Forsaken Shores Balancing issues with volcanoes

  • I just wanted to voice my opinion on Forsaken Shores.

    So Forsaken Shores seems like it could be a really cool place to explore and could be fun to do voyages there. The reason why I say 'Could' is because a big issue I personally believe in is that there are some very clear balancing issues (No, I'm not talking about when the earth shakes...) what hinder the fun and makes it very frustrating.

    So the issue I want to bring up what I think is causing all of this, is the volcanoes. Look, I'm not saying the volcanoes need to go, I think they can play a very great part to the game with some great intense moments and stories to come from them, but surely I can't be the only one thinking "These volcanoes are going off way too often, for way too long". right?

    It is volcano eruption, after volcano eruption, after volcano eruption. They are constantly going off (And I'm sure Joe Neate even said in a developer update video before launch that they have tweaked the volcanoes to not last so long and erupt less, if that is the case, then I don't want to even think how it was before.)

    How can we get anything done and have fun when the island what just had an eruption, then gets another one in roughly 1 minuet again on the same island? (Not even joking, this happened to my crew multiple times). It becomes frustrating, tedious and boring.

    Also when you sink and lose your treasure, it sinks ridiculously fast in the devils roar. (To the point where we spawned roughly 3 islands away from where we sank, and it was gone already). If volcanoes were reduced, I imagine it would put less stress on the game trying to perform (maybe?) meaning it won't have to immediately eliminate any objects away from players.

    I get that it's meant to be hard and challenging, and I'm fine with that, I love a good challenge, but this is too much to the point that it's not hard because we need to adapt and 'git gud', it's just hard because it's unfair and unbalanced. The volcanoes need to erupt less often so we can actually have time to explore and do our voyages. Then when they do erupt, it feels fresh and intense as it's not every 30 seconds that it happens.

    There is something great here, but hindered by this one issue. I just wanted to share my opinions as I am very passionate about Sea of Thieves and want to do my part, even if it's small, to make the game better for the community and RARE.

    Cheers for reading.

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  • @call-me-biscuit Ok then, G'day Biscuit. :o)

    I thought the same on our approach to our first volcanic island but I think it's a matter of detecting your ship as being too close which triggers the eruption and forces us to use the rowboats.

    We managed a few treasure maps and riddles on volcanic islands without too much incident until another ship pulled up right next to it causing many eruptions and geysers to the point that we just left the chest behind.

  • I have to agree, they are going off they too often and last way too long.
    You can barely get anything done before you have to leave the island again, only for it to go off again after soon after you return, finally killed the skeletons shooting cannonballs at your ship and finished repairing it.

    They need to increase the time between eruptions, it is just too much right now.

  • @admiral-rrrsole I don't think that's the case, (I could be wrong of course) but the reason why I say that is because my crew was in a server, and only us and a sloop were in the devils roar as an alliance, by one another, and right off in the distance, volcanoes were erupting from multiple islands we were nowhere near. And if that was true what you said, then you really have to abandon your ship from a ridiculous distance as the volcano rocks travel far. It's annoying because I really want to like it, and I can see great things, but my experience with this expansion has not been amazing so far, and that really breaks my heart to say as I'm a huge SoT fan and want to support it.

  • @danish-crusader Glad you agree, was scared I was the only one thinking this haha. Thanks for reading!

  • @call-me-biscuit
    Sorry, I guess you are right and we must have just been lucky in the short time we were on the islands.
    We did see other islands erupting a lot but never paid them much attention as we had found heaps of quests to keep us occupied.

  • @call-me-biscuit Not at all, both me and my regular shipmate agrees.
    My shipmate is also a getting targeted by those eruptions. 5 times in a row, 5! he got hit in the face by the first volley.
    It was freaking hilarious for me, not so much for him.
    But yeah, you have our votes on the whole "increase time between eruptions" thing. Between the quakes, skeletons on cannons, boiling water, Meg and geysers, the volcanos going off every 5 minutes is not viable.

  • @call-me-biscuit yeah I have been killed several times and several ships sunk from over active volcano

  • @darth-hinkle Same here buddy. It's a bit much :/

  • @danish-crusader That totally brings up another point you just said, the 'targeting'. Some rocks are clearly programmed to target a part of the boat or player, and me being the captain and who sails the ship, noticed that it likes to hit the wheel, meaning I died a lot. Yes my crew found it funny, and I did the first couple of times, until it seemed quite consistent, that I got pretty mad, to the point where they said I needed to chill and stop whining. That's pretty hard not to when it happens to you 5 times in a row (I had a very close experience to what your crew mate had, it's not fun).

  • @call-me-biscuit yeah...gotta agree with you. Range too far, eruptions too frequent with insufficient breaks in between. Talk about laser guided? I’ve been one-shot killed more than once I can tell ya and it’s been out only one day. I’d definitely like far fewer Inter-Continental-Ballistic-House-Sized-Dino-Killing-Jurassic-Meteors...or ICBHSDKJM as we call them in the Piratical Secretive Services (PSS) ;-)

    Worth saying as the devs need to hear the feedback.

  • @Call-Me-Biscuit agree with you and the others here completely. I posted my thoughts like this in the patch discussion thread. Also called for balancing by dialing back on the frequency, range, and damage. Glad to see others giving good, critical feedback on this.

    Some say it is supposed to be a challenge. New challenges are welcomed. However, any new challenges must also be fun and worth doing. Most importantly fun. The fun factor in Devil’s Roar rapidly declines the longer one sails that part of the sea. My family and friends already decided we will complete the commendations and continue our voyages elsewhere.

    There is no fun wasting time sailing all around these fiery islands. It can be way too tedious and frustrating traveling back and forth to just keep a ship afloat avoiding this molten craziness. Gets old and boring fast. Rowboats do not help either. They are way too fragile and a bit clunky. Not worth the bother which is very disappointing.

    Odds are too high you lose more loot than you actually get to turn in. Ridiculous that a sea worthy duo sloop crew both get killed instantly by one hit from a flying lava rock which also puts so many holes in your ship that it sinks before you can make it back off the ferry. Causing all your efforts for the extra time spent to be wasted.

    You can actually get higher rewards spending time sailing outside the Devil’s Roar despite the value of mostley renamed, reskinned loot. Spouse and I are going to tick over to Pirate Legends next time we set sail. Doubt we will bother to do them in the Devil’s Roar. Also crazy there is no merchant vendor in the Devil’s Roar yet. The Devil’s Roar outpost erupting is just stupid. It should never erupt. Makes no sense at all.

    It is a shame as the idea is very cool. The execution of the geysers work well mechanically, however too many pop at the same time making it difficult to walk around, especially when counting paces and digging, making it a bit tedious a lot. Fun to use them against skeletons by drawing them into them. A missed opportunity to use them to jump to places out of reach otherwise. Could have been used for some fun commendations.

    The volcanoes as they are now is going to make the Devil’s Roar another limited time thing just like all the other content so far. Getting tired of short lived content that goes to waste. The Devil’s Roar could have been a fun, regular place to sail. It looks great, just does not play great.

    Maybe the Devil’s Roar can still can be a place for our ships to continue visiting if this feedback is sincerely listened to. Considering all the lingering issues, poorly implemented changes, and disappointing updates, there seems to be a need for more, wider spread gameplay testing and feedback.

  • @x-crowheart-x i have to agree with many of the posts. The frequency, distance, and what seems like obvious targetting, boat destroying fireballs of death are WAY to over powered. It needs to be dialed back. I love this game, I've been playing it since Alpha testing and have always remained positive with every update, staying resilient that the Devs will continue to build and improve the game. That being said, I have yet to complete a voyage without having my ship sunk more than once, losing all my loot or being completely manhandled by cannon firing skellies, fireballs of death and geysers all at the same time!

    Granted I tend to play solo, which understandably will increase the challenge, but there is such a thing as going too far and it being too challenging. I strongly believe the volcanoes need to be looked at.

    Even a solo player should be able to really enjoy and explore the new zone. It's beautifully done, great atmosphere, great effects, just needs some tweeking.

  • @globeheadnm1397 said in Forsaken Shores Balancing issues with volcanoes:

    Ha Xb if thinks annoying try solo its like someone hating u 4 no reason after a really goood friendship wouldn't really bother since u could just avoid and can still do bilge commendations without treasure but it loooks fun and de treasure seeems 2 be worth more only got away with 2 out of 6 riddle and 2 map voyages but seeen worth and made it kinda annoying and waste also think there's a story with a lady and strange guy but try not 2 focus since boat is a sitting seagull ha cos of distance, the volcanos are like homing missiles, rocks loooking safe distance/protecting but not, searching takes really long cos of mostly hiding and escaping with looot safe or with ship is like wishing 4 ur money u dropped in street to still be there it might but prob not makes worst it only being really the time or it would just be funnies and bit challenging 4 goood looot didn't want 2 mentions since mostly solo and time played meany funnies and enjoyable but seee not only and most probably with crews makes think not void or unlucky which is kinda nice DUB also SoF is Goood show like a thought of a game but never really exist 2 size or focus until this but better which makes hate dif

  • @admiral-rrrsole I went in Ashen Reaches on a rowboat and spent 40 minutes without any active Volcano, I think they go off almost immediately if you go in your ship forcing to use your row boat.

  • @r3b3lspy said in Forsaken Shores Balancing issues with volcanoes:

    @admiral-rrrsole I went in Ashen Reaches on a rowboat and spent 40 minutes without any active Volcano, I think they go off almost immediately if you go in your ship forcing to use your row boat.

    Hopefully the use of a rowboat is not being forced. If true, it would be totally against an open world sandbox game where all of us pirates should be able to sail or row the way we want to, when we want to.

  • @x-crowheart-x Rare has been forcing players to play a certain way from the beginning...

  • @x-crowheart-x And you can do that on any region.

  • @BETSILL, @R3B3lSpy

    Yes in some ways that is true. This would be different and wrong. Does not make any sense if true. Will test today. Rowboats were fun and gave some laughs for a short while. Not worth the time and effort really. A pirate with flatulence can sink them.

  • @x-crowheart-x It is an addition to the game and it is always welcome, they are there to stay, it is the same as Devil's Roar, if it bothers you you have 3 other peaceful regions to go and loot and use the row boa too but if you do not like it you do not have to go in the row boat at all, it is not even attached to your ship when you spawn, you have to go and look for one, so in your case you can ignore them and be happy on Shores of Plenty while other players are happy using the rowboat and navigating Devil's Roar, I'm glad that we have options now.

  • as i stated in another post, i was trying to do gold hoarders and we couldnt stay on the island longer than 45 seconds. we kept sailing away and coming back 5 times in a row before we just uncovered the X marks the spot and ditched the chests. My friend wanted to stop playing and i was extremely frustrated by that. challenge is good but logic was being tested. Doesnt make it fun to play.

  • @j-flo-sgt I did solo GH on Ashen Reaches for 40 minutes so it is entirely random.

  • @r3b3lspy said in Forsaken Shores Balancing issues with volcanoes:

    @x-crowheart-x It is an addition to the game and it is always welcome, they are there to stay, it is the same as Devil's Roar, if it bothers you you have 3 other peaceful regions to go and loot and use the row boa too but if you do not like it you do not have to go in the row boat at all, it is not even attached to your ship when you spawn, you have to go and look for one, so in your case you can ignore them and be happy on Shores of Plenty while other players are happy using the rowboat and navigating Devil's Roar, I'm glad that we have options now.

    Thank you for the advice. However, I always sail where I want, when I want, and how I want. A hostile region or players do not bother me at all. Have completed earning everything in Devil’s Roar.

    I do not dislike rowboats. Rowboats should be in the game. There are things in Devil’s Roar that could have been done better and definitely play much better. That is why there are players giving feedback.

    As far as the way you approach an island with a volcano, it really does not matter if you are in a rowboat or not. Volcanos as they are can be better. That is why issues with volcanos are being discussed here.

    Options are indeed good. As rowboats are not really necessary if you do not want to use them. That is the way it should always be. Players play as they want and not be forced otherwise.

    Happy sailing!

  • @r3b3lspy what is random

  • @x-crowheart-x I also completed all Devil's Roar by myself in a sloop, solo so I don't get all the whining.

    Rare had this vision for Forsaken Shores, players like it and players do not like it, like everything in life, as I've said before if you have issues with the rowboat..don't use it, other people love the rowboats and are very happy with it, everybody is different, if you don't like the new area, just don't go there, you have plenty of options.

  • @j-flo-sgt volcano timing.

  • @call-me-biscuit I completely agree, came on here with the thought of making this exact thread. The volcanos are lasting far too long/repeating far too quickly. Also about 2/3 times tonight we park the ship far away and we're digging up chests, the volcano erupts a couple of times and we survive it, then randomly the volcano can now suddenly hit our ship that hasnt moved an inch. Even though the last couple eruptions didnt hit it, very frustrating.

  • @call-me-biscuit I strongly agree
    The number of times I have been directly hit and sunk is off the chart, there should be a longer delay between the eruptions

  • I fully agree with this. I've had multiple points where I wait for the eruption to stop and then get to the island and it's immediately preparing to erupt again. Another point is if you're playing alone(Yeah I don't like playing with randoms and I can't always play with my friends. Get over it) I can't have someone stay with the ship because the volcano decides to RNG me right when I get on the island. Hell even playing with my friend it was difficult to keep the ship up while searching for stuff. As you stated, it's not difficult because it's actually hard. It's difficult because it's unfair and unbalanced. I've gotten RNG'd far too many times. Please fix this.

  • @call-me-biscuit said in Forsaken Shores Balancing issues with volcanoes:

    I just wanted to voice my opinion on Forsaken Shores.

    So Forsaken Shores seems like it could be a really cool place to explore and could be fun to do voyages there. The reason why I say 'Could' is because a big issue I personally believe in is that there are some very clear balancing issues (No, I'm not talking about when the earth shakes...) what hinder the fun and makes it very frustrating.

    So the issue I want to bring up what I think is causing all of this, is the volcanoes. Look, I'm not saying the volcanoes need to go, I think they can play a very great part to the game with some great intense moments and stories to come from them, but surely I can't be the only one thinking "These volcanoes are going off way too often, for way too long". right?

    It is volcano eruption, after volcano eruption, after volcano eruption. They are constantly going off (And I'm sure Joe Neate even said in a developer update video before launch that they have tweaked the volcanoes to not last so long and erupt less, if that is the case, then I don't want to even think how it was before.)

    How can we get anything done and have fun when the island what just had an eruption, then gets another one in roughly 1 minuet again on the same island? (Not even joking, this happened to my crew multiple times). It becomes frustrating, tedious and boring.

    Also when you sink and lose your treasure, it sinks ridiculously fast in the devils roar. (To the point where we spawned roughly 3 islands away from where we sank, and it was gone already). If volcanoes were reduced, I imagine it would put less stress on the game trying to perform (maybe?) meaning it won't have to immediately eliminate any objects away from players.

    I get that it's meant to be hard and challenging, and I'm fine with that, I love a good challenge, but this is too much to the point that it's not hard because we need to adapt and 'git gud', it's just hard because it's unfair and unbalanced. The volcanoes need to erupt less often so we can actually have time to explore and do our voyages. Then when they do erupt, it feels fresh and intense as it's not every 30 seconds that it happens.

    There is something great here, but hindered by this one issue. I just wanted to share my opinions as I am very passionate about Sea of Thieves and want to do my part, even if it's small, to make the game better for the community and RARE.

    Cheers for reading.

    Other than back to back eruptions, volcanos are fine. I been sailing in the devils roar the past weak and I think I sank once, but to be fair I have been on galleons. I just don't think Devil's roar was meant to be soloed.

  • Its actually stupid there range seriously I was at a seapost on SOLO and somehow it triggered a unnamed volcano that lasered my ship faster than i could repair and soon enough my ship sunk but right after it sunk the volcano instantly turned off its like its programmed to laser your ship and then turn off I was even on the same islands it so annoying and absolute bull c**p

  • @nonzeroaphid733 I have moderated your post as it goes against the Forum Rules.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the forums rules going forward.


  • @cardshark-360 Sorry I thought because it would be censored out it was okay I will avoid it in the future

  • I don't play Sea of Theives that often and when I do, I am usually by myself. After sitting here, studying two volcanoes in the Forsaken Shores, they appear to be completely random. I have sat here at the Cursewaters Shores island and have watched the volcano north of it, between Cursewaters and Scorched Pass, and the volcano at Fetcher's Rest for at least 45 min. From what I can tell is this, the volcanoes are more active if people are near them. Yet, while sitting at Cursewaters, these two have gone through the eruption cycle about 5 times before going cold. The moment I started sailing near them, they start the eruption cycle. I've tried sailing in a circle around one and, for about 5 min, it didn't stop erupting. Either this part of the map is meant for a full crew, or the likelihood of the volcanoes erupting when you are near is set to 95%. I've come up with a few solutions for dealing with this until they fix it, if they ever do. As a solo player, I've thought of sailing to a nearby island, without a volcano, that has a rowboat and taking the rowboat to the island that I need. For crews of 2 or more, you can find a rowboat and keep it close to your main ship, or have one of you sail by while the other(s) do what they need to on the island.

    Hopefully this helps.
    In the words of Dennis DeYoung, "Come sail away with me."

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