Forget the Legends it's time for the Lord~

  • Greetings ya scurvy dogs!

    Me name be Captain Farniro and I got meself wonderin why I haven't put pen to parchment and introduced meself here yet so here we are!

    I've been sailing the Sea of Thieves since she launched and from then till now I am proud to say the Sea has become a fantastic and exciting place for all those who wish to come sail. My adventures have been long and plenty but Pirate Legend is but a mere stones throw away. I believe many have got caught up in the Legend tales too much however and forget the true power in the sea, The pirate lords.

    Granted now you have Three-sheets neat and the others who rule over the vast waves, who will always be respected. But who leads the Bilge rats? Who commands the Sea Dogs? Well for the latter look no further me lads as I, Captain Farniro have made my claim to the Lordship of the Sea Dogs and all who sail under the banner shall be rich and for-filled for the rest of yer days!

    Now the official stuff is out of the way: I love me ship "The Mermaids Howl", The best feeling is when the sound of your own cannonball breaks through the hull of an enemy vessel and the worst thing I face on the Sea to date is the dreaded Fronch Pirates. They come in waves and when ya least expect it!

    Well that's all from me. Hope to see ya on the sea's and in the forums!

    Safe travels lads!
    Captain Farniro, Lord of the Sea Dogs

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  • Isn't DeMarco Singh the one of leads the new Sea Dogs faction tho? Just sayin...

  • @biasedcarton824 Arr, ya be talkin about the poster boy. He ain't no leader but he makes fine speeches~

  • Call yourself whatever you fancy.

    I have dimples on my backside.

  • @barnabas-seadog Be careful when ya sit down lad. Might be in fer a messy time~

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