The Arena Matchmaking

  • Allow users to access the main menu as we've all heard as well as allowing teams to sail to the outpost within game to start a new matchmaking for The Arena. Allow two ships that have teamed up within Adventure mode and let them matchmake as an allianced team going into The Arena. I'm sure there will be teams that we can form while in there so why not allow this to happen. It would still be awesome to play with that handful of friends we just met on the seas that wants to battle, say up to 8 players, 2 Galleons, maybe even 3 Galleons for a 3v3 battle? With the Alliance system in place we build fleets everyday and it would be awesome to fight battles with our groups as well!


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  • @goryreceptacle They've already said that being able to change ships from within the game will take quite a bit of work, so the odds of being able to matchmake into a completely different game mode with your crew and alliances in tact from within the adventure mode is next to zero.

  • @d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle They've already said that being able to change ships from within the game will take quite a bit of work, so the odds of being able to matchmake into a completely different game mode with your crew and alliances in tact from within the adventure mode is next to zero.

    Sending two ships into a matchmaking process should be just as easy as sending 1. It's all very possible on the back end.

  • @goryreceptacle Well they aren't even going to allow sending 1. You will need to exit back to the main menu and queue up for the other mode.

  • @d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle Well they aren't even going to allow sending 1. You will need to exit back to the main menu and queue up for the other mode.

    They've already said we'll be able to sail to the outpost to matchmake.

  • @goryreceptacle No they didn't.

  • @goryreceptacle said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle Well they aren't even going to allow sending 1. You will need to exit back to the main menu and queue up for the other mode.

    They've already said we'll be able to sail to the outpost to matchmake.

    They have corrected that statement. You can see the Sea Dogs Tavern in the Adventure mode, but to switch to Adventure mode you still need to go to the main menu. It was in the weekly stream.

  • @eratikstorm said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle Well they aren't even going to allow sending 1. You will need to exit back to the main menu and queue up for the other mode.

    They've already said we'll be able to sail to the outpost to matchmake.

    They have corrected that statement. You can see the Sea Dogs Tavern in the Adventure mode, but to switch to Adventure mode you still need to go to the main menu. It was in the weekly stream.

    "Suggestion" Crazy what that means. ;)

  • @goryreceptacle said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @eratikstorm said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle Well they aren't even going to allow sending 1. You will need to exit back to the main menu and queue up for the other mode.

    They've already said we'll be able to sail to the outpost to matchmake.

    They have corrected that statement. You can see the Sea Dogs Tavern in the Adventure mode, but to switch to Adventure mode you still need to go to the main menu. It was in the weekly stream.

    "Suggestion" Crazy what that means. ;)

    This has nothing to do with Suggestion, it was correcting his statement that "They've Already said we'll be able to sail to the outpost to matchmake." That is not true.

    But I appreciate your perspective ;)

  • The fact of the matter is they aren't going to introduce a bunch of UIs to facilitate matchmaking from within the game. They don't even do this to allow you to requeue into a different server! In order to get a crew moved over, you'd have to add a voting mechanism (because being moved to a different mode because 1 guy in your crew decided to switch isn't great), have the ships quit the server and import the entire crew into the matchmaking queue for the other mode. It gets even more complicated when you try to include alliance ships because now you have to have some kind of cross-crew voting system in place.

    The easiest solution is the one they are going with - exit the game, queue for the other mode and reform your crew via invites.

  • @d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    The fact of the matter is they aren't going to introduce a bunch of UIs to facilitate matchmaking from within the game. They don't even do this to allow you to requeue into a different server! In order to get a crew moved over, you'd have to add a voting mechanism (because being moved to a different mode because 1 guy in your crew decided to switch isn't great), have the ships quit the server and import the entire crew into the matchmaking queue for the other mode. It gets even more complicated when you try to include alliance ships because now you have to have some kind of cross-crew voting system in place.

    The easiest solution is the one they are going with - exit the game, queue for the other mode and reform your crew via invites.

    So what you're saying is it would be too difficult for them to make a "Vote to go to The Arena" just like "Vote to Scuttle" as soon as all votes would hit "YES" they would back out of the game into the matchmaking process. If there is an alliance there would be up to 8 votes needed. Simply by pulling a ship from the server they would allow it to sink. Pulling players from that ship into a new matchmaking should be simple. Taking ship 345612345135 and ship 345123457547 into new matchmaking. Very easy on the back end since they're scattering matchmaking now. Of course AFTER The Arena fight you'd get put back into Adventure Mode with said Alliances into a new server. Easy.

  • @goryreceptacle This isn't a big map, there aren't going to be tons of ships. Why would it make sense to allow teaming?

  • @goryreceptacle said in The Arena Matchmaking:


    Great. Get on the code.

  • I find it funny that all of you show no encouragement for the people coding the game on the back end. Saying it's not possible and it's too hard.. Shame.

  • @goryreceptacle We're saying that its likely not worth the extra time. They are already building a separate queue for the other mode. The number of people who are going to switch back and forth is likely so small that its not worth incorporating into the game - so use the existing queue and crew invite systems.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Hence the 'Suggestion'. I think it would be a great add-on. But I guess you guys are here to shut everyone's suggestions down since we're a small number of thinkers. I had an idea about the reaper flag idea months before it happened and guess upvotes, no one was agreeing with it, but wow it happened! ;)

  • @goryreceptacle There are tons of great ideas posted here every day. Most of them do not get implemented. This idea while it would be convenient to the end user is just a duplication of existing functionality and I don't think there would be enough people using it consistently to warrant spending time on it.

    People who play adventure are likely going to be there for at least an hour, and people queued up in Arena are likely going to keep playing arena. The number of full crews that will switch between modes is likely very small, so just use the menu queue.

  • @d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle There are tons of great ideas posted here every day. Most of them do not get implemented. This idea while it would be convenient to the end user is just a duplication of existing functionality and I don't think there would be enough people using it consistently to warrant spending time on it.

    People who play adventure are likely going to be there for at least an hour, and people queued up in Arena are likely going to keep playing arena. The number of full crews that will switch between modes is likely very small, so just use the menu queue.

    There are thousands of Athena 10's that plan on only playing this as they have stopped playing the game since it's growing to PVE mainly. Trust me when I say there will be plenty of players using this. I'm here for the suggestions not arguing that I'd like to use it. If you have additional input I'm all ears.

  • @goryreceptacle Oh, that's what you were doing? Encouraging? I see. Didn't quite get that from your post. Felt a bit more backseat driver to me.

  • Hey i like your idea and love to see this in the game. I'm not quite sure how feaseable this would be. On the server side it might be trivial but not sure how the client side net code will handel the transfer.

    Anyway can i add this idea to my master list?

  • @goryreceptacle sagte in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    @goryreceptacle There are tons of great ideas posted here every day. Most of them do not get implemented. This idea while it would be convenient to the end user is just a duplication of existing functionality and I don't think there would be enough people using it consistently to warrant spending time on it.

    People who play adventure are likely going to be there for at least an hour, and people queued up in Arena are likely going to keep playing arena. The number of full crews that will switch between modes is likely very small, so just use the menu queue.

    There are thousands of Athena 10's that plan on only playing this as they have stopped playing the game since it's growing to PVE mainly. Trust me when I say there will be plenty of players using this. I'm here for the suggestions not arguing that I'd like to use it. If you have additional input I'm all ears.

    Those Athena 10's are starting the game and straight join Arena, they don't need a way to switch from adventure to arena...

  • @enf0rcer said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    Hey i like your idea and love to see this in the game. I'm not quite sure how feaseable this would be. On the server side it might be trivial but not sure how the client side net code will handel the transfer.

    Anyway can i add this idea to my master list?

    You bet!

    @schwammlgott said in The Arena Matchmaking:

    Those Athena 10's are starting the game and straight join Arena, they don't need a way to switch from adventure to arena...

    Not if they wanna play with 8 of their Athena 10 buddies.

  • @goryreceptacle that won't happen...
    Would be very unfair to start with 2 or more ships

  • @schwammlgott So 2v2 or 3v3 or even 4v4 would not be something you'd want?

  • @goryreceptacle sure it would be nice, but I don't think it's gonna come this way...if they make an extra option in the main menu for a 2v2 or 3v3 and then the matchmaking does the rest, ok
    But that won't happen, because it would be some kind of another "player base split" server is adventure mode, one is a free for all arena mode, one a two ship alliance arena mode and so on...imagine the waiting times because of the matchmaking

  • @goryreceptacle

    Ahoy there, we have a mega thread for suggestions and ideas for the Arena. Using the mega thread allows thoughts to be collected in one stickied thread which is easy to find and read by Rare staff.

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