeah Its kind of ridiculous the lack of variety in weapons.

  • @cpt-peach-beard Yeah when they were asking about how events should be implemented I brought up GW2 in my post. I loved the halloween manhunt thing cause the skills required were unique compared to the rest of the game and I was really good at it despite sucking at the rest of the game. I loved it cause there was so many activities that even if I was really bad at one thing I might be really good at something else at the event and still earn things.

  • Yeah, I don't mind different versions of the same item, but these slight colour changes left a foul taste in my mouth. Zero effort has been put into this. Come on Rare, you can do better than this.

    Also, does this mean we can say goodbye to ever getting to customize our items ourselves? If you could turn a Sea Dog Cutlass into a Rogue Sea Dog Cutless with a dye customization, there would be no reason for these versions to be in the game.

  • @niilrokk said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @cpt-peach-beard Yeah when they were asking about how events should be implemented I brought up GW2 in my post. I loved the halloween manhunt thing cause the skills required were unique compared to the rest of the game and I was really good at it despite sucking at the rest of the game. I loved it cause there was so many activities that even if I was really bad at one thing I might be really good at something else at the event and still earn things.

    I loved that game too! ! Something for everyone, massive open world pvp battles? yep. Exploration? yep. Oodles of skins and character customization? yuppp. Quaggans? yep. I wonder why SoT didn't make their own Quaggans, something cute that people cant resist spending money on. Like this guy.. he couldn't buy enough Quaggan swag, got the backpack, hat and pet :P

    alt text

  • This! We need a dye system, this is just rediculous..

  • @cpt-peach-beard I actually don't play anymore and the reason is that it costs real money to transmog. I love customizing my characters clothes and stuff in games but my opinion changes so often that I would end up spending a lot of irl money due to my indecisiveness/creativity. Also I did the level 80 jump and it just felt wrong, I felt like i was just thrown into it and I had no idea what was happening.

  • @niilrokk I don't play anymore either but that's true for every game in my library. I also never spent a dime on cosmetics :) Only ever earned them through playing the game.

  • @personalc0ffee said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @program-024 Well if people would stop demanding content they weren't meant to have in the first place, by this point, then they wouldn't have to do that.

    Just simmer, pipe down, and play the game.

    The ORIGINAL plan was NO NEW CONTENT until THREE MONTHS after release.

    This communities constant whining and complaining forced them to add content to the game AHEAD of schedule.

    If you think thought there was not going to be issues or sacrifices made there for that, you're a fool.

    I warned people this would happen and to stop demanding content.

    Uh..they did this tactic of copies of models with color variations at the launch of I don't know what you are rambling about. Now they've added a 3rd set of model copies with slight color variations, and big price tags to boot. It's a poor way to fill inventory slots, and they aren't the first company to do it.

    Now the new designs they added this last patch, I'm diggin. Bought a whole new set of gear.

    Color changes to existing models though, they really do need to relook at how they are doing that.

  • with the new content i was able to create a viking!

    thanks you SOOO MUCH RARE!!!!


  • @katttruewalker I have read a similar post made on the same subject and I think by the same person @TheUnknownD .

    Not sure if I skipped a page of replies but if the OP hasn't replied then it is the follow up of ...
    Why does it cost an extra $70,000 gold for different eye colours on the figure head?
    How is the third sword (which is more expensive) any different to the first of the three pictured?

    I believe he/she has a very valid point. Just how deep does Rare's imagination or creativity run?

  • @theunknownd can't argue this at all.

  • Hi all! Due to the high volume of topics about in game customisations, we have created a mega thread in the Feedback Mega Thread category. If you'd like to share constructive feedback about this subject, please share and join in the discussion!

    Feel free to link this thread in that post, and expand on your feedback further.

    To ensure we have all the relevant discussion in the right place, this topic has been locked.

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