Sort your game out!

  • Just now, Playing arena, chasing a pirate on land who was carrying a chest and I was empty handed in full sprint and I couldn't catch him up for half the length of wanderers refuge.
    How long are console players going to have to have this game ruined by being forced to play with pc players?

  • 18
  • Since when do Pc players have a higher movement speed compared to xbox players?

  • @NeedSmokes
    What has this to do with PC players???

  • @bugaboo-bill


    I want nothing to do with PC players on Xbox live. EVER..

  • and how you know it was a pc player and not a good xbox player?

  • @bugaboo-bill

    I heard pc players can shoot lasers with the eyes and shoot fire from their aaarrrr xD

    They cheat when they win and they are hackers and toxic grievers and you cant see they use a pc but we know it because we need someone to blame.

    They are our best crewmates and worst enemies.

  • @eggamer13

    I could hear an echo, which clearly indicated his elderly mother was calling to him down in the basement below, also I could occasionally hear his gf moaning & speaking russian on another window in-between matches.
    What more proof is needed?

  • I stubbed my toe on my kitchen table's leg, how long will I have to endure PC players REEEEEEEE

  • @needsmokes Sounds like your bad at running

  • @needsmokes all pirate mechanics are identical between platforms, input devices impact turn rates, vibration feedbacks and such...but don't change the code used.

    I am curious about your reaction once they add the ability to opt put and you still are losing. As apparently everything bad that happens is a platform difference.

    Not much is going to change once the opt out happens, mark my words... it is time to be more pirate.

  • @cotu42

    Did I mention that I lose?

    I'm more pirate than your parrot!

  • @needsmokes said in Sort your game out!:


    Did I mention that I lose?

    I'm more pirate than your parrot!

    So, you are complaining of an unfair advantage while being the victor? Sore winners are the worst.

    If you are more pirate than my parrot, why are you more Salty than a dead parrot?

  • You shall be committed to suffering under the yoke of a controller on a console, until Rare sees fit to do otherwise.
    Or you upgrade your hardware.

    So suck it up, pirate.

  • I know when I'm fighting PC players. Thier accuracy is 100 %. They never miss a shot with pistol or canonball. Shooting through objects is also cool. Also the lighting fast sword play that cannot be blocked or countered. Then there is the boarding. Where the sword lunge from devils ridge meets you at kraken's fall. Cant here them coming out of the water and climbing your latter. They just appear on the deck. I just surrender and take my defeat.

  • @cotu42 wait is there pets in the game yet

  • @paladindh no, they aren't in the game yet. I was making a reference to the cursed merchant that is named Salty, which is a skeleton parrot. You will meet him on your journey on the seas.

    Also, could you point me to the option where I can activate my PC god mode? I for some reason cannot find it.

  • @cotu42 you got it when you purchased the game. Also I'm not complaining. I accept my defeat like I said and when the opt out feature comes I will still play with PC players. No worries.

  • Ahoy @needsmokes,

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