Simple Reapers Voyage guide (No silly videos)

  • Hello,

    Here is much more simple guide to completing the Wanderers reaper voyage as fast and efficient as possible.

    1. Make a galleon with a 4 man crew.
    2. Raise the reaper flag and vote for the voyage.
    3. Drop 1 person off at Plunder Valley, and another at Discovery Ridge, the other two will stay on Wanderer's Refuge.
      Now, for each part of the voyage, the relative player on the named island will complete their section, either a riddle or a map. As soon as the section is completed the next player starts theirs.
  • 17
  • Don't you need 3 people to vote on the voyage?
    So one of those people would have to go back to the ship.

  • @n00ki3munster One person could sail the ship down to one of the riddle islands, get the last vote, and be back at Wanderer's in a pretty timely manner.

    Even with that in mind, leaving players on several islands does seem to be the fastest, and most used tactic for pirates lookin' to speed this perilous voyage up.

  • @n00ki3munster he wrote 2: reaper flag, vote for voyage
    3: one at plunder, one at discovery

    So what do you want to say? They have to vote again while doing the voyage or what?

  • @n00ki3munster by the way, there are 20 chests in this voyage, when you are one of the guys who is on plunder or discovery, do you really want to wait for 19 chests beeing digged up to get something to do?

    My suggestion: 3 people stay on the ship/on wanderers refuge, 1 stays with a rowboat on plunder, when digged up the chest, row to discovery ridge for thr next chest...the three guys on wanderers have to dig up 6 chests and next time 9, so there is enough time to row between these two islands

    Edit: to @kraken-slap this would be even better/faster

  • Finished my reapers stuff last night, it was fun but kind of repetitive, i wish it took you to different maps

  • @vapor1080 that would destroy the intentions of that's intended, so people get into pvp...if there were different islands it would be possible that you never see another ship

  • We do 3 on Wanderer's and a rowboat drop off near to Plunder. The Player on Plunder can then row over to Discovery and back to Wanderer's with both Puzzel chests without causing any hold ups. Plus it leaves you with 3 on Wanderer's to share the digging and defending the Galleon tasks. One player always stays onboard and when under attack we have 2 watching ladders/cannons and one on repairs/cannons. Pretty much gonna win (or at least not lose) every fight.

    I find our way better, Sorry.

  • @schwammlgott I disagree with that, you're using reapers mark, you're visible on the map to the server.

  • @vapor1080 yes, but most people are avoiding them...and for example: three crews are doing this voyage, one is in The Wilds, one is in Ancient Isles and one in Shores of Plenty...they never see each much for a pvp event

  • @schwammlgott I also tried that method, but I would rather sit and watch youtube for 10 minutes than painstakingly row across to discovery and back.

    It is not really a big deal if you have capable diggers on Wanderer's refuge.. Dig the chests up enough that you can see them then dig more up, it shouldn't take that long :D

  • @viperishemu2992 I think it honestly depends on your crew, if you have one person who is very good at riddles then this could work, however they would have to be good at PvP too since there is only one of them around that general area.

    It is faster to keep at least one person on each island if you have two players on Wanderer's who are good at maps.

  • @kraken-slap I rock-the-riddles and can row between the islands fast enough to be back in time to help with the last treasure map and bring a rowboat full of supplies with me.

    I think that our technique is better for these reasons:
    We always have a guard/look-out on the Ship and 2 on the Island digging up our chests plus any strays they find.
    We have 3 on the Ship to fight off any attackers and take their treasure too.

    There isn't much difference in our techniques except that our way, the Galleon always has at least 3 crew members, you also get the 2 riddle chests delivered and you finish up with a rowboat full of supplies for your next mission.

  • @viperishemu2992 I would like to try this method with you :D.

    I did have one my my crew rowing between the islands yesterday as the other riddle hunter died, it was still a relatively fast way but our maps were being completed twice as fast as our riddles due to him having to do so much work on his own.

    Like I said it does really depend on your crew. Myself and my wanderer's team mate defended our galleon quite easily, and we even fought off a sloop three times in a row and stole all of their treasure too all while digging up our own chests.

    If you have someone like yourself who is good at riddles and can also row fast enough, your system works well, but there is sometimes no need for an extra person at Wanderer's if you have two good map diggers, I guess the only benefit of having 3 is the extra help with PvP, but in my case it didn't matter anyway.

  • @schwammlgott no but this method is supposed to be for doing multiple voyages back to back, so at some point you would have to go get a 3rd person from one of the islands to vote on the next voyage

    As to your suggestion, I think that is the most efficient way for a 3-4 man crew.

    For a 2 man crew, probably leave one at wanderers refuge while the other takes the ship to do the riddle missions. By the time the last 9 chests are dug up, the guy with the ship should be back. Load up the loot (if you're keeping it), vote on the next voyage then repeat.

  • @n00ki3munster why? I said 3 people stay at wanderers and one rows from plunder to discovery and back...
    We did this on saturday this way and worked fine, I was in the rowboat and always faster on the island than they digged the chests up...we did 3 reapers that way and I could have made the 20 chests-achievement probably with the rowboat 🤣🤣

  • @schwammlgott I was still referring to OP's method. If you drop one person at each riddle island, the other 2 on the boat still have to go back and get one of them to vote on the next voyage.

    I clearly said that your suggested method is best

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