Reapers marks / reapers chest

  • I think, in order to see a reapers chest on the map and the beam of light, u must have ur reapers mark flag active, on your ship. just a thought.

    make the reapers make have a minimum duration like 5 minutes.

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  • You could work around this pretty easy. Throw reaper flag up, find spot on map and mark it. Then take the flag down and sail to that spot. If you're far away, just put the reaper up once in awhile to verify that its not moving or to figure out which ship is moving it.

    Its essentially the same thing we have but with extra annoying steps of playing with the flag box. It works fine as it is right now and actually attracts more people because they will see it if they don't have the reaper flag active.

  • @D3ADST1CK just make it when u activate the reapers mark, u can't change it to another flag for five minutes.

  • It is not necessary. No need for the flag. Only thing it would do is allow one to see ships seeking the reaper chest. It is best as it is. No warning. No “radar”. It would also encourage even more server hopping. The reaper chest as implemented is true to the heart and soul of Sea of Thieves and how it should play.

  • I think the reapers chest is meant to be a PVP event and the reapers mark is rarely used. this would allow us to see people who are also hunting for the reapers chest for a PVP engagement.

    also the way reapers chests spawn. it is difficult intercepting a chest once someone acquires it. they can quickly arrive at a Outpost uncontested.

    if we don't do the repeats Mark requirement, then I think. there should be a duration of time a ship must hold on to a chest prior to turning in or a specific destination for the chest rather than any Outpost.

  • If anything, this demonstrates their capable of displaying loot on a ship. I would love it, if the Reapers mark showed a minimum of the loot your already carrying. Maybe like a maximum of 5 marks for something, just to make sure people aren't blinded with hoards of loot on the map.

    Just an easy way to say, "Here I am, want the loot? Come and take it!" Maybe even a few PvE guys might even be tempted to risk it if enough loot is displayed.

  • @nabberwar not sure about that one.

    I'm in it for the fight, loot I usually let sink, except the reapers chest. I'll turn that one in. I also keep gems.

  • @treefittymonsta
    I share the sentiment, I just see that displaying my wealth might attract more challengers, outside of the usually PvP'ers. I think people might see it as a risk worth taking, if you know how great the reward is. Right now, you don't know til you get there and have actually engaged in combat.

  • I like the way it is now. There is an uneasiness to it now as you set sail towards the glowing swirls. "Is someone heading that way already?", "Is that ship also heading that way?"

    Not knowing what is around the corner from you is part of what makes it so exciting. For all you know you could round a large island on your way there and suddenly find you are racing against the entire server to get there. So much fun the way it is now. The excitement when you do spot another ship on the horizon that is heading in the same direction. Hoping you spotted them first. Plotting what to do on the fly as the situation changes.

  • @treefittymonsta said in Reapers marks / reapers chest:

    I think the reapers chest is meant to be a PVP event and the reapers mark is rarely used. this would allow us to see people who are also hunting for the reapers chest for a PVP engagement.

    also the way reapers chests spawn. it is difficult intercepting a chest once someone acquires it. they can quickly arrive at a Outpost uncontested.

    if we don't do the repeats Mark requirement, then I think. there should be a duration of time a ship must hold on to a chest prior to turning in or a specific destination for the chest rather than any Outpost.

    No, not if it is clear to everyone where the chest is before being picked up. As that is not hidden other crews can lay an ambush to intercept the crew that is sailing of with the Reaper's Chest; if it would be hidden until picked up at least it will be more difficult to execute such a tactic.

    If there would also be a minimum time you should have the chest on board it will be even harder to get out of an ambush.

    Note I don't mind the ambush, but not lets make it them even more easier.

  • @treefittymonsta
    Like others have said, everyone should be able to see where the person with the chest is. It's meant to be risky, why else would it be worth 15 doubloons?

  • @blazedrake100 said in Reapers marks / reapers chest:

    Like others have said, everyone should be able to see where the person with the chest is. It's meant to be risky, why else would it be worth 15 doubloons?

    I'm not saying that at all. I agree people should have a mark when they have the chest.

    what I'm saying is to see the chest light u have to the reapers flag up.

  • The reaper flag is not an exclusive “PvP” item. Neither is the reaper chest. The reaper flag is intended to say here I am. What they want is up to the other ships to find out. Could be PvP, could be to offer an alliance, could be just to say hi and meet others. Just like the presence of a reaper chest does not mean PvP is required or a sure thing. Arena is for guaranteed PvP. This suggestion would ruin both the purpose of the reaper chest and reaper flag.

  • @x-crowheart-x not a big fan of arena. maybe it's because it's galleon only. maybe when sloop arena comes out, it'll change my mind.

    let me preface the next comment with a statement, I consider treasure maps and digging chests pve content. Arena always felt more pve than PVP due
    to treasure maps and digging up chests.

  • Re. the only show the Reaper's Chest when Reaper's Flag is up; that can easily be overcome with two ships on one server where crews have party chat or can communicate otherwise outside of the game: only one has the Reaper's Flag up, the other gets informed where to pick up the chest.

  • Can we get a pve only reapers chest server already, tired of the griefing and taking it from a crew every time another boat picks it up.

    /s because I know it's necessary here.

    1. Piracy isn't griefing.

    2. Really? It's been out for a little over a day. At least give it a week before using it as a excuse for PvE servers. Also, I lost track of the totally uncontested reapers I turned in yesterday (the ones that were contested were a lot of fun!), so don't worry. I''m sure you'll get a bunch of uncontested ones too depending on the servers other pirates.

    The only change I'd suggest is keeping the spawns away from outposts (Saw one that was swimming distance from Ancient Spire a few times...). On the flip side, did see a good few that were just about as far into the corners of the map as you can get. Please do keep those!

  • @geoffman72
    I think the /s indicated sarcasm.

  • @lem0n-curry

    Ha, was wondering. I'll keep my comment in case anyone thinking that non-sarcastically comes along.

  • @geoffman72 said in Reapers marks / reapers chest:


    Ha, was wondering. I'll keep my comment in case anyone thinking that non-sarcastically comes along.

    To be honest I have no idea why @Geoffman72 felt the need to post this in this topic, it's not really a discussion about PvE complaints on stealing Reaper's chests, so I am not surprised by your reaction.

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