Athena Quests

  • So how does everyone feel about non pirate legends doing Athena quests

    What's the pros and cons

  • 25
  • Since everything is purely cosmetic there are no pros or cons. Personally I avoided all spoilers on my grind to PL so it would all be new to me, so the only 'con' I could see is for people potentially spoiling the end game for themselves (although the end game is pretty c**p at the moment anyway).

  • @octopus-lime yeah I see what ya saying bud
    I did the same thing ... but do think think it kinda devalues the pirate legend status when anybody can grap the accessories

  • @convecks Kind of but I'm not really that fussed by it. But I think it would of been better if being PL (50 in all factions) was required to purcharse Athena items along with the relevent level of Athena rep.

    EDIT: That way people could still grind Athena rep so when they hit PL they would already have Athena items unlocked but stop them wearing them before hitting PL.

  • @ConVecks @Octopus-Lime Because the community voiced concern on the fact that non Legends were able to where the ghost clothing, in the Cursed Sails update there is actually ghost ship decals now that only Pirate Legends can access.

    This type of discussion itself is full of controversy though. You may find in a few minutes that you started quite the debate @ConVecks lol

  • @octopus-lime ahhh yeah

  • @convecks So this isn't a question about non-PL doing AF, but about not feeling special enough for achieving the equivalent of reaching level cap in WoW?

  • @dcr-lt-kanada yeah i know about the legend only ship stuff now ... but wouldn't it better to simply lock anything to with legend gear to those who arnt legend .. I mean u can still do the Athena voyages and gain rep but nothing is accessible until u reach legend status

  • @crimsonraziel no not really .. I had this discussion with a friend and he said "non pirate legends shouldn't be able to anything related to pirate legend stuff even Athena voyages" and wanted to know if anybody else had the same opinion
    Me personally I don't mind at all if non pl players do Athenas
    But mentioned earlier I did wait till was a pirate legend to do Athena voyages and get the gear

  • I am a legend... I am doing athena... I can't see the problem here

  • To be honest, now that we are this far past launch, PLs are ten a penny now so the exclusivity there once was just doesn't really mean anything these days.

    I remember when I used to be wary of legends and would try to avoid fighting them but now I realised that they're the same skill as most others, but have just sank alot of time into the game and 9/10 are no harder to sink than anyone else.

  • @ant-heuser-kush hahaha I sure did bud... was curious to see how many ppl from the group are actually in here aswell

  • Pirate Legend status might be cool if you actually got that whole ship customization thing going we all assumed it would have.

    sips grog

  • @convecks for me, someone who's about to hit 50, 50, 50 in the traders (literally a slither away) - I've already done enough Athena voyages to get me to Athena Lvl 6. I almost wish I couldn't have, and it was locked away. I fear once I hit 50, 50, 50 I'll soon become bored of the voyages - at least when playing Solo. I'm hoping an update for Pirate legend content is on the horizon...

  • I am for non pirate legends being able to complete Athena quests and buying cosmetics. I do not want to be forced to do them alone or have to group up with other PLs to do them. I’ve had enough games where I had to maintain multiple characters at different levels in order to play with friends along the rank spectrum. I hate that stuff. The development team has made it clear they will not be segmenting significant player content to avoid this problem. If players could not buy Athena gear they would not have much reason to help with the quests.

  • Overall I look at it as thus, for PL you receive:

    The purple clothes, livery and access to the tavern. In the tavern they allow you to purchase the Athena's voyage so there's that gateway unlock as well.

    But a PL on an Athena's needs a crew. The benefit to joining a PL crew is that the many voyages it takes to get to the Athena's provide higher rewards overall, usually. Then there is the final offering... the Athena's chest. Like anyone turning in anything there's a rep reward for handing it in. Nowhere else in the game no matter who you are do we face a loss of rep gains when part of a crew that hands in loot. PL has no valid reason to be different. The same work is done by the non-PL crewmates to getting the reward. The only difference is that it takes a PL to start the voyage.

    That's the only draw we have for helping a PL or sailing for the longer time it takes to finish the goal. Perhaps it's easy to realize that the Athena's is simple as anything... it's ONE chest... usually not hard to unearth... it's the voyage that needs be accomplished beforehand that slows them down. Sure, there's speed runs and tap-n'-go's and the alliance system makes the grind even easier still if your on a server full of PL doing Athena's. But the default value of having a PL on your ship/as a friend is that they can bring all the milkshakes to the yard thanks to being the only players you can sail with who can offer the voyage.

    If a PL doesn't want "normies" to get the precious Athena's rep.. it's up to them to not share the voyage and only sail with other PL's. But if a PL wants a crew, particularly if they're not alongside other PL's, there needs to be a motivation. As something that sets PL apart from 'normies' (used again for lack of a better term) Athena's is the draw.

    So since we have a voyage type we can share, PL is elevated as a type of player lower tier players will want to group with, because, it's a way to get Athena's rep and higher tier loot while sailing that can only be gained by the blessings of a PL. If you don't sail with or get friendly with a PL who can get you the voyage you are unable to proceed. This way PL are the master of the voyages as it were and can decide if the crew they're with is worthy the sharing.

    Once all is said and done being able to get and wear the Ghost items before one reaches 50/50/50/X is a mild reward that simply showcases "Hey I did Athena's" it's never been meant to be "Hey look at me I am PL cause I wear ghost items". PL Items are PL items exclusively, Ghost items are Athena's rep based and why shouldn't a person who does the work get the reward of rep as well?

    Considering that the rep is a statement of "I turn in items X or am on the crew that turns it in item X" gaining Athena's rep is no different than gaining GH or OoS or MA... excepting that in order to get into an Athena's voyage you must have been graced by a PL or join alongside one.

    This elevates PL to gatekeepers on one hand while assuring the "normies" (again not insulting just looking for a term) have motivation. It also helps elevate PL value by assuring that PL 's are sought out (or at least used to be more like that as things are changing since more PL 's are showing up, daily). There's also those players who have yet to attain PL who hope to wait until they've hit 50/50/50 before they go on the Athena's mostly, I'd wager, because they want to "Be the Legend" handing out the voyages rather than Join the legend handing out the voyages... which is perfectly reasonable.

    But handing out Athena's ghost items to players who aren't PL devalues the items! ;;

    Perhaps. Perhaps it is obnoxious that someone in their 30's for rank might be seen wearing a full Ghost set. Perhaps still they might be mistaken for PL which could be an insult to the sensitivities of some. This is where the dividing line get's messy more than anywhere else...

    People simply associate Athena's with PL because it's not only the only rep there is to grind once you hit PL, since it takes so darn many turn ins to obtain I would suggest there's a motivation to show off your Athena's rep as a display of your status and taking that joy away from actual PL and allowing anyone who does the quests to wear it.... devalue the set as a whole.

    This may be true but the failing isn't that anyone who does the grind of Athena's be it alongside a PL or as a PL can wear the items... the issue is that there's motivation for PL to wear it and that blurs the ability to show off and easily identify a PL.

    What PL need and deserve are alternative highlights. A way to show off that not only did they finish the Athena's... but they did it AND are PL... since Athena's is the ONLY voyage that PL have interest in doing and we can't initiate the voyage until we are PL many players see Athena's as PL territory and want only PL to be able to reap the rewards.

    I disagree but I DO very certainly agree that there are ways that could help us both gain something special in these voyages as PL... and allow us the reasonable expectation that anyone who does the Athena's is justifiably rewarded.

    This could come in many forms. Alternative PL only versions of the rewards that unlock once your a legitimate PL... such as no glow on the clothes until you gain PL or alternative colors for the PL version of the clothes.... a specific version of the clothes that are simultaneously unlocked once your 50... and so on.

    I won't say that PL doesn't deserve some special reward for being BOTH the provider of the quest and finishing the chain of turn ins...

    I'm simply saying that there shouldn't be any reason the Athena's rewards aren't also gained by anyone who does the quest alongside you.

    Once I nailed PL I started my own chain of Athenas... my wife would join me for many of them... it both excited her and rewarded her to join me on the quests. She looked forward to getting her rep just as much as I did and watched her rep gains perhaps more closely or with more anticipation than I dared muster... for her.. it was a motivation to finish each turn in with haste. Moreover Athena's are the only clothes in the game that appeal to her... even once she hit PL herself she doesn't like the purple clothes look even if she wears some of the gold bits. My buddy is the same way.. hasn't changed clothes since launch really... but he will wear some gold bits...

    Yet either of them might gain rewards for the Athena's I drag them through... and it's only fair.

    I agree... PL needs more that allows it to remain both distinct and rewarding. Athena's could have some reward within it that is both rep rank unlocked and reserved for PL.

    Be it items that unlock alongside the clothes but are only usable by PL
    Color changes based on PL rank
    or something simply added to the Athena's that helps the players who fought long and hard to get to PL so they COULD unlock the voyages... can also show off that the voyages were THEIRS and not simply helped out on... There should be something added to help ease that upset.

    But I personally will never feel that a player on any given voyage shouldn't be rewarded equally otherwise.

    It's been said before that Athena's is all we have to look forward to at PL and therefore definitely should be ours alone...

    I say.. how about they simply add to it for us... not to mention maybe add some darned content to PL that IS PL only...

    We get it in tiny doses... liveries and such...

    But they've forgotten the promise long ago that "PL is where the game starts"... perhaps it's time we remind them of that promise overall and demand more darn things for PL to set us apart and showoff our hard work... and NOT ask for it to be by stealing the thunder of anyone who has turned in their 93 voyages or whatever...

    Maybe something as simple as a recolor as thus, which I've shared before but you could easily replace it with your own color choice or simply remove the overall 'glow' effect:

    alt text

  • Only pros.
    It's a great community-builder, designed by Rare.
    It gives Legends something tangible they can offer those they crew with.
    And Legends have many eager crewmates to choose from, to do these long voyages, because there is a reward for all.

    Personally, I've never even cared about the ghost items, because they don't match my style (and I'm not fond of any of the items, really - some are better than others, IMO).

    Still, I enjoy earning the Athena rep and doing the voyages.

  • How in the Real World doesn't benefit from good connections. IRL vs SoT t'is an option no?

  • @pdt-mindstream said in Athena Quests:

    Only pros.
    It's a great community-builder, designed by Rare.
    It gives Legends something tangible they can offer those they crew with.
    And Legends have many eager crewmates to choose from, to do these long voyages, because there is a reward for all.

    Personally, I've never even cared about the ghost items, because they don't match my style (and I'm not fond of any of the items, really - some are better than others, IMO).

    Still, I enjoy earning the Athena rep and doing the voyages.

    Do you like the naked mole rat look then? i agree with you on all points except the items piece.

  • I think it is a shame that non-legendary pirates can wear the Athena gear. I do like the fact that non-legendary pirates can enjoy the benefits of a athena quest. A couple of my mateys aren't legend yet and the fact that they can do athenas with me, keeps me going as well. I am guilty of giving Athenas away to strangers, but I have been very keen to the fact that I only give them away to sea worthy pirates.

  • @blooddoll22 said in Athena Quests:

    Overall I look at it as thus, for PL you receive:

    The purple clothes, livery and access to the tavern. In the tavern they allow you to purchase the Athena's voyage so there's that gateway unlock as well.

    But a PL on an Athena's needs a crew. The benefit to joining a PL crew is that the many voyages it takes to get to the Athena's provide higher rewards overall, usually. Then there is the final offering... the Athena's chest. Like anyone turning in anything there's a rep reward for handing it in. Nowhere else in the game no matter who you are do we face a loss of rep gains when part of a crew that hands in loot. PL has no valid reason to be different. The same work is done by the non-PL crewmates to getting the reward. The only difference is that it takes a PL to start the voyage.

    That's the only draw we have for helping a PL or sailing for the longer time it takes to finish the goal. Perhaps it's easy to realize that the Athena's is simple as anything... it's ONE chest... usually not hard to unearth... it's the voyage that needs be accomplished beforehand that slows them down. Sure, there's speed runs and tap-n'-go's and the alliance system makes the grind even easier still if your on a server full of PL doing Athena's. But the default value of having a PL on your ship/as a friend is that they can bring all the milkshakes to the yard thanks to being the only players you can sail with who can offer the voyage.

    If a PL doesn't want "normies" to get the precious Athena's rep.. it's up to them to not share the voyage and only sail with other PL's. But if a PL wants a crew, particularly if they're not alongside other PL's, there needs to be a motivation. As something that sets PL apart from 'normies' (used again for lack of a better term) Athena's is the draw.

    So since we have a voyage type we can share, PL is elevated as a type of player lower tier players will want to group with, because, it's a way to get Athena's rep and higher tier loot while sailing that can only be gained by the blessings of a PL. If you don't sail with or get friendly with a PL who can get you the voyage you are unable to proceed. This way PL are the master of the voyages as it were and can decide if the crew they're with is worthy the sharing.

    Once all is said and done being able to get and wear the Ghost items before one reaches 50/50/50/X is a mild reward that simply showcases "Hey I did Athena's" it's never been meant to be "Hey look at me I am PL cause I wear ghost items". PL Items are PL items exclusively, Ghost items are Athena's rep based and why shouldn't a person who does the work get the reward of rep as well?

    Considering that the rep is a statement of "I turn in items X or am on the crew that turns it in item X" gaining Athena's rep is no different than gaining GH or OoS or MA... excepting that in order to get into an Athena's voyage you must have been graced by a PL or join alongside one.

    This elevates PL to gatekeepers on one hand while assuring the "normies" (again not insulting just looking for a term) have motivation. It also helps elevate PL value by assuring that PL 's are sought out (or at least used to be more like that as things are changing since more PL 's are showing up, daily). There's also those players who have yet to attain PL who hope to wait until they've hit 50/50/50 before they go on the Athena's mostly, I'd wager, because they want to "Be the Legend" handing out the voyages rather than Join the legend handing out the voyages... which is perfectly reasonable.

    But handing out Athena's ghost items to players who aren't PL devalues the items! ;;

    Perhaps. Perhaps it is obnoxious that someone in their 30's for rank might be seen wearing a full Ghost set. Perhaps still they might be mistaken for PL which could be an insult to the sensitivities of some. This is where the dividing line get's messy more than anywhere else...

    People simply associate Athena's with PL because it's not only the only rep there is to grind once you hit PL, since it takes so darn many turn ins to obtain I would suggest there's a motivation to show off your Athena's rep as a display of your status and taking that joy away from actual PL and allowing anyone who does the quests to wear it.... devalue the set as a whole.

    This may be true but the failing isn't that anyone who does the grind of Athena's be it alongside a PL or as a PL can wear the items... the issue is that there's motivation for PL to wear it and that blurs the ability to show off and easily identify a PL.

    What PL need and deserve are alternative highlights. A way to show off that not only did they finish the Athena's... but they did it AND are PL... since Athena's is the ONLY voyage that PL have interest in doing and we can't initiate the voyage until we are PL many players see Athena's as PL territory and want only PL to be able to reap the rewards.

    I disagree but I DO very certainly agree that there are ways that could help us both gain something special in these voyages as PL... and allow us the reasonable expectation that anyone who does the Athena's is justifiably rewarded.

    This could come in many forms. Alternative PL only versions of the rewards that unlock once your a legitimate PL... such as no glow on the clothes until you gain PL or alternative colors for the PL version of the clothes.... a specific version of the clothes that are simultaneously unlocked once your 50... and so on.

    I won't say that PL doesn't deserve some special reward for being BOTH the provider of the quest and finishing the chain of turn ins...

    I'm simply saying that there shouldn't be any reason the Athena's rewards aren't also gained by anyone who does the quest alongside you.

    Once I nailed PL I started my own chain of Athenas... my wife would join me for many of them... it both excited her and rewarded her to join me on the quests. She looked forward to getting her rep just as much as I did and watched her rep gains perhaps more closely or with more anticipation than I dared muster... for her.. it was a motivation to finish each turn in with haste. Moreover Athena's are the only clothes in the game that appeal to her... even once she hit PL herself she doesn't like the purple clothes look even if she wears some of the gold bits. My buddy is the same way.. hasn't changed clothes since launch really... but he will wear some gold bits...

    Yet either of them might gain rewards for the Athena's I drag them through... and it's only fair.

    I agree... PL needs more that allows it to remain both distinct and rewarding. Athena's could have some reward within it that is both rep rank unlocked and reserved for PL.

    Be it items that unlock alongside the clothes but are only usable by PL
    Color changes based on PL rank
    or something simply added to the Athena's that helps the players who fought long and hard to get to PL so they COULD unlock the voyages... can also show off that the voyages were THEIRS and not simply helped out on... There should be something added to help ease that upset.

    But I personally will never feel that a player on any given voyage shouldn't be rewarded equally otherwise.

    It's been said before that Athena's is all we have to look forward to at PL and therefore definitely should be ours alone...

    I say.. how about they simply add to it for us... not to mention maybe add some darned content to PL that IS PL only...

    We get it in tiny doses... liveries and such...

    But they've forgotten the promise long ago that "PL is where the game starts"... perhaps it's time we remind them of that promise overall and demand more darn things for PL to set us apart and showoff our hard work... and NOT ask for it to be by stealing the thunder of anyone who has turned in their 93 voyages or whatever...

    Maybe something as simple as a recolor as thus, which I've shared before but you could easily replace it with your own color choice or simply remove the overall 'glow' effect:

    alt text

    wow..... o.k..... I agree that solo athena runs are brutally tedious. Last night I solo'd and got caught out by a Brig and lost my chest of Legends. Gladly no one got it but I was pretty t'd off.

  • @sprungnickel427 said in Athena Quests:

    @pdt-mindstream said in Athena Quests:

    Only pros.
    It's a great community-builder, designed by Rare.
    It gives Legends something tangible they can offer those they crew with.
    And Legends have many eager crewmates to choose from, to do these long voyages, because there is a reward for all.

    Personally, I've never even cared about the ghost items, because they don't match my style (and I'm not fond of any of the items, really - some are better than others, IMO).

    Still, I enjoy earning the Athena rep and doing the voyages.

    Do you like the naked mole rat look then? i agree with you on all points except the items piece.

    Haha, what naked-mole-rat look are you referring to? :D

  • @pdt-mindstream said in Athena Quests:

    @sprungnickel427 said in Athena Quests:

    @pdt-mindstream said in Athena Quests:

    Only pros.
    It's a great community-builder, designed by Rare.
    It gives Legends something tangible they can offer those they crew with.
    And Legends have many eager crewmates to choose from, to do these long voyages, because there is a reward for all.

    Personally, I've never even cared about the ghost items, because they don't match my style (and I'm not fond of any of the items, really - some are better than others, IMO).

    Still, I enjoy earning the Athena rep and doing the voyages.

    Do you like the naked mole rat look then? i agree with you on all points except the items piece.

    Haha, what naked-mole-rat look are you referring to? :D

    LOL, the skivies look, nothing but a hook and a peg, eye patch and bad hair! That naked Mole rat look.

  • @lt-swag-johnson said in Athena Quests:

    I think it is a shame that non-legendary pirates can wear the Athena gear. I do like the fact that non-legendary pirates can enjoy the benefits of a athena quest.

    What are the benefits of Athena quests if they are not allowed to purchase anything as a result of gaining faction? I never got the sense Athena gear was meant to be for legends only, just the ability to offer the voyages to the crew. When did the faction and gear turn into a legend-only thing?

  • My Opinion:

    -Let the Ghost Outfit for Non-Legends as a reward !

    -Lock future Ghost Items and Weapon/Istrument Skins behind Athena and PL, like the Ship Skin!

    -Give PL a new Faction only for PL, with exclusive Rewards and Titles only for Piratelegends

    -Give the Ship Captaincy only for PLs

10 out of 25