Arena games wont start.

  • ever since the last update on 7/17/2019 arena games will not start. we sit in lobbies and the game wont launch, even with all the teams full, it wont begin the contest. we have had to server hop over and over until eventually one lobby goes. it takes about 30-40 minutes to get a game. and so far i have not seen anything said about this. nor have i heard of any reply to support tickets. EU seems to be less affected by the problem.

    please upvote this thread for visibility

  • 8
  • "SleepyBeard" Upvote if you've seen this message way too many times!

  • @eddythecaptain ya, thats happened a ton. it's another complaint i'm hearing from fellow arena goers.

  • Glad I uninstalled SOT, hope they can get this mode right some day because it was such a step in the right direction, just too bad it was two steps back by making the focus on digging up and delivering your quad billionth chest.

  • Our team identified an issue with Arena matchmaking causing unusually long wait times for some users. A fix is being pushed and most players should now be seeing reduced/normalized wait times!

  • @kenji-salk uhmm, actually waited for 50 minutes today with a closed crew

  • This seems like it's back.

  • @tark-lf said in Arena games wont start.:

    This seems like it's back.

    Revive is only allowed in the Game not in the Forum ;)

4 out of 8