The nl party fleet

  • Yesterday our Dutch brigatine set sail with now a full legend crew.
    We are some happy stalkers set to make some pirates smile :)

    We take the risk to make allies and during our voyages slowly build up a nice alliance fleet of happy pirates.

    One moment we spotted a lonely legend unloading at a outpost and we know they need some love :)
    It was time for some serious stalking!

    To lure her out the sloop i covered the beach in glowing skulls and whenever this pirate talked to a vendor we quikly layed a treasure behind her and then hide.
    When the pirate deliverd her athena chest and wend in the hideout we quikly changed her lantarn lights so she now had a nice party boat like us :D

    We unloaded our loot and used her rowboat to gather her cargo and helped loading it on her sloop.

    She sailed out with a omg and thnx :")

    We continued our voyage making a party coloured fleet of 5 ships helping all against skellyships and clearing forts together and secretly changing their lantarns so they all got a taste of our party :")

    No one can take away our love and fun and we share our happiness with fellow pirates of any kind.

    We didnt sink for a change and enjoyed a sweet crashfree voyage full feelgood friendly pvp encounters :)

    Cheers for our Nl crew, God loves us all and loser terrorist walk the plank they dont make us hate others they make us love to be the good guys :P

    Oh i be out there again today hunting sad lonely and unlucky pirates to do cargo checks and make friends with my legendary coloured lantarn after i scared them rolling up with legend sails and hunting music for some excitement on approach ^^

  • 6
  • @ruigtand-nl lovely story! Sounds like you had some fun bringing joy to those other pirates!

  • Wij zijn sterker dan terrorisme. Bedankt voor de verspreiding van liefde!

  • Great story my friend! So happy it went so well for you pirates over there. An alliance is so nice when it works out like that. We stand with you against that horror. Hopefully one day humans will find a way to live all together in peace like us pirates can do on the sea.

  • Aye! That be the way to hold up The Code! I was in a four ship fleet a while back. There were three fully crewed galleons, and here I was the lone solo on a Sloop.

    I love working in alliances, and honestly hope Rare considers giving us the ability to have multi ship crews in a fleet. It's easy trying to sink a Skelly Ship when all you have to worry about is just the ship your on. If you have an allied ship, however, you need to coordinate attacks so you don't accidentally cause friendly fire. Now imagine if it was a 2v2 PvP situation! Talk about controlled (or uncontrolled) chaos!

  • @retroace135
    To make friends and respect and hold the alliance is a good thing to do, I cannot negate that...

    But you are misunderstanding the pirate code, the only one that forces you to not harm other pirates is:

    ARTICLE 5: the crew bond is sacred.
    ARTICLE 6: respect new pirates and their voyages ahead.

    that means you not necesary keep the alliance, since they are not in your actual ship, and try to not harass new sailors... anyway that is hard because some really skilled pirates are disguising... try to judge the situation for article 6.

    The big misunderstanding you did is here:

    ARTICLE 2: the sea unites as one community

    Ok, that means of being respectfull to those who you fight, yes... or tell me:

    What is a Chess club where the members dont play between them?

    Im your friend here, but I dont ensure your safety in the sea...
    At all, im a skull collector, not for order of souls... I have a big collection of still warm and staining floor skulls...

    And, if you make a solid alliance where no ship betrays anyone... belicous crews outside it, have a disadvantage... you enjoy being an archaeologist or merchant, but some people practice piracy: act of robbering ships and coasts. And that is not beautifull to watch.

    Anyways, Im really tired of incomming ships that are showing alliance flag, howling "we are friendly" and attacking inmediatelly... they just break the alliance before it get formed... that is NOT a betray in all aspects! is just a scam!
    Yes, for vile and dirty pirates that is nice, but please try to get some variety...
    All you are able to know if this kind of ship is incomming... just watch the ship as someone charging against you with sweet words and holding a knife...

    At the other side, the last week we were on a sloop... and a brigantine went direct to us at open sea... short story... they tryed to sink us, I used the spyglass and recognized the Luminous Unicorn Figurehead there... so... (this is so obvious, but we were very excited) so...


    We chased them for 1 hour of continuous fighting (I have the non modified Video, later I will show you here in Tavern Tales, but its on spanish).
    Every chance they got to speak, they were insulting, but if I would report every toxic player, I may have no oponents fastly... yes... that is the reality on brasil servers...

    Is very rare that someone you sink, later sends you a private message in good mood (yes, I do that sometimes, when mine and those crews are doing things very nice and the fight was interesting, but the other crews win)


    toxicity is the real intention of making mad the other, not blowing them down in a game where being belligerent is a big part of that game!

    Anyway, dont worry about that brigantine... their final was very, but very interesting (Way... yes, Falcore fanatic)... an ambush to us and some explosions involved... like action movies demand...

4 out of 6