Arena and PvE servers

  • Just want to start off by saying I don't want and am fully aware of the developers opinions on PvE servers. This post is not about adding PvE servers.

    With that said, the developers clearly said they don't want to split the player base, so what is the arena doing? It is literally just a PvP server. With all the hate and negativity shared to our friendly PvE family somehow the PvP family takes priority with their own dedicated servers.

    The arena is fun and a cool idea but dosn't fit the narrative. I say adventure mode is the only mode. Where the lines are blurred between safety and doom and pirates make their own fate weighing their skill and knowlage.

    What do you think? :)

  • 202
  • It's just condensed action

    this is a game where a lot of us spend many hours playing and a significant portion of that time is spent finding the action

    arena just offers that to people who don't have the time or the desire to spend the time to get into the action

  • @wolfmanbush is that the SoT narrative tho?

    To be fair to all community members, I think PvE players could make a similar point. Something to the effect of "we spend hours just to loose everything". Arena is the exact opposite of a PvE server, splits the community, and dosn't fit into the narrative of a PvE/P environment. Thank you for your response. :)

  • @expsnailer said in Arena and PvE servers:

    @wolfmanbush is that the SoT narrative tho?

    To be fair to all community members, I think PvE players could make a similar point. Something to the effect of "we spend hours just to loose everything". Arena is the exact opposite of a PvE server, splits the community, and dosn't fit into the narrative of a PvE/P environment. Thank you for your response. :)

    So what's the point here? shut down arena because people are upset they don't get pve servers? shut down arena because you wanna play "gotcha" with developers?

    Completely changing the foundation of the game so people can play extreme easy mode doesn't have anything to do with a mode for people to be able to get some SOT action for 15 minutes before work or school or whatever their reason is.

  • @wolfmanbush the objective is to expose the hypocrisy in the air.

    Arena does not give people a short burst of the SoT experience. It give people a short burst of the SoT PvP experience. The game mode is capture the flag.

    The SoT experience is not soly driven by PvP engagement, but the arena is soly driven by PvP engagement. So how does it give people the SoT experience?

    If you only play SoT to PvP that's fine, but why do you get your own server and others don't? I don't want any servers for PvP or PvE both don't fit the narrative. :)

  • You can win an arena match without firing a single shot or killing a single player, therefore it's not purely PVP :)

    Considering how people complain about empty arena lobbies, it hardly seems like the community is being split there :)

  • Arena is not PvP Mode. The difference between Arena and Adventure is Competitive compared to Non-Competitive. In Arena it is possible, albeit more difficult, to play without engaging in PvP (just like Adventure, though it is markedly more easy to accomplish).

    The core loop of the game is acquiring treasure via PvE (present in both Adventure and Arena), and conflict between players via PvP (present in both Adventure and Arena). The difference is that at the end of Arena you will be ranked into 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. This will not happen in Adventure. So the real difference is Competition.

    What I will agree with you on is that it is silly to claim not to want to split the player base. That, in fact, was kicked out the window when another Mode was added to the game which by the nature of existing splits the pool of potential players into two groups at any given moment. But this is where we start to run into problems with the PvE server requests.

    PvE Mode, unlike Arena which still maintains a focus on the true core principle of making a PvEvP Pirate game, this would strip out 50% of the intended core design (the PvP portion of it all).

    Also, a major point with Arena is that it consists of a single Faction in the Sea Dogs that players are able to engage with. Some of the rewards in Arena require a player to be a Pirate Legend to achieve. This is impossible without getting to Rank 50 in 3 Factions. In this way, these players are still somewhat forced to engage with the core game (Adventure) to get the most out of the Mode. When people ask for PvE servers they are asking to have Adventure Mode without the threat of other players. This, again, flys in the face of trying to use Arena as a reasonable comparison for making an argument for it. At best, a PvE Mode would be able to have one Faction (that isn't present in the Adventure Mode mind you), thus placing it into a place of isolation. It would also need rewards you can't get in that Mode without being Legend, thereby forcing you to play Adventure (since even trying to do Arena at that point still wouldn't be enough to get your 3 and thus you must engage with the actual heart of the game in Adventure to really get it all).

    So what would really even work for that? The best I could think of is Tall Tales, but at this point all of that is so ingrained into Adventure it would be silly to pull it from that and make a Mode out of it. And Rare took extra steps on those with checkpoints to help them live in Adventure better. Outside of Tall Tales, there is not a whole heck of a lot I can think of that would work that isn't already a part of Adventure (and again, we can't be duplicating stuff in this Mode, so without a viable path for these perspective servers to take there is no real point continuing to rally for them in a game that isn't designed to be a single player or even co-op pirate game, it is a shared world PvEvP pirate game).

    So, in closing, again I will admit that the argument of "not splitting the player base" is disingenuous at best, it isn't the only reason why PvE servers are rejected by both the bulk of the community and the developers themselves. People want to ask for PvE servers, but none of them want to present a viable way it can be done (though I would argue it is fair to worry about splitting the developer focus, Adventure and Arena both move far to slowly as it is, imagine the slow release trickle with a third Mode). Until such time as someone can do that, this is all a pointless exercise. And if we're gonna say "that's Rare's job to figure that out" we might just have to accept that maybe they've tried and they can't come up with a good idea for it either. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case, considering it would save them the hassle of seeing people whinge on about the idea all the time despite them being as clear as possible that it isn't something they are going to do in the way people are asking.

    Anyways, these threads kind of make me go off on rants at this point, but it is all just getting old when all this information is so readily available if not for people repeatedly posting this junk and flooding out the worthwhile information and pushing the bulk of the community to not even try on their replies to this stuff anymore. I'm pretty much there myself, and I've only even bothered engaging these threads for a small time compared to many.

    We all know there are people that would love this kind of thing, we get it. But sadly this isn't that game, I hope you get your game some day, and that with a proper focus it won't be a boring slog like SoT would be without the uncertainty of players in the world.

  • @redeyesith I'm not sure if you read my post, I don't want a PvE mode haha and also arena is literally just capture the flag SoT edition. Just because it involves treasure dosn't make it PvE the game rewards and encourages PvP to win. Statistically you can earn more points faster by cannoning, killing, and sinking other players.

    The idea that just because there is the option to dig up treasure and turn it in makrs it into a PvE mode is silly. That's like saying capture the flag in Call of Duty is PvE because the objective is a flag not a person. Simply put, arena is PvP. It's an ARENA lol even the name suggest it.

    I think the idea for a PvE mode is silly, but with that logic why is it okay for a PvP mode? I'm glad we can agree on something tho, it splits the player base. Thanks for the input, but this isn't a "I want PvE post" haha :)

  • @bloodybil I think the arena lobbies are empty because you gain little to nothing in them. Sink 3 ships and win first place? So what here's a handful of gold that a low level voyage could have netted you in the same amount of time.

    Arena dosn't feel like SoT, it feels like they tried to make a competitive PvP pirate game. Which is what arena is but literally the majority player based dosn't want that, we want SoT. Befor anyone say I don't know what the majority wants look at the lobby counts for arena, it's horrendous haha no one but to 0.05% of the PvP player base is playing that. Pretty sure the majority community want an open sandbox adventure pirate game filled with treasure and conflict around every corner. Not galleons and sloops shooting echouther 24/7. Part of the fun is the calm befor the storm, the storm, and the aftermath (good or bad). The arena serves one purpose for most player who I've played with. Practice. That's all it's really good for, to expose PvP constantly in a risk-less environment to players who need to learn and practice PvP.

  • Arena is not pvp mode. Its condensed adventure

  • I admittedly do need to sail a bit more in the Arena - my silver coffers are starting to run a bit low.

  • @expsnailer Arena doesnt really split the community. Why? You cant do any voyages there, you cant level up in all the factions there, you cant become PL solely playing there, you cant tall tales there or events there nor can you unlock everything by playing there. Basically you have to play adventure if you actually want to experience the full game. I highly doubt anyone buys SOT just to play arena and never main adventure. Its a rather poor comparison you are making.

    I wouldnt be against a PvE mode that was like arena because I really dont think that would split the player base either however that would be so much more of a time and resource sink to devs. They would have to continuously out do themselves with PvE threats to keep things interesting since they couldn't rely on the threat of PvP to spice things up.

  • @daringclarky said in Arena and PvE servers:

    Arena is not pvp mode. Its condensed adventure

    Yup, somewhere handy to go practise combat for Adventure mode if you're pushed and can't spare the time for a proper session..

  • @expsnailer said in Arena and PvE servers:

    @wolfmanbush the objective is to expose the hypocrisy in the air.

    Arena does not give people a short burst of the SoT experience. It give people a short burst of the SoT PvP experience. The game mode is capture the flag.

    The SoT experience is not soly driven by PvP engagement, but the arena is soly driven by PvP engagement. So how does it give people the SoT experience?

    If you only play SoT to PvP that's fine, but why do you get your own server and others don't? I don't want any servers for PvP or PvE both don't fit the narrative. :)

    No one would have a problem with a PVE mode that was as stripped down as the Arena is compared to Adventure. Something like Tall Tales only, or a completely new faction that revolves around PvE challenges or tasks and has no connection to the Adventure mode factions. This would be functionally equivalent to what the Arena provides for the PvE side, while still providing incentive to continue to play the Adventure mode to do nearly everything else.

    The problem is that people who ask for PVE servers only want an exact copy of Adventure mode with no PVP, which will only hurt the game by leeching players away from the normal servers to do higher risk activities in safety.

  • @wagstr said in Arena and PvE servers:

    @daringclarky said in Arena and PvE servers:

    Arena is not pvp mode. Its condensed adventure

    Yup, somewhere handy to go practise combat for Adventure mode if you're pushed and can't spare the time for a proper session..

    Arena does not split the playerbase.
    As a viable faction, the Sea Dogs are an integral SoT experience.
    Pvp in Arena and pvp in Adventure are two very different flavors.

    Arena is where a player can get practical experience in combat piloting, naval artillery, and pirate killing, all without griefing innocents in Adventure.

    Adventure is where that experience is applied.

  • @expsnailer said in Arena and PvE servers:

    Just want to start off by saying I don't want and am fully aware of the developers opinions on PvE servers. This post is not about adding PvE servers.

    With that said, the developers clearly said they don't want to split the player base, so what is the arena doing? It is literally just a PvP server. With all the hate and negativity shared to our friendly PvE family somehow the PvP family takes priority with their own dedicated servers.

    The arena is fun and a cool idea but dosn't fit the narrative. I say adventure mode is the only mode. Where the lines are blurred between safety and doom and pirates make their own fate weighing their skill and knowlage.

    What do you think? :)

    arena is ship v ship combat and everyone is happy except the really toxic people who play it but case in point in that mode everyone wants pvp but they could add new types of game modes for that

  • @galactic-geek said in Arena and PvE servers:

    I admittedly do need to sail a bit more in the Arena - my silver coffers are starting to run a bit low.

    don't you mean your silver bullion?

  • I think people are confused that I'm saying there should be a PvE mode. I'm not. I don't want one and I don't thin one would be good for the game.

    This post is simply stating that arena caters to PvP players. That's bad, regardless how you look at it haha it is a PvP server, any arguments about it being condensed adventure is just false. There are no parts of adventure in arena besides the PvP aspects.

    As much hate as the PvE players get for asking for their own server it's funny how many PvP players defend their own server.

    Adventure is the SoT experience. Arena is not. As I've stated before and as it was stated by others in this post, the only marketable benefit is the ability to practice PvP. The idea that the Sea Dogs needed to have their quest line tied to a server completely separate from adventure is silly, and in my opinion lazy. They should have added the Sea Dogs progression to adventure. But instead they made that faction its own server catered to PvP players. It's unfortunate.

  • @expsnailer I honestly don’t think I have once heard a pvp player defend arena servers or call arena servers their pvp server... like literally not once. Yes it is pretty much entirely pvp but playing it is very different from begging for pve or sea of friends servers 😂

  • @expsnailer said in Arena and PvE servers:

    As much hate as the PvE players get for asking for their own server it's funny how many PvP players defend their own server. >

    PvE mode would be FULL adventure mode. People who want PvE servers want to be able to play every aspect of the game in their own safe server. That is what people are against. That is what would actually split the player base.

    The arena is not that and therefore does not split the player base which is why there isnt an uproar about it.

  • @expsnailer said in Arena and PvE servers:

    I think people are confused that I'm saying there should be a PvE mode. I'm not. I don't want one and I don't thin one would be good for the game.

    This post is simply stating that arena caters to PvP players. That's bad, regardless how you look at it haha it is a PvP server, any arguments about it being condensed adventure is just false. There are no parts of adventure in arena besides the PvP aspects.

    As much hate as the PvE players get for asking for their own server it's funny how many PvP players defend their own server.

    Adventure is the SoT experience. Arena is not. As I've stated before and as it was stated by others in this post, the only marketable benefit is the ability to practice PvP. The idea that the Sea Dogs needed to have their quest line tied to a server completely separate from adventure is silly, and in my opinion lazy. They should have added the Sea Dogs progression to adventure. But instead they made that faction its own server catered to PvP players. It's unfortunate.

    Arena compliments the game by adding a new experience, which has its own bubble; Own faction with its own rewards and a different dynamic of gameplay.

    PvE requests: Want to have adventure mode with all its rewards and factions, tall tales, world events to be earned without the threat of PvP. An identical world where they can grind to be Pirate Legend.

    There is a clear difference between the two. There would be far less backlash towards PvE requests that would have their Own Faction, with its own rewards and its own type of Adventure. Where none of the Adventure mode rewards are earned, none of the tall tales done, none of the world events or faction reputations. You wouldn't be able to become a legend without facing the threat of PvP... it isn't comparable. Yet that is not an idea most PvE requesting folk agree with, they just want an easy mode.

    You don't make this distinction and compare the PVE requests to Arena and that is wrong. Whether you like the sea dogs and their own arena or not is secondary.

  • @expsnailer we're not all pve lords and bots who enjoy digging up chased and running away from double gunners. arena mode is there for tdmers and spawnkiller and people who are actually good a game.

  • @arj-x3644 I don't think it's appropriate to refer to people who like activities you don't bots. Anyhow thanks for being reasonable and seeing that arena is a PvP server. :)

  • The Arena mode is not all that popular anymore and if they want to give people quicker experiences, they should just offer those types of voyages and quests within the Adventure mode itself.

  • @cotu42 There are many way to implement a PvE server that dosn't give the full experience like adventure does. They did it for PvP I'm sure they can do it for PvE. However I don't want a PvE server nor a PvP server. I just want them to expand and update the core experience. If they have PvP servers I'm cool with that so long as it dosn't take away from adventure, if they add PvE servers I'm cool with that again as long as it dosn't take away from adventure. Either way I'm cool with it so long as fair is fair for the community and the core experience come first.

  • @l-snapper-l anyone who says it's not a PvP server is either confused about what PvP is or is just scared to admit they got their own server because it would mean a taist of hippocracy is in the air.

    So yeah bro, many are defending the serve as "condensed adventure" lol

  • @expsnailer said in Arena and PvE servers:

    @cotu42 There are many way to implement a PvE server that dosn't give the full experience like adventure does. They did it for PvP I'm sure they can do it for PvE. However I don't want a PvE server nor a PvP server. I just want them to expand and update the core experience. If they have PvP servers I'm cool with that so long as it dosn't take away from adventure, if they add PvE servers I'm cool with that again as long as it dosn't take away from adventure. Either way I'm cool with it so long as fair is fair for the community and the core experience come first.

    Yet you are clumping the Arena in with the PvE servers that are requested here on the forums, as indicated in your title: Arena and PvE servers

    With that said, the developers clearly said they don't want to split the player base, so what is the arena doing? It is literally just a PvP server.

    Arena is in no way the extend of just a PVP server, it is the Arena; It doesn't take away from the Adventure mode, but provides a more PvP centric condensed sea of thieves experience for people with less time to play with a separate reward scheme and game experience. Yet the requested PvE servers are the Adventure mode without PvP - as that is what 99.9% of the PvE requests are. The Arena does not take away from the core experience of Adventure mode, those PvE servers do and you clump them into the same group.

    Is there a version of PvE servers that would be viable and similar to the Arena, yes... but that isn't what people talk about when talking about PvE servers. Yet nowhere do you clarify this in your post. Therefore you are making an argument that a PvP free adventure mode would be identical to how the Arena functions and the impact it would have, but that is false.

    If they have PvP servers I'm cool with that so long as it dosn't take away from adventure

    If you truly believe this as you claim... you wouldn't have brought up Arena mode as it is literally its own entity, with its own rewards and in no way taking away from the Adventure mode. There is no solo Arena legend, one must always thread the open waters to be awarded that title. No voyage, tale or fight in the Adventure mode is the same as those in the Arena...

  • @cotu42 so a server without PvP isn't the same concept as a server without PvE?

    Honestly I don't care about any server outside of the true core SoT experience aka adventure. I'm just tired of seeing all the hate twords our PvE family members from our PvP family member while they get to have their own server. It's super hippocratic.

    And as I stated before this is to expose the hippocracy.

    I'm not here to discuss how a PvE server could be emplemented, or how PvEr's want it emplemented.

    In the exact way you say PvEr's want a server without PvP, PvPr's got a server without PvE. Yet it's not the same right? Why because it catered to your needs that's why. I enjoy both PvE and PvP in SoT. I want to see both communities realize we are one community. We all deserve the same level of treatment. You got a PvP server, where's the PvE server?

    Once again I don't want a PvE server, I want the core experience expanded on. Why should I have to go to a whole different game mode to experience a faction that's been in the game since day one. Pretty sure my first flint skin was a sea dog.

    Fair is fair, if a server dedicated to PvE dosn't belong so too does a PvP server not belong. Or vise versa, if a server dedicated to PvP add something new to the game expanding it, so too should a PvE server. :)

  • @expsnailer said in Arena and PvE servers:

    @cotu42 so a server without PvP isn't the same concept as a server without PvE?

    Honestly I don't care about any server outside of the true core SoT experience aka adventure. I'm just tired of seeing all the hate twords our PvE family members from our PvP family member while they get to have their own server. It's super hippocratic.

    And as I stated before this is to expose the hippocracy.

    I'm not here to discuss how a PvE server could be emplemented, or how PvEr's want it emplemented.

    In the exact way you say PvEr's want a server without PvP, PvPr's got a server without PvE. Yet it's not the same right? Why because it catered to your needs that's why. I enjoy both PvE and PvP in SoT. I want to see both communities realize we are one community. We all deserve the same level of treatment. You got a PvP server, where's the PvE server?

    Once again I don't want a PvE server, I want the core experience expanded on. Why should I have to go to a whole different game mode to experience a faction that's been in the game since day one. Pretty sure my first flint skin was a sea dog.

    Fair is fair, if a server dedicated to PvE dosn't belong so too does a PvP server not belong. Or vise versa, if a server dedicated to PvP add something new to the game expanding it, so too should a PvE server. :)

    You really dont get it.

    Anyways,you arnt here to discuss how a PvE mode can be implemented.You arnt here because you want a PvE mode.
    So why are you here? To complain about a mode that does not split the player base even though you said you would be "cool" with a mode that does not split the player base in any way. To call out people as hypocrites who are fine with arena a mode where you cant do what you can do in regular adventure mode? It has already been explained to you people are against a PvE mode request where you can do all you can do in adventure mode. How that makes someone a hypocrite?I dont understand your reasoning at all.

  • @expsnailer to be fair that is what rare calls it. Also everyone already has made their own pve servers with server alliances. But if rare were to add a offline mode with no progression other than tall tales for the use of exploring and getting to know the map I think that would be cool

  • @expsnailer said in Arena and PvE servers:

    @cotu42 so a server without PvP isn't the same concept as a server without PvE?

    An Adventure mode where you can do Tall Tales, Cloud events (including the Ashen Lords here), Merchant, OOS, Gold Hoarder and Athena voyages, Hunters call fishing trips and the Commendations without the threat of PVP is NOT the same concept.

    You cannot become a LEGEND within the Sea Dogs Tavern.

    Honestly I don't care about any server outside of the true core SoT experience aka adventure. I'm just tired of seeing all the hate twords our PvE family members from our PvP family member while they get to have their own server. It's super hippocratic.

    You are being Hypocritical about what the PVE requests are. I will repeat once again. IF they add a PVE mode where you are offered:

    1. Brand New Faction
    2. Different rewards
    3. A new experience

    That would be comparable to the Arena mode. That is NOT what people requesting PVE servers are agreeing to. Trust me I have made this point dozen of times on these forums.

    The PVE family you talk about want to have a COPY of the of Adventure mode WITHOUT PVP...

    And as I stated before this is to expose the hippocracy.

    Yet you fail to understand the DIFFERENCE between the two. You are the hypocritical one. You state: If it doesn't take away from the adventure mode you would be alright with it.

    Arena does not take away from the Adventure mode, it has 0 reputations to be gained that are obtained in the Adventure mode, it has 0 sneak plays. Even the darn combat is not anywhere near the same it is a 5 ship free for all in a limited space that revolves around cannon fire...

    I'm not here to discuss how a PvE server could be emplemented, or how PvEr's want it emplemented.

    Euhm... you put things in the same category and claim they take away from Adventure mode... then you are talking about the implementation.

    In the exact way you say PvEr's want a server without PvP, PvPr's got a server without PvE. Yet it's not the same right? Why because it catered to your needs that's why. I enjoy both PvE and PvP in SoT. I want to see both communities realize we are one community. We all deserve the same level of treatment. You got a PvP server, where's the PvE server?

    I didn't get anything, I play only Adventure mode, but sure tell me more... about how Arena is my game mode. I am really curious upon your idea of the playstyle of someone you don't know. Do I like to fight, yes I do... yet as a thief, usually solo and not the type of fights we get in Arena. Cause sure it s PVP, but it isn't the same type of combat at all.

    I stated how they could add PVE servers, but I thought you didn't want to talk about the implementation! While that is the issue with the PvE requests, but continue on your rampage of misconceptions and ignorance. You don't even bother reading...

    Once again I don't want a PvE server, I want the core experience expanded on. Why should I have to go to a whole different game mode to experience a faction that's been in the game since day one. Pretty sure my first flint skin was a sea dog.

    Fair is fair, if a server dedicated to PvE dosn't belong so too does a PvP server not belong. Or vise versa, if a server dedicated to PvP add something new to the game expanding it, so too should a PvE server. :)

    Frankly, you want a PVE server we have one: the Maiden Voyage. It is in the game, no PVP to be found, you can swipe at skeleton that is bound to a tree, fish and cook. Enjoy the simple life... ooh wait you want a PVE server where you can do all the things from the adventure mode... but that isn't what those that actually care about the PvEvP mode want.

    Implementation matters, if a true PVE experience is added it needs to be like the Arena. Separated from the Adventure mode. Unlike you I actually like the adventure mode and want to protect it, not provide ammunition to those that want a cheap copy of it without the largest threat on the seas: The Thieves, The Pirates.

  • @cotu42 I'm not here to talk about how it can be emplemented because I don't want it emplemented. Sorry for misunderstanding that you arnt some one who clearly was catered to with arena, it's not like you going out of your way to tell me how wrong the comparison is.

    Hypothetical situation, PvPer makes a post befor arena is made. "Guys I'm sick of having to grind PvE quest all I want to do is PvP can't we just get a game mode where all the PvE is taken out and only PvP is left." Sounds very similar to the argument for the opposite no? Yet this is exactly what arena is, sure you can't become a PL through sea Dogs alone, alouth you can use sea Dogs to become pirate legend making the progressing on your part (if you like PvP) easier because you have to grind PvE less than anyone else. But yeah you can't become PL through it right? That's because PL is a PvE faction. Along with Gold Horders, Order of Souls, and Merchant Alliance. All PvE factions. Sea Dogs and Reapers are PvP factions, but apparently Sea Dogs needed to have their own server, which dosn't split the community? So making people go to a different server to experience something in the game from the core experience dosn't split the community?

    You say I still don't get it, I think you misunderstanding me, I wish we could have a conversation with speach because through text alone there is alot of room for misunderstanding.

    Do you honestly believe it's fair that PvPers get their own server, while PvEers get slandered constantly for asking for their own? Also you example of PvEers request is subjective. Not all PvE request are what you say, and yet all PvE request get harrased and told how dumb the idea is smh. It's sad.

    Free the people for they are equal. PvEers and PvPers deserve the same treatment and deserve the same game benefits. The core game is PvP/E thus making us one community. No reason for a PvP mode alone, where's the PvE mode? Why are they mistreated? Why do you judge one player based off his gaming preference?

  • @expsnailer

    Frankly, you are just clueless if you place the PvE requests on the same level as the Arena mode or claim that it competes with the Adventure mode as it doesn't. Legends are not a PvE faction purely else they wouldn't accept the Sea Dogs or the Reapers as valid recommendations nor would they have commendations that involve the theft of others treasure. Yet they appreciate both aspects of the seas, the brutal and the peaceful... to join their ranks you have to face the threat of PvP or indulge yourself in it.

    I do honestly believe it is fair to have an area for people just out to fight, it helps those that don't. It is not one-sided at all, because if they are put in their own environment that means they aren't hunting those on their PvE voyages in Adventure mode. It makes the seas less brutal and more filled with those out for more than just blood. You want a balance between PvEvP this is one of the tools that is used to dampen the bloodthirst and benefits the peaceful PvE-ers among us.

    PvE requests get slandered because they do not seek to be legends, they seek for a cheap copy of the Adventure mode that directly competes with it. My example of PvEers request is subjective... yet it is the majority of the requests; passive mode, passive flag, PVE only version of Adventure mode. Many in which I gave them the exact speech I gave you: A PvE mode is possible, if it is not offering a single reward that is given in the adventure mode and not a single voyage, challenge, tall tale or commendation. A new grand adventure for a new faction with its own set of rewards similar to how the Arena provides us with a complimentary mode. Yet here you are as many before, refusing to admit that it is the only way it would be feasible... sticking it up for the PVE-er that is out to destroy the shared world adventure.

    You cannot claim that Arena is in anyway shape or form the same as the PvE requests we get, because those few that have been are the only ones that are feasible; though a huge amount of work in comparison as instead of players creating the content, the developers would require to provide the opponents and that is why it isn't in the game.

    Use the search function on the forums if you don't believe me, I have most likely hundreds of posts on the matter on which I base my 'subjective' opinion.

    For the record: PvPers weren't requesting the Arena, they did not grind the PvE quests... people like me that enjoyed the PvP were at the skull forts having a blast in the golden era of Cloud hopping. PvPers don't need a separate server, all they need is an opponent and they get those themselves. The Arena was introduced as a means to provide in peoples wanting to play in shorter time frames, more action packed after all their efforts to reduce the combat out on the seas.

  • So I recently put up a post suggesting a Nerf for the Sea Dogs Chest from 1000 Silver to 500. I suggested this because I thought that doing so would make Arena more of a PvP Gamemode and Players couldn’t just get away with Hauling the Chest Over to the Sell Station Without Firing a Single Cannon Shot and Immediately Get First Place. I quickly learned learned from my fellow community members that this would be a bad idea because the Sea Dog’s Chest is what stops Arena from being a 100% PvP gamemode. Basically what I’m saying here is that Arena isn’t a PvP gamemode. It’s a mix of both PvP and PvE. Which is also the same thing as adventure.

  • @ExpSnailer

    For somebody who is not bothered you sure can bang on about something..

    Arena is not PvP mode, it is condensed practise and Adventure mode for people who only have a short time to play.

    I really wish they would introduce a tall tale server, just for gold, so people stop whining on about Arena.

    That would be comparitive..

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