Athenas quests take way to long...

  • @marsmayflower said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    2-3 hours is still way too long. and speedrunning is not my bag. there needs to be items or short fetch quests for rep.

    What a joke.

  • u can pick everything up in 2 hours tops speed run 1.5 prob

  • @xrekkoffx If it is taking you 4+ hrs you are doing something wrong..only takes 2hrs at max..I do them in 45mins-1hr ish..depending on how good the quest is layed out.

  • @messiah-x6 nobody is laughing

  • @marsmayflower said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @messiah-x6 nobody is laughing

    I am lol. So you want them to dumb down athena runs, why? It's endgame content for a reason and rare threw u a bone by giving us alliances.

    What about the people that are already a10? How can u justify it to them?

  • @messiah-x6 said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @marsmayflower said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @messiah-x6 nobody is laughing

    I am lol. So you want them to dumb down athena runs, why? It's endgame content for a reason and rare threw u a bone by giving us alliances.

    What about the people that are already a10? How can u justify it to them?

    Who cares? They justified getting to PL through doubloons to those of us that were already PL before bilge rats existed.

    General consensus..? Pretty much: Suck it up.

    Athenas are pretty garbage as far as an endgame anything goes.. I don't get why we need to pretend like they're prestigious, or like they're anything remotely fun.

  • In response to the lame suggestion on AFKing... This is the very reason that at Athena 10 I don't bother with open crews. I will never bother with open crews.

    What I did do the first (and last) time I encountered an AFKer was to brig them and sail to the red sea... park the boat, and leave them there to rot. We changed servers and started another closed crew ship.

  • @messiah-x6 I said nothing of the sort. I'm saying they can provide a different quest type that takes less time but provides relatively less xp.

    also, it would provide less gold as a detractor.

  • I don't understand why this is such a bad suggestion? I think it's a great idea! Not everybody can afford to spend even a couple of hours at a time on the game, so make Athena's quests half as long, with half the rep gain. It's not ez mode, it's not making the game easier or dumbing it down. It would take exactly the same amount of time to get to Athena's 10 as normal, because you'd have to do twice as many "half voyages" to gain the same rep!

    All it would do is make Athena's voyages more accessible to those Pirates who can't commit long hours to a session, but maybe that's the issue here, prestige?

  • @they-sank @zodemere At first I thought the letters of recommendation were fairly balanced. 100 doubloons per event and the cosmetic sets were around 60. That left you with 40 doubloons which was enough for 1 letter. But now we have 150+ doubloons for the events through legendary commendations and most people have plenty of doubloons to buy tons of letters. I wouldn't mind if the cost of letters went up a bit. The best solution IMO is to scale the cost with your level.

  • @basshunter404 sagte in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    I don't understand why this is such a bad suggestion? I think it's a great idea! Not everybody can afford to spend even a couple of hours at a time on the game, so make Athena's quests half as long, with half the rep gain. It's not ez mode, it's not making the game easier or dumbing it down. It would take exactly the same amount of time to get to Athena's 10 as normal, because you'd have to do twice as many "half voyages" to gain the same rep!

    All it would do is make Athena's voyages more accessible to those Pirates who can't commit long hours to a session, but maybe that's the issue here, prestige?

    No worry for Solo Players like me it’s a good Suggestion! 2 GH, 1 OoS, 1 Merch = Half Athena/Half Rep I think there’s no problem

  • @king-deka said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @basshunter404 sagte in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    I don't understand why this is such a bad suggestion? I think it's a great idea! Not everybody can afford to spend even a couple of hours at a time on the game, so make Athena's quests half as long, with half the rep gain. It's not ez mode, it's not making the game easier or dumbing it down. It would take exactly the same amount of time to get to Athena's 10 as normal, because you'd have to do twice as many "half voyages" to gain the same rep!

    All it would do is make Athena's voyages more accessible to those Pirates who can't commit long hours to a session, but maybe that's the issue here, prestige?

    No worry for Solo Players like me it’s a good Suggestion! 2 GH, 1 OoS, 1 Merch = Half Athena/Half Rep I think there’s no problem

    Sounds good 2 me.

  • Rare definitely need to change up athenas or add something,spending all that time doin oos/gh/merchant to hit 50 then to have to do the same 3 things all over again,who thought that was a good idea?

  • @imnotgeoff sagte in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    Rare definitely need to change up athenas or add something,spending all that time doin oos/gh/merchant to hit 50 then to have to do the same 3 things all over again,who thought that was a good idea?

    Im a friend of the Idea of an Legendary Item (a Cup or something) that you can find very rarely on islands or in Skull Forts that gives you a little Athena Rep

  • @king-deka said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @imnotgeoff sagte in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    Rare definitely need to change up athenas or add something,spending all that time doin oos/gh/merchant to hit 50 then to have to do the same 3 things all over again,who thought that was a good idea?

    Im a friend of the Idea of an Legendary Item (a Cup or something) that you can find very rarely on islands or in Skull Forts that gives you a little Athena Rep

    Or just some other way of doing them.. like complete a Legendary OOS voyage fighting skeleton lords or some such..

  • @zodemere said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @xrekkoffx said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    They need to give us a shorter mission, maybe a sub type that takes half as long but rewards half as much? I would take that happily. I simply dont have the time to dump 4+ hours into an Athenas run. Give us people with budgeted time something. We cant sink 6 hour sessions in at a time.

    Dang if they only would add somethingg tthat made it easy to get 50% athena rep so casuals could rank uup easy & quick!

    You do realize the whole game is basically casual, right? There is absolutely nothing hard about doing an Athena's voyage LOL.

    It doesn't take 4+ hours to do an Athena's voyage, but it is longer then it needs to be. There is nothing unique in doing it. You're doing the SAME grind you've done to get to Pirate Legend. It should have been something completely different. I'll never get to Athena 10 for that reason... Too boring.

  • @they-sank said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @zodemere I wouldn’t be surprised if athena ranks were able to be purchased via dubloons at some point, especially considering that they’ve dumbed down everything else so far. From purchasing ranks with dubloons to hit PL sooner, joining alliances to hit Athena 10 much sooner, to removing hard earned commendations, it would only make sense that they’d strip away any distinguishing traits between players who earned their Athena 10 in a more legit fashion by allowing Athena ranks to be purchased via dubloons.

    Sea of Participation Trophies ?

  • First everyone complained about the grind (which sucks) so they put in dubs so people could buy there way to PL instead of grinding it out like the rest of us. Now because it takes longer (as they are scaled to be more challenging at that point) you want to have another giveme by finding some magical cup that will give you half a level of Athena! At this point just go cry some where else already. You are basically asking Rare to give you the high levels for free instead of playing the game and realizing it's about the journey along the way.

  • @iceman-0007 said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    First everyone complained about the grind (which sucks) so they put in dubs so people could buy there way to PL instead of grinding it out like the rest of us. Now because it takes longer (as they are scaled to be more challenging at that point) you want to have another giveme by finding some magical cup that will give you half a level of Athena! At this point just go cry some where else already. You are basically asking Rare to give you the high levels for free instead of playing the game and realizing it's about the journey along the way.

    Finding some kind of "athena cup" on a potentially smaller athena voyage that awarded smaller rep than an athena chest would be "magical"?

    Unless you really think anybody was arguing for literally half an athena level.. in which case you need to go back and read before ranting lol..

  • 4-6 hours?
    You're doing it wrong.

  • Although I have the time to play for as long as I want whenever I want, I can see why even two hours devoted to "game time" is hard for some people to spare.
    Another point that may not have been considered is that some people have physical injuries that prevent them from sitting too long without a lot of pain and discomfort.

    An option to halve the voyage and rep wouldn't hurt anyone and for those of you who can't add, two half voyages are just the same as doing the full voyage.
    It's not a matter of being "dumbed down".
    The degree of difficulty isn't compromised. So it's not making anything easier except for time management.

    What's wrong with all of you who have opposed this? I can't believe how selfish you are.

    If they included an option when purchasing the voyage to buy a halved one and gave a lesser valued reward at the end in lieu of the legendary chest, you could still do your full voyage as usual. So who does it hurt?

    It really isn't any different than changing the time table of limited events like Cursed Sails where many didn't have the time to do them all due to life commitments.
    Did changing the times make the event any easier? No. It just made them more accessible to everyone.

    That's all that has been asked in this thread. Make Athena's accessible to all pirate legends.

  • I agree.

  • After level 5 the Athenas give you way too little rep for the hand ins, and I agree, they take far to long to accomplish. Those 'speed running' Athenas in 1.5 hours and bragging about it, are not playing the quests as they were intended.

  • @captain-fet said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    After level 5 the Athenas give you way too little rep for the hand ins, and I agree, they take far to long to accomplish. Those 'speed running' Athenas in 1.5 hours and bragging about it, are not playing the quests as they were intended.

    Give PL more content then or mind yer business lol.

    If Athena levels and voyages for ghost gear are all PL have to really work on for content, and I only have a limited time in my day then you bet I'll speedrun my voyages.

    Too many people want to tell PL how to "correctly" engage in PL/Athena content, yet also argue and debate on why they can't or shouldn't get more content lol

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @they-sank said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @zodemere I wouldn’t be surprised if athena ranks were able to be purchased via dubloons at some point, especially considering that they’ve dumbed down everything else so far. From purchasing ranks with dubloons to hit PL sooner, joining alliances to hit Athena 10 much sooner, to removing hard earned commendations, it would only make sense that they’d strip away any distinguishing traits between players who earned their Athena 10 in a more legit fashion by allowing Athena ranks to be purchased via dubloons.

    Sea of Participation Trophies ?

    Sea of Sweaty Neckbeards ?

  • My reps are 41 36 36 2. I think there is plenty enough for people who are not PL status. Athena’s are PL content. The speed at which they are conducted is on the players, not Rare.

  • All these players talking about speed running in 45 minutes to an hour and a half I'm over here soloing and still taking an hour and 40 minimum haha! (Cries)

  • @blooddoll22 At A8 I have done plenty of athena's. I can say that many of my normal crew no longer enjoy the grind, so the only way I can do athena's these days are those times when I sail alone. And doing an athena alone, generally does take me 4+ hours. Almost always that is because there is always something that sidetracks your progress, usually in the form of some good PvP. But none the less, every time I start one I do my best to try and get them done at a faster pace, yet the last 3-4 that I have done solo have taken 4+ hours. I will admit I don't always get the best quests, as often times I have to go to both sides of the map, but being limited to buying one quest per 24 minute cycle means that I generally have to pick which ones I go on based on more important preferences such as no OoS on Old Faithful, lol.

  • @nofears-fun said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @blooddoll22 At A8 I have done plenty of athena's. I can say that many of my normal crew no longer enjoy the grind, so the only way I can do athena's these days are those times when I sail alone. And doing an athena alone, generally does take me 4+ hours. Almost always that is because there is always something that sidetracks your progress, usually in the form of some good PvP. But none the less, every time I start one I do my best to try and get them done at a faster pace, yet the last 3-4 that I have done solo have taken 4+ hours. I will admit I don't always get the best quests, as often times I have to go to both sides of the map, but being limited to buying one quest per 24 minute cycle means that I generally have to pick which ones I go on based on more important preferences such as no OoS on Old Faithful, lol.

    Use the official Discord to find a new group to sail with?

  • Ours tend to take 4-6 as well. We seem to hit every shipwreck, go after skull forts, ghost ships, fight with other ships, etc. If you focus on getting the Athena's done, I'm sure it won't take that long.

  • @jonaldinho said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @el-dth-taco Nowhere did anyone mention PvP at all. Are you cold about something?

    Idk if this got answered yet but what he is saying is - did other players cause your athena mission to take that long ?

  • I think the best way to solve the athena issue, is to remove the athena skeletons completely.. They are fun sapping and infuriating and add nothing but stress to the missions. Trying to dig up a chest while 12 level 50 skels spawn is too much. Remove them completely and it would add so much fun to the grind.

  • @nofears-fun said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @blooddoll22 At A8 I have done plenty of athena's. I can say that many of my normal crew no longer enjoy the grind, so the only way I can do athena's these days are those times when I sail alone. And doing an athena alone, generally does take me 4+ hours. Almost always that is because there is always something that sidetracks your progress, usually in the form of some good PvP. But none the less, every time I start one I do my best to try and get them done at a faster pace, yet the last 3-4 that I have done solo have taken 4+ hours. I will admit I don't always get the best quests, as often times I have to go to both sides of the map, but being limited to buying one quest per 24 minute cycle means that I generally have to pick which ones I go on based on more important preferences such as no OoS on Old Faithful, lol.

    Hehe yea that damn OoS on Old faithful does blow chunks to be sure! Plunder is almost as bad, and discovery... annoys me too!

    It's true doing Athena's alone is a big drag! Certainly an artifact of the idea that they want us playing in larger crews. Maybe if we're lucky we'll get less grindy stuff upcoming and more new voyages built around entertainment value.

  • I would love to see a way for voyage progress to be saved. Sometimes life happens and you have to log out, or you get disconnected. I know there is the problem of islands being assigned at the start if the voyage. But what if the voyage paused when you logged out? When you log back into another server, the number of voyages, x’s, skelly captains, etc. remaines the same, but are randomized on different islands, if necessary. Im sure this has been addressed in other threads, but I’d love to see an option to suspend a voyage. Just my two doubloons.

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