Rare On RPG Elements, Battle Royale Potential, And The Future Of Sea Of Thieves - Gameinformer interview with Mike and Craig

  • These are just excerpts, definitely recommend reading the whole thing which is linked at the bottom!

    Is that the future of Sea of Thieves? As opposed to a Sea of Thieves 2, or a season two? It’s going to be expansion, expansion, expansion, etc.?

    Duncan: Yeah, I think for us we always built Sea of Thieves as a game for players to come together. We like the regularity of giving players like, “Hey! I just saw the megalodon released. We should go play some Sea of Thieves!” Sea of Thieves is a game about bringing people together, so we love this idea of going, “Cursed Sails has taken over the Sea of Thieves and introduced these great skeleton ships!” Let’s bring people together to play it.

    On Cursed Sails:
    Chapman: In terms of lore, the cursed cannonballs kind of come in with the skeleton ships and it’s a thing players can find in the world. These are essentially magical cannonballs that you can find that have cool effects on players and ships. They can make your ship heavier so all the holes on deck take on more water. There is a silence ball that prevents players from communicating together and there are ones that can jam the rudder or prevent the sails from being lowered. It adds an extra strategic layer to ship encounters and we hope players will come together using the speaking trumpet to take down skeleton ships with cursed cannonballs. That’s going to be a really cool thing.

    On stats on weapons:
    Will you ever consider giving items – sword, guns, or costumes, etc. – stat boosts of any kind?

    Chapman: It’s really tricky. We made a very defined choice around ensuring that we had a level playing field, and I think we’ve already got an example of progression in a session in the form of the gunpowder keg. It’s something that you find in the world. You may or may not have it when you encounter another ship, so I think doing things in that space is kind of interesting, but the idea of coming across someone who has better stats than you, is a pretty divisive thing when we’re actually trying to bring players together in new and interesting ways, rather than segment them off from one another because you have that balancing concern.

    Interesting tidbit:

    Chapman: There is one, it’s a very slight thing. A bit of fun that we had as a team. Someone actually worked it out last week and it hasn’t really picked up traction yet, but we played with this idea, in terms of the lore and everything, we always like that sort of aspirational garland.

    If you only knew where the Sea of Thieves was, you would be able to get to it. The idea that pirates from the outside world are drawn to the Sea of Thieves to find their fortune. So, we have this kind of playful intro at the start of the game where you’re in the tavern and you’ve just got to the Sea of Thieves, and there is a map on the table that you follow to the Sea of Thieves. We seeded in some real place names, from the real world, and someone actually worked out longitude and latitude where the Sea of Thieves is in the real world. So, there it is. The Sea of Thieves is actually north of the British V****n Islands.

    On Battle Royal Mode:

    Chapman:...We see the battle royale thing, but I think there will be opportunities to do that kind of thing differently. It’s interesting where you can take PvP in the game, but we’d want to put a unique Sea of Thieves spin on it and do something completely surprising.

    Duncan: It’s not about taking something that works super well in another game, and going, “Hey, let’s start everyone in a Sea of Thieves map from different points and have you all come together.”

    Chapman: Our shared world is unique and the thing we’re most proud of is what you see, is a new I.P. and we wanted to do things differently – it has landed well with players and the feedback we’re getting is, “We love this foundation that you built. I just want to have more of it,” and that’s what we set up the team to do. The fact that we’ve kind of changed the perceptions of multiplayer, and the way we use mechanics in our world? We always want to surprise people. We want to keep doing these kinds of unexpected things that only we can do.


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  • I wouldn't mind a battle royal-esq weekly event type ordeal but I really don't want it to be a lasting thing that draws attwntion away from the core gameplay. Interested to see what Mike has in mind.

  • Battle royale and BR mode generally is pure [mod edited] and it has nothing to do with this game. Want pvp? Go in open sea.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Rare On RPG Elements, Battle Royale Potential, And The Future Of Sea Of Thieves - Gameinformer interview with Mike and Craig:

    @xcalypt0x said in Rare On RPG Elements, Battle Royale Potential, And The Future Of Sea Of Thieves - Gameinformer interview with Mike and Craig:

    I wouldn't mind a battle royal-esq weekly event type ordeal but I really don't want it to be a lasting thing that draws attwntion away from the core gameplay. Interested to see what Mike has in mind.

    Hmm... not a fan of battle royale games... but I want to see the SoT twist. If I don't like it, I don't have to play it.

    I've always felt I'm against any separate game modes, that everything is supposed to take place in one shared world. But yeah, why not put it in? Some would find it a lot of fun. I'm not a battle royale fan myself but I could just not play that mode!

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  • those cannonballs will be fun for sure.

  • @sir-lotus They have the ability to mix up gameplay no end... the current state of gameplay we currently know will change forever once cursed cannonballs hit. Quite literally hit!

  • @ant-heuser-kush One of those ideas that's "just crazy enough to work"?

  • Really looking forward to seeing how the cursed cannonballs play out.

    My only concern is that the silence cannon balls may drive even more people to use systems outside of game chat to try and negate it's effects.

  • @ever-reddy I was just thinking about that. I hope it's technicaly possible for it to at least affect party chat as well.

  • @ant-heuser-kush That's so crazy, it might just work....

    (I've always wanted to say that)

  • @ant-heuser-kush Well, they did say drunk cannonballs are coming... They are the ones I am most looking forward to.

    Visual effects will be the ones that are truly cross-platform and effect everyone.

    Venom bite cannonballs anyone?

  • or the classic idea, cannonballs that reverse your controls.

  • @sir-lotus

    I wonder if they've been watching lots of roadrunner cartoons.. :D

  • @katttruewalker

    Thanks again for sharing! And it looks like something really interesting has been said:

    Hey! You’ve heard about this forsaken land called the Devil’s Roar if you sail west!

    Could it means the new area introduced with Forsaken Shores will be on the west side of the map? :D

  • @sir-lotus Reverse won't matter for some of the crews I sail with...

    They never get their Rights and Lefts right anyway :P

  • @skulliah

    Hmmm... he also says this in the article which is intriguing -

    Chapman: The idea is that you will see the Shroud recede and there will be a new area to explore in Devil’s Roar.

    and this...

    Chapman: You seamlessly sail there. You’ll start where you start now. It’s almost a decision, like, “Let’s head into Devil’s Roar.” You’ll stock up the ship to prepare for that epic journey and then point your ship in a direction and just sail seamlessly there.

  • @katttruewalker

    I really look forward for that because it will be your decision to go there and not from someone else. So I'm really intrigued to what we can found there, new treasures? They said Forsaken Shores will bring new voyages types. I can't wait, I'm more impatient for this update than for Cursed Sails!

  • @katttruewalker His comment on working hard to get a level playing field is relative to a players starting point and personal capabilities.

    Based on that comment they have either not considered the range of players skills and abilities or don't care that many do not find the game level and as a consequence enjoyable or value for money.

    A very narrow minded view for a game with such claims of wanting to bring people together.

  • Nice article thanks for sharing, I can't wait to see how the cursed cannon balls work out. They talk about cursed cannon ball effects on one paragraph and then in the paragraph below they talk about the clear defined decision to have a level playing field. Obviously I'm making no judgements but I'm really interested to see how it all works and handles. They sound great but it wouldn't be good to upset that level playing field. I'm sure RARE will do the business and balance it all out in various ways.

  • @danqrl I took a few liberties with choosing bits of the interview to quote on here, so there's a lot more to read in between what I've posted....

  • @katttruewalker I'm interested in these rowboats but I do have some questions I know we won't get an answer to until we find out for ourselves. For instance, we're supposed to take the rowboats because it's too dangerous for the ship, so presumably (until we get used to the perils) we'll die, a lot, so do we respawn at the rowboat, or at the now really far away galleon (or ship of choice)? Can the rowboats respawn if they're sunk? Do mermaids take you back to your ship or your boat? Will we be able to choose (x for ship, y for rowboat)? Are they going to be like portable resupply stations with barrels for bananas etc or do we still have to go back to the ship? I can't wait to find out for myself, seems like there could be some good opportunities to split up on adjacent islands or sneak away with loot to sell while the main ship keeps attackers busy. There's going to be some interesting offensive options depending on how a few of these mechanics work too...

  • @reedski I wouldn't mind knowing the answers to a few of these too, but you're right, we'll have to wait and see. I'm also interested in whether we actually 'row' the boats with oars or they move seamlessly with just a small tiller at the stern. That'd be an interesting thing to see in itself :D

  • @katttruewalker if they can take damage, can they create damage? Like from a collision?

  • @reedski How buoyant are they, if the whole crew stands up will they capsize? Do you have to bail them out? How big will they be, how easy to clamber about on?

  • confirmed PL content??? "The brigantine ships comes in with Cursed Sails. And then we’ve got new goals for everyone, and new goals for pirate legend."

  • @katttruewalker cool article. I can't read Mike Chapman's bits without putting on a Brummy accent though.

  • Yeeeeeaaa!!!!! Do it!!!! Battle royal mode!!!

  • 1 -- I wonder how long the cooldown time will be for the Silencers, because ppl already have issues with No Mics
    2 -- RUDDER FOWLERS finally confirmed!! ..now, all I need to do is focus on Non-Lethal Weapons R') ...

    I remembering hearing them use the BoomBooms as a form of rebuttal when it comes to "stat boosting" before.
    I'm still very much a fan of them making the game centered around ones own skill being the thing that's getting boosted the more you play and how & with what you play. Very organic. I hope they don't change on that stance.

    Are they referencing the Skull Forts?
    Because those battles have been royally dangerous lol

    ...I'll definitely need to read the whole article now. Thanks, @KattTruewalker.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Rare On RPG Elements, Battle Royale Potential, And The Future Of Sea Of Thieves - Gameinformer interview with Mike and Craig:

    I wouldn't mind a battle royal-esq weekly event type ordeal but I really don't want it to be a lasting thing that draws attwntion away from the core gameplay. Interested to see what Mike has in mind.

    If they add a BR to this game, I am done for good. Sorry but the BR phase is getting old. They have 4-5 popular games with this already. Maybe that is just me, but either way I will be done if they add one.

  • @ant-heuser-kush I'm not a huge fan of battle royale games myself but I'll keep an open mind and see what Rare comes up with.

    I do hope that anything like it is later on down the line though after we get a good number of content added to the game.

  • Having read the full article, the lack of thought as to how the game is playing out. The continued talk to the press and hype up guff they spout is sad.

    The disc is still a coffee mat and not likely to be worth more.

  • I don't mind session-limited progression. Like he said, gunpowder already does this. If cannonballs are implemented the same way, I'll be alright with that, especially if their difficult to find. What I wonder, is if you kill a pirate with a cannonball, does he drop it for you to pick up?

    If Battle Royale were handled like Forsaken Shores, where you sailed off, say the east side of the map and went to "The Blood Sea," I would be alright with it. Blood Sea has interesting forts to occupy, rock formations to sail around, 30 player server. Get sunk there and you respawn back in the Sea of Thieves. Winner gets a pile of loot!

  • @captain-arcanic said in Rare On RPG Elements, Battle Royale Potential, And The Future Of Sea Of Thieves - Gameinformer interview with Mike and Craig:

    I don't mind session-limited progression. Like he said, gunpowder already does this. If cannonballs are implemented the same way, I'll be alright with that, especially if their difficult to find. What I wonder, is if you kill a pirate with a cannonball, does he drop it for you to pick up?

    If Battle Royale were handled like Forsaken Shores, where you sailed off, say the east side of the map and went to "The Blood Sea," I would be alright with it. Blood Sea has interesting forts to occupy, rock formations to sail around, 30 player server. Get sunk there and you respawn back in the Sea of Thieves. Winner gets a pile of loot!

    The "blood sea" is the Devil's Shroud; thematically it's the boundary between the Sea of Thieves and the real world. Despite the shroud receding to reveal the Devil's Roar area, I'm not sure your idea fits thematically.

  • @blam320 said in Rare On RPG Elements, Battle Royale Potential, And The Future Of Sea Of Thieves - Gameinformer interview with Mike and Craig:

    @captain-arcanic said in Rare On RPG Elements, Battle Royale Potential, And The Future Of Sea Of Thieves - Gameinformer interview with Mike and Craig:

    I don't mind session-limited progression. Like he said, gunpowder already does this. If cannonballs are implemented the same way, I'll be alright with that, especially if their difficult to find. What I wonder, is if you kill a pirate with a cannonball, does he drop it for you to pick up?

    If Battle Royale were handled like Forsaken Shores, where you sailed off, say the east side of the map and went to "The Blood Sea," I would be alright with it. Blood Sea has interesting forts to occupy, rock formations to sail around, 30 player server. Get sunk there and you respawn back in the Sea of Thieves. Winner gets a pile of loot!

    The "blood sea" is the Devil's Shroud; thematically it's the boundary between the Sea of Thieves and the real world. Despite the shroud receding to reveal the Devil's Roar area, I'm not sure your idea fits thematically.

    Just saying it would be a way to handle the Battle Royale without fundamentally changing the experience for others. Having a "Last Ship Floating" battle of attrition doesn't work so well if there are only three ships. This would allow players to approach it the same way they approach the Devil's Shroud, with full intent to enter the zone. Stock your ship up on supplies and sail into a giant battle. The fact that it's technically another server doesn't matter, because when you sink, your respawn back on your original server.

    At least in my mind, it fits thematically.

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