The community of Sea of Thieves, not so great...

  • (I'm not english, sorry for my english) Hi,

    Playing the game since 3 or 4 months now, i have seen the community changed, from a community where you can talk with pirates and make alliances, nowadays, all the crew we met just want to sink your ship no matter what you are, a pirate legend or just a new player.

    The content of this game is 99% PVE and killing other ships is not even rewarded, no achievements, no loots except thoses on your ship, and what's funny is that most of the time you don't have a single loot with you, so no point killing each other.

    All thoses agressive crews are ruining our experience of the game, they are so many things to do and achievements to obtain, but it's hard to reach it because we are constantly attacked by others...

    We should have the possibility to choose between a PVP server or a PVE server, to enjoy fully what the game has to offer. Spending 2 or 3 hours on the game and being attacked each time another ship sees you is very annoying. It could be great to have PVE servers with more skeletons ships instead of players with different behaviors (passive, aggressive...) and scaling difficulties. Killing those bring rewards and achievements, so there is a purpose of doing it, players ship have not.

    I know that lots of you will not agree with me, but it's my point of view, and i'm sure i'm not the only one thinking that if the community played more together instead of killing each other continuously, playing the game would be more fun and enjoyable.

    See ya

  • 18
  • Give it time.
    When the arena comes out many players who seek enjoyment from combat will head there.

    Right now you have a lot of "capped" players who got Pirate Legend, have full reputation, and are just looking for some fun.

  • @drakirys said in The community of Sea of Thieves, not so great...:

    The content of this game is 99% PVE and killing other ships is not even rewarded, no achievements, no loots except thoses on your ship, and what's funny is that most of the time you don't have a single loot with you, so no point killing each other.

    99% PVE? LOL. This is PIRATE game my dude, if someone wants to sink you, they WILL just because why not? Maybe you have some loot or any other reason could be to sink you.

  • this game is still called Sea of Thieves, right?

    its really hard to ignore these threads.

  • @targasbr RARE should hire you to get the same post under everything that has been discussed 1000 times.

  • @dennis-box said in The community of Sea of Thieves, not so great...:

    @targasbr RARE should hire you to get the same post under everything that has been discussed 1000 times.

    good idea. I'm sure it will be the most upvoted post in this thread.

  • I would say I would work for free for pleasure, but earn money for it is even better!

  • @Drakirys
    Ye seas be restless as there be no new content since ye Shrouded Spoils!

    Be more pirate and perfect ye skills of sailing them seas and fighting them scallywags.

  • "-Look mum, other kids are stealing my ball -But sweety, you're playing basketball, that is a part of the game -But I want to play alone -I regret have given you birth"

    Something like that, but with pirates.

    @drakirys dijo en The community of Sea of Thieves, not so great...:

    All thoses agressive crews are ruining our experience of the game, they are so many things to do and achievements to obtain, but it's hard to reach it because we are constantly attacked by others...

    Try to do the Legendary Thief achievement, maybe then you start to realise something mindblowing about this game...

  • @amancebacabras Wow regret giving you birth? Wow. I am flagging that one for sure. Wow.

  • @shinten-rai flag whatever joke you find offensive, in these days is a norm it seems.

  • @amancebacabras I did, don't worry. Not really a joke when you come onto a feedback thread that you do not have to reply back to as it was mainly addressed to the developers not the community. Don't take it upon yourself to act like the developers and tell them, man your mom must wish she didn't give birth to you and try to shrug that off like a joke.

    Follow the rules and pirate code.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling
    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    These actions can be and are not limited to:

    Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest
    Making off topic posts to derail the conversation
    Excessively using the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish
    Bullying and encouraging users to bully others.
    Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @shinten-rai overly sensitive lefty, being a wet blanket

  • @shinten-rai you realize that he was having a mother and son comment to one another using the basketball game as an analogy, right?
    I guess we can imply that he meant it against the original post, but I dont think he really means someone should not have been born. It's usually used to say you embarrass me or I thought I taught you better.

    Perhaps he could have used a better analogy, but I dont think it was meant to be an attack.

  • @d-jaguar Oh well. He should have maybe worded it better then. I don't care who you are, you don't directly or indirectly tell someone their mother regrets giving them birth. That is something you can joke about with your actual friends. Not people you don't know on a online public forum space for expressing feedback and ideas.

    Explain and try and defend it as much as you want to make your selves feel better. I am not replying back to this thread. I have flagged the ones that needed it and I feel bad for the OP to have such horrible commentators come and try and indirectly insult him and before long it would get to the point of them screaming about hot dogs and just get good.

  • @master-sarnath dijo en The community of Sea of Thieves, not so great...:

    @shinten-rai overly sensitive lefty, being a wet blanket


    @d-jaguar dijo en The community of Sea of Thieves, not so great...:

    @shinten-rai you realize that he was having a mother and son comment to one another using the basketball game as an analogy, right?

    Obviously he don't understand that simple thing, dont try to explain.

    On topic, yeah my analogy seems a bit rude, just like the op posting without researching the same topic in the front page over and over, giving potato percentages because reasons, and not actually giving feedback despite asking for "service à la carte". Thats not feedback, and this week is starting to being anoying that the feedback forum is only filling with complains

  • There will always be good and bad with every community. Just tonight on a busy server we crossed paths with a sloop and a brig who had amazingly friendly pirates aboard. We dropped and Athena quest for the 2 on the sloop and as we were leaving for the night another brig joined us. Yes we shot and blew each other up (or tried lol) but we all did so without any malice. We had a laugh about it and drank a few grogs, played a few tunes.

    There are bad pirates out there, but there are also just as many good.

    And with regards all your posts, please be respectful to your fellow pirates as per the rules of the forum. If not I call pistols at dawn and the thread will be locked :D

5 out of 18