What is the broken galleon used for in the pl hideout

  • Is this gonna be a ship that we are gonna have to build and have it be a unique ship?, Why is it there?

  • 27
  • @roughleech03117

    I have a feeling we have to fix it, the large waterfall infront of it, I reckon you sail into it which will take you to the forsaken shores.

    My guess is Tfs is going to be PL Dlc.

  • Atmosphere?

  • @roughleech03117 before there was an idea that ships would sail into the pl hideout. This of course changed and the old idea is represented as a broken ship facing the old entryway to the hideout. Learn new things any day.

  • Supposedly the galleon will be replaced with the legendary ship. That's what I heard a while ago.

  • @eggamer13 That is a more newer idea, but that would be cool if that happened

  • @failedbread said in What is the broken galleon used for in the pl hideout:


    I have a feeling we have to fix it, the large waterfall infront of it, I reckon you sail into it which will take you to the forsaken shores.

    My guess is Tfs is going to be PL Dlc.

    LOL, no.

  • @personalc0ffee mate, there are two galleons, one entirely cracked open with the ghosts in it, and one that is stuck near the dock. Which are you referring to? The OP is asking about the one stuck next to the dock.

  • @roughleech03117 It's there for sweet sweet parkour!

  • @personalc0ffee ah okay, sorry if I sounded a bit rude. Just happened to be curious about the difference.

  • @personalc0ffee The Blackwytche is the ship of captain Pentdragon, it's spupposed to house a book that turns anyone who reads it into the creature on the page you read.

    This is from a game of the same name made by Rare long long ago.

    I believe the ship in the pirate legend hideout is for now just a great goonies refference. But Rare has said in intervies and updates that during the Ship Captaincy update the ship would become the PL's ship and you would set sail from within the pirate legend hideout in stead of the normal dock.

    It would become a great sight seeing the PL ship come from the mountain and burst onto the seas!

  • @roughleech03117 I think that was the ship of the original legendary pirate.
    The ship of his doom.
    It's there for the memories.

  • I think the damaged Galleon in the Hideout is simply a PH for now, until they get around to making content for Pirate Legends.

  • Agreed with above... I think its just a placeholder for our Legendary ship which we will be able to sail out of the hideout!

  • @hynieth The book is in the captains cabin and its open at the Kraken page...

    See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sf-lEVxIno

  • @failedbread said in What is the broken galleon used for in the pl hideout:


    I have a feeling we have to fix it, the large waterfall infront of it, I reckon you sail into it which will take you to the forsaken shores.

    My guess is Tfs is going to be PL Dlc.

    Look, you MAY be right. But I highly, highly doubt it.

    First, they've talked a bunch of times in interviews how TFS will be a seamless region that you sail into - not through a portal in a waterfall like you're saying.

    Second - only a small percentage of players are PL. They would not lock a big DLC pack behind that wall right now.

  • I thought originally we would sail our legendary ships out of the hideout into the world via the massive mountain with the hole (named new and interesting mountain)
    We spoke about it last night
    Whilst it would be great to sail out of a mystic portal and emerge into the world in a mixture of clouds and smoke (stars in their eyes style)
    Would it become a spawn trap for people hanging about,
    Or the flip side would be someone sailing past and a legendary Gallion suddenly appearing behind them cause mild heart attacks?

    So for scenarios sake
    You sail to any outpost
    You do the shanty to get into the hideout
    Your parked boat mysteriously vanishes from the dock
    And appears in the plh. You'd do all the stock gathering and other bits and you'd set off from the new and interesting mountain at your leisure

    Maybe an addition to this would be access to a pl special server or not... Just a thought

    Doc 👊☠️

  • So thrilled you have to buy the lore to the game as a separate item apart from the game. Woo. Hoo.

  • @failedbread said in What is the broken galleon used for in the pl hideout:


    I have a feeling we have to fix it, the large waterfall infront of it, I reckon you sail into it which will take you to the forsaken shores.

    My guess is Tfs is going to be PL Dlc.

    They won't do that, That would be a slap in the face to the 99% of player that are not PL yet.

  • @personalc0ffee The BlackWych is based off a game made by one of the Co-Creators of Rare Games. You can watch @CaptainFalcors video about it on Youtube.

  • @personalc0ffee Pretty sure it is the krakens, because in Rare’s old game Blackwyche, if a crewmember sees a picture of a monster or demon, they will become that. And in the captains quarters, there is a book with a kraken picture on it. Plus, the captains picture is on the wall of the ship

  • @failedbread said in What is the broken galleon used for in the pl hideout:


    I have a feeling we have to fix it, the large waterfall infront of it, I reckon you sail into it which will take you to the forsaken shores.

    My guess is Tfs is going to be PL Dlc.

    That's now what's happening at all...

    TFS isn't some teleport to - area as already mentioned plenty of times by the devs, it's a map expansion.

    There'll probably be PL content with it, but it's a content update/expansion so.. hardly PL exclusive

  • @personalc0ffee

    Again, these things should be in the game.

    That they are not tells me Rare is more interested in milking dollars from multi platform marketing schemes than designing a game.

    It shows me where their primary focus is, and that is not on the game.

  • The whole base is a throw back to "Goonies" from 1983.

  • @pirate2002capn said in What is the broken galleon used for in the pl hideout:

    I Wondering Myself 🤔
    AND Why
    And How
    Those are my Question

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