Bar maid character suggestion.

  • I hope other insiders find my idea appealing. I suggest that as the bar maid fills your mug she becomes more and more attractive each time she fills up the mug.

  • 15
  • Haha good one! Rare pls do this!

  • Aye this has gone around before. It would be quite funny to see the more drunk you are the prettier she be!

  • I love the idea, but not SJW-proof at all.

  • love the idea!!!!!!

  • @mxr-thunder UP VOTE +1

  • Haha, great idea!👌🏻

  • Up you go with that idea mate!

  • @mxr-thunder I think maybe instead of it being the more she fills up the mug it should be the more drunk your character is. So while you see a very attractive woman your friends would see a very ugly woman. This way it would add a more comedic factor to the game that many players can enjoy.

  • Now this is a hilarious suggestion right here! Good on ya mate! 👍🍻

  • Why do you need her to be more attractive?

  • @siriondb said in Bar maid character suggestion.:

    Why do you need her to be more attractive?

  • @mxr-thunder Are you the same person who requested this a couple months ago? it seems to be typed out the same way.

  • I like the idea, though I would like to add that the barmaid allready looks atractive and beautiful.
    Just wanted to add that.

    Again, awesome concept!

  • this would probably trigger places like neogaf/resefrerta or whatever that place is called so hard lol

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