PvE players your boat is leaking...

  • @mouse-n-keybord

    I'm more of a Secret of Monkey Island kinda guy.

  • @itskingbertie said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @mouse-n-keybord said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @itskingbertie said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @mouse-n-keybord said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @viperishemu2992 said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    Just one more reason for PvE-only or private servers. Anyone who doesn't like people complaining about getting attacked should be the first in line supporting them.

    Ugh ...the game would feel even more dead. My crew only have to hop servers once we completely wipe out it's player base and it doesn't merge us.

    I honestly don't care that people get angry I just feel they need to make a note that nothing is safe.

    People expect to float around on easy mode? No skeleton ships, megs or krackens?

    I hope they never remove the cross play feature either ...only splitting the player base.

    Hahah we found the super PC player that happily griefs people until they leave and don’t come back then complains that the community is small :) :) :) :)

    Just look through his posts :) ^^^^

    I play the game. PC players are hard to come by in the open sea and it's Rares fault for making quest items unable to turn in when stolen. It's also like what was just stated about the server algorithms not merging properly.

    I'm only going to complain if I can't wreck Xbox One players to my hearts content. :):):):):):):)

    Most my posts will be about how much players are coming to me about getting sunk.... ok. Tell momma Rare about it.

    Why only Xbox players is your hardware not good enough to compete with quality gamers? Have to have a hardware advantage over an Xbox? Like why so specifically Xbox players? Explain?

    No most of your post show a agenda of constantly killing everyone to the point of literally sea of thieves version of t e a bagging, and in a game with real loss I imagine this is the type of player that all the “sore baby’s” are making most the posts on here about complaining!

    You also say you don’t want the community split? why just because you want newbie xbox players as prey? Or because you believe it will hurt the game?

    Yeah my 1 year old PC with everything overclocked, Ryzen 5 1600x, RTX 2060, 2400mHz o/c to 2800 of 16 GB of DDR6 ram
    and multiple terabytes of SSD space can't keep up with the Xbox consoles... ::laughs oh so sarcastically at the load times::

    Because they need segregation from the clearly superior PC players that sit on them while spawn killing them with slow load times while they PvE.

    Honestly I would rather them just be grouped up together and not have to deal with PC players. Meanwhile fixing the merging.

    Simple requests that need to happen sooner. Till then they are sitting ducks with slow turn speeds, slow load times, lower quality visuals all around in every aspect and same with FPS.

    No problem killing them and would think unless they fix the matchmaking the game would feel empty and no one to kill.

  • @baca-hombre said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:


    I'm more of a Secret of Monkey Island kinda guy.

    Never played it. I prolly owned it though. Had pretty much every game released in the 90s thanks to mummy and daddy.

    Now I supply my own habits. And prefer action and adventure games vs point and click RPGs during that time.

  • @mouse-n-keybord

    Use gopher repellent with gopher horde.

  • @baca-hombre said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:


    Use gopher repellent with gopher horde.

    I need more action! Wanna do a Athena for me if you're a pirate legand?

  • @viperishemu2992 sagte in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @schwammlgott said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @viperishemu2992 sagte in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    Just one more reason for PvE-only or private servers. Anyone who doesn't like people complaining about getting attacked should be the first in line supporting them.

    We need a downvote button!

    Ah yes, the downvote button. The Millenials last refuge when they have no argument.

    But seriously, if you have a better solution that will not only satisfy one of the most requested features on this forum but at the same time eliminate the posts complaining about Griefing and Trolling PvPers then I would love to hear it.

    The truth hurts. But mine is the most comprehensive soltution. If you don't like it, fine. The best decisions rarely make everybody happy.

    It has nothing to do with no argument...the reasons have been explained thousands of times in thousands of threads
    If there would be a downvote-button we would see what the community really wants...not everybody wants to write his opinion in here or give answers to stupid requests...

  • @mouse-n-keybord

    Pirate Legend?

    Not me, lad. For me, progression is a pleasant surprise that happens every now and then while I'm goofing around. The hardest I ever ground for loot was during December, and I gave all of it away while wearing a red coat and a white beard.

    Also, I don't make the best crew member for stuff like Athena's. I'm afraid you'd get a bit miffed when I'd stand about during a fight playing shanties, purposefully kill myself to get multiple lantern colors to decorate our ship, or sit below decks grilling all our fruit into black charcoal.

    All things I do on a regular basis.

  • @schwammlgott said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @viperishemu2992 sagte in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @schwammlgott said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @viperishemu2992 sagte in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    Just one more reason for PvE-only or private servers. Anyone who doesn't like people complaining about getting attacked should be the first in line supporting them.

    We need a downvote button!

    Ah yes, the downvote button. The Millenials last refuge when they have no argument.

    But seriously, if you have a better solution that will not only satisfy one of the most requested features on this forum but at the same time eliminate the posts complaining about Griefing and Trolling PvPers then I would love to hear it.

    The truth hurts. But mine is the most comprehensive soltution. If you don't like it, fine. The best decisions rarely make everybody happy.

    It has nothing to do with no argument...the reasons have been explained thousands of times in thousands of threads
    If there would be a downvote-button we would see what the community really wants...not everybody wants to write his opinion in here or give answers to stupid requests...

    I'm happy that this Forum doesn't have download buttons. They are detrimental to reason and discourse.

    Burning books with "undesirable" topics was very popular in 1930's Germany. The ignorant masses loved it. Because burning a book is easier than writing one. Just like pushing a download button is easier than taking the time and effort to verbalise your thoughts and support your arguments.

    Just because something is popular doesn't make it right.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @schwammlgott said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @viperishemu2992 sagte in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @schwammlgott said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @viperishemu2992 sagte in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    Just one more reason for PvE-only or private servers. Anyone who doesn't like people complaining about getting attacked should be the first in line supporting them.

    We need a downvote button!

    Ah yes, the downvote button. The Millenials last refuge when they have no argument.

    But seriously, if you have a better solution that will not only satisfy one of the most requested features on this forum but at the same time eliminate the posts complaining about Griefing and Trolling PvPers then I would love to hear it.

    The truth hurts. But mine is the most comprehensive soltution. If you don't like it, fine. The best decisions rarely make everybody happy.

    It has nothing to do with no argument...the reasons have been explained thousands of times in thousands of threads
    If there would be a downvote-button we would see what the community really wants...not everybody wants to write his opinion in here or give answers to stupid requests...

    I'm happy that this Forum doesn't have download buttons. They are detrimental to reason and discourse.

    Burning books with "undesirable" topics was very popular in 1930's Germany. The ignorant masses loved it. Because burning a book is easier than writing one. Just like pushing a download button is easier than taking the time and effort to verbalise your thoughts and support your arguments.

    Just because something is popular doesn't make it right.

    Equating downvotes on a video game website forum with 1930's Germany???

  • @little-squash It's called Godwin's law. The longer you argue with stupid people the more inevitable that it occurs.

  • @viperishemu2992 you must have serious problems...

  • @viperishemu2992

    Well, Godwin's Law dictates that once the chance of reference equals 1, the discussion is ended.

    Sooo..... thread over?

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @little-squash It's called Godwin's law. The longer you argue with stupid people the more inevitable that it occurs.

    Since you yourself turned Godwin's law into a fulfilled prophecy, I guess your remark about the intelligence of the involved people is self referential?

    Godwin's law itself says nothing about the people taking part in the discussion.

  • I need to get me some popcorn and a drink.

  • @inboundbomb said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    I need to get me some popcorn and a drink.

    All over a downvote option.

    Still think splintering the game into PvE adventure mode, crummy Arena chest hunt mode, PvP flagged adventure mode, Xbox controller users, Xbox keybord and mouse users, PC players and every other mini gamemode will be a terrible idea.

    Players are complaining about being killed over and over? Scuttle!

    Don't mark your map. Don't give players an option to figure out what your doing. Scuttle again.

    PvPers are taking your quest item?

    Tall Tale quests can be done within an hour and even faster if you get it together. Leave your item on the island, scuttle and come back.

    Know how many times I've sunk while doing a fort by a player ship, Megalodon pops up on my way there, getting hit by the island cannons, kraken and players to just have to come back again and again after being sunk?

    Welcome to Sea of Thieves!

    People want an easy mode. They cry to the wolves, golf clap, we don't care!

    Learn the game and get better. Still getting camped? Try a new server. Cause you clearly have an issue properly sailing to complete a few PvE quests....

    Scuttling needs to have a walk though for players when they first get into the game. Something like the starter quests and seafarers chest you turn in.

    Losing items sucks but it happens and you'll get better at holding on to them and turning them in.

  • @mouse-n-keybord said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @inboundbomb said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    I need to get me some popcorn and a drink.

    All over a downvote option.

    Still think splintering the game into PvE adventure mode, crummy Arena chest hunt mode, PvP flagged adventure mode, Xbox controller users, Xbox keybord and mouse users, PC players and every other mini gamemode will be a terrible idea.

    Players are complaining about being killed over and over? Scuttle!

    Don't mark your map. Don't give players an option to figure out what your doing. Scuttle again.

    PvPers are taking your quest item?

    Tall Tale quests can be done within an hour and even faster if you get it together. Leave your item on the island, scuttle and come back.

    Know how many times I've sunk while doing a fort by a player ship, Megalodon pops up on my way there, getting hit by the island cannons, kraken and players to just have to come back again and again after being sunk?

    Welcome to Sea of Thieves!

    People want an easy mode. They cry to the wolves, golf clap, we don't care!

    Learn the game and get better. Still getting camped? Try a new server. Cause you clearly have an issue properly sailing to complete a few PvE quests....

    Scuttling needs to have a walk though for players when they first get into the game. Something like the starter quests and seafarers chest you turn in.

    Losing items sucks but it happens and you'll get better at holding on to them and turning them in.

    Nope, I'm all good here. All I need is an opt out for the arena. Everything else has been fine with the game since beta for me. I take that back...... I didn't like barrels 2.0 when it first came out. Also if they can make my ship blow up with an explosion equal to a mega keg when we scuttle that would be great!

  • @inboundbomb I was just joining in with some popcorn.

    People will downvote just to downvote.

    I've also enjoyed everything but the new worms filling my inventory and the entire merge system.

    Rare just made the announcement again about the opt out of cross play feature again for consoles.

    I just hope they don't kill their own game. I'd be fine with some aim assistance for them.... too easy to slow turn a Xbox player around as a PC player and stunning them with a sword.

    I feel like the open seas are dead and give no incentives to stay on a server sometimes. Maybe give us a bounty for top killers on a server. Hand in loot while you have a bounty and earn titles and commendations.

    Give reasons for PvEers to fight back the ship with a bounty on it and get some gold and titles for killing those players and ship.

  • @crimsonraziel said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @viperishemu2992 said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @little-squash It's called Godwin's law. The longer you argue with stupid people the more inevitable that it occurs.

    Since you yourself turned Godwin's law into a fulfilled prophecy, I guess your remark about the intelligence of the involved people is self referential?

    Godwin's law itself says nothing about the people taking part in the discussion.

    Sorry, I see now that the definition of Godwin's Law has been changed to suit the thinned-skinned nature of easily butt-hurt Millennials.

    Actually Mike Godwin has come out on numerous occasions and said that if you demonstrate real awareness of history then your comparison is justified.

    But yes, your observation while not profound is partially correct. I brought it up with the intention of ending a rather boring and unsatisfying thread with [mod edit]. So Kudos to you for spotting that reference, if not the intention.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    Sorry, I see now that the definition of Godwin's Law has been changed to suit the thinned-skinned nature of easily butt-hurt Millennials.

    Funnily enough, I've grown a bit of a soft spot for millennials. Just cause of how everyone seems so ready to rag on 'em so hard. =P

  • @mouse-n-keybord said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @inboundbomb I was just joining in with some popcorn.

    People will downvote just to downvote.

    I've also enjoyed everything but the new worms filling my inventory and the entire merge system.

    Rare just made the announcement again about the opt out of cross play feature again for consoles.

    I just hope they don't kill their own game. I'd be fine with some aim assistance for them.... too easy to slow turn a Xbox player around as a PC player and stunning them with a sword.

    I feel like the open seas are dead and give no incentives to stay on a server sometimes. Maybe give us a bounty for top killers on a server. Hand in loot while you have a bounty and earn titles and commendations.

    Give reasons for PvEers to fight back the ship with a bounty on it and get some gold and titles for killing those players and ship.

    All good sir. I only need the opt out for arena so everyone would be so something on an even hardware and controls. The adventure mode I will play regularly.

  • @mouse-n-keybord
    I agree with everything u said.....except about xbox players. Not all of us are easy kills. I never feel disadvantaged to a pc player. I hope to see ya on the seas so we can have a good rumble mate.

  • [mod edit] that offers zero input besides "PvE servers" then rants about "download" which I assumed you ment "downvote" then argues about a comparison.

    Thanks for the derailment and your input is not needed a single bit. Rare has stated it will NEVER, EVER, EVER have PvE private servers. So much for that bright idea.

    Anywho...maybe you should try grouping up with players that can hold your hand while you take 4 hours to complete a simple Tall Tale.

    Then Rare wonders why players like me end up causing people like you to want to quit playing SoT... good riddance.

    Crys about PvP, then has the nerve to say some toxic mess that was clearly undeserving. But inb4 some white knights come to protect you.

  • @inboundbomb said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @mouse-n-keybord said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    @inboundbomb I was just joining in with some popcorn.

    People will downvote just to downvote.

    I've also enjoyed everything but the new worms filling my inventory and the entire merge system.

    Rare just made the announcement again about the opt out of cross play feature again for consoles.

    I just hope they don't kill their own game. I'd be fine with some aim assistance for them.... too easy to slow turn a Xbox player around as a PC player and stunning them with a sword.

    I feel like the open seas are dead and give no incentives to stay on a server sometimes. Maybe give us a bounty for top killers on a server. Hand in loot while you have a bounty and earn titles and commendations.

    Give reasons for PvEers to fight back the ship with a bounty on it and get some gold and titles for killing those players and ship.

    All good sir. I only need the opt out for arena so everyone would be so something on an even hardware and controls. The adventure mode I will play regularly.

    I've always wanted cross play for the amount of fluff the casuals will fill. No offence to them.

    But I agree %100 that the ground isn't level at all for PC vs Xbox. Those that think otherwise don't understand hardware and how things work.

    30 fps vs 60 fps+ is huge! Not including the amount of details Xbox players miss when having to use clunky controls.

    I just don't care to hear the "I'm reporting you cause you sank me!" kind of messages. Not my problem that you've spent HOURS working on something and I've taken it.

    Take it back by force or group up and do an athena for us. Those are the options I give sometimes and make a game out of it all.

    Rare says they want human interactions to play out the story ....yet these PvEers cry spilt grog and sunken ships.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    I agree with everything u said.....except about xbox players. Not all of us are easy kills. I never feel disadvantaged to a pc player. I hope to see ya on the seas so we can have a good rumble mate.

    I've been playing for 7 months now and most the Xbox players turn so slow we've noticed. Most the time we test their turn speeds by running around them while they turn.

    My crew is trying new sneaky methods and its already generated a free Athena 2 nights ago.

    We always ask if people are on Xbox just because it looks so clunky and slow on the turns. We laugh when we are tucked and we see players slowwwwwwly moving around and bumping into things.

  • @mouse-n-keybord
    I see this too alot actually. I play with my turn maxed out since they updated it. I feel like alot of xbox players dont know what to do when you are getting circled and slashed.
    I guess im just very competitive and dont like to lose. So i have done everything possible to master pvp. I really feel like pc has minimal advantages over xbox. The game is more about tactics and less of an fps.
    I cant stand that they are making an opt out for crossplay. But the good thing is that there are alot of players like me that are not scared of pc players. Ill be on those crossplay servers sinkin pc players all day mate.

  • @mouse-n-keybord

    No need for name calling, friend.

    Everybody's getting a little heated here, so let's remember to keep it civil.

  • @baca-hombre

    [mod edit]

    It's those exact things when these types of people complain about PvP or others in a game and expect "friendly mode activated".

    But I've already seen her comments about blocking. Well block on and move along.

    Never invited to begin with.

    Exact type of person that ends up sending Xbox messages after getting sunk "for no reason".

  • @mouse-n-keybord

    Mmm, yes.

    A surefire recipe for reasonable debate and intelligent discussion.

    Please, continue.

  • @mouse-n-keybord Your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @viperishemu2992 Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @baca-hombre said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:


    Mmm, yes.

    A surefire recipe for reasonable debate and intelligent discussion.

    Please, continue.

    Not really a debate as much as a request for player types like her to move along or find another gamemode if this isn't for her. Sounds hypocritical amirite.......

  • @mouse-n-keybord said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    Sounds hypocritical amirite.......

    Indeed it does.

    PvP players telling PvE players that the game "isn't for them".

    PvE players telling PvP players that the game "isn't for them".

    Makes me glad I left all that junk behind me during the alpha. Still, it's always upsetting when the squabbling chickens start pecking at each other. =P

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    But yes, your observation while not profound is partially correct. I brought it up with the intention of ending a rather boring and unsatisfying thread with [mod edit]. So Kudos to you for spotting that reference, if not the intention.

    You know you can just stop reading and responding if this thread doesn't tickle your fancy?

  • @crimsonraziel said in PvE players your boat is leaking...:

    You know you can just stop reading and responding if this thread doesn't tickle your fancy?

    Morbid curiousity.

    That's my excuse anyway.

55 out of 83