Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best ‘Fate of the Damned’ Screenshot! *PART 3* [RESULT]

  • Fabulous screenshots again by all for this mission.

    Tis intriguing how you pirates decipher the mission and what you all come up with :) (and those that don't read what the mission is ;) lol)

    Tough decision this week as there were many who were worthy. :)
    So here we go.......

    This weeks winner of capstan and 6 pack is.....

    @Regal Hound

    Well done me matey!

    Check back tomorrow for a new mission..... should you choose you accept it :)

  • 47
  • That picture was definitely really nice and well thought out

  • Well done!!

  • I'm just confused how they took the picture! Like maybe they had a galleon ride in front to take the shot?

  • @taaaamas I ask the same question as well how they manage to get that

  • @taaaamas said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best ‘Fate of the Damned’ Screenshot! *PART 3* [RESULT]:

    I'm just confused how they took the picture! Like maybe they had a galleon ride in front to take the shot?

    @lou-enderdragon said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best ‘Fate of the Damned’ Screenshot! *PART 3* [RESULT]:

    @taaaamas I ask the same question as well how they manage to get that

    Probably either a perch nearby like a rock or it's a snapshot as they were in mid air from a cannon shot

    if a person is recording clips they can snag a frame off a video easily for stuff like this

  • @Taaaamas @Lou-Enderdragon @WolfManbush I was standing on the crow's nest of my own ship while my friends shot the cannons.

  • @regal-hound that took some effort. Here I am trying to shoot myself into a volcano lol

  • First of all, congrats to the winner! Nice shot.

    But, talking about not reading what the mission is. Or maybe about drifting away from the original theme.

    "Who can come up with something special using the Red and Pink lanterns and see who can be the most creative again this week!"

    You can barely see the red and pink lanterns on the ship while the rest of the screenshot is 99% naval combat. So is this shot winning just because it has a volcano in the background and multiple players/ships?
    I thought the lanterns itself was the theme and not naval combat.
    When a theme is set I feel that it (lanterns) should play a way more significant role in the screenshot when the theme indeed is Fate of The Damned and Red / Pink lanterns.

    It also feels like there is a hidden criteria of having more players and more ships in the shot, since I rarely see solo players winning these. It's weird since it's a lot harder to "set up" a screenshot alone, compared to having multiple friends/ships to "set it up".

    But I'm taking notes from the last 2 competitions. Server hop till you get 2-3 sloops on the same server and you're winning!

  • That's really nice, congrats to the winner.

  • @kashmero The criteria was to have the red and pink lanterns in the photo. The ships have this... The "hint" was to maybe have a volcano in the background. The winner nailed both parts of the quest. For instance, I knew I wouldn't win because I posted a picture with a shark and a green lantern that I had taken and wanted to share. I only posted because it was cool. I really wish we would stop complaining for every competition because I think we will lose the opportunity if we continue to question when someone else wins. Be happy for the winner, and good luck next time.

    Congrats to winner!

  • Ok.... sorry to be that guy but I really don’t understand. I can’t even see the red and pink lights and at this point I have no idea how I can win this competition because obviously screenshots that barely involve the the contest theme can still win. Can I just submit a really cool screenshot that doesn’t have any relation to the contest theme and still win? If so, please tell me because I don’t feel like stressing out about making sure that the red and pink lights are somehow involved in the photo when I can still win with the lights BARELY showing. :(

  • @betrayme84 you cannot say that they “nailed” the quests. I have to zoom in to be able to see the volcano and the lights. That’s not what “nailing” is. It’s a cool screenshot, but it’s a lot farther from the contest theme compared to the rest of the submissions. Some of the submissions even took longer to make than this one and as a bonus, they better demonstrated the contest theme. Yet now they are clueless on how to win the contest because they spent hours working on a screenshot all to lose to someone who barely fit the criteria. And for the record, I didn’t even submit a screenshot, I just watched and saw the complaints of the other people who submit screenshots and agreed very much with them.

  • Okey, so I'm confused here. Personally I didn't submit a contribution this week due to lack of inspiration and ideas for a picture contaning the flames. It's a tricky theme to get right while staying creative. But now the winner is someone without any emphasis on the flames at all. It's a good screen for sure, but the flames are definitely not the subject nor the focus point in this picture.

    So question for clarification; Can we ignore the flames, even if it's requested as the theme if we get a Part 4?

  • @boogyghost101 First, I can say the Nailed, Covered, Hammered or Smashed the competition. They had everything requested in the Photo, it doesn't matter if you have to zoom in. You are entitled to your opinion as well as I am. Frankly, if you spend "hours" trying to get a screen shot and you don't win and STRESSED OUT, I'm sorry you wasted your time. Perhaps take up some yoga. I hope you submit a good one and win next time

  • @mathemoto that’s my same question, couldn’t agree more

  • @betrayme84 I’m not stressed over anything, I’ve already stated that I didn’t submit anything but I feel bad for the people that didn’t know that the lights didn’t have to be clearly shown in the photo sir.... some people spent extra time making sure that the lights would be clearly shown in the photo not knowing that it didn’t matter, a little clarification could’ve helped at least. I’m not saying that screenshot that was submitted wasn’t good or anything. I’m just saying, it would've been nice for everyone to know that the screenshots being seen in the photo doesn’t matter.

  • @boogyghost101 “I’m just saying, it would've been nice for everyone to know that the screenshots being seen in the photo doesn’t matter.”

    I meant to say it would’ve been nice for everyone to know that the LIGHTS being seen clearly in the photo doesn’t matter.

  • @boogyghost101 It's all good, I just don't want these competitions to go away because of all the complaining. They clearly state that the "Deckhand Decision is final" and that's enough for me not to question it. I still need the Capstan so if we ruin the opportunity by complaining every time someone else wins (Which has happened the last few competitions) I will be a bit upset. Let the winner enjoy the moment and move on is the point I am making.

  • @kashmero Im not trying to be mean but that makes 0 sense. The pink flame corresponds to the pvp and the volcano goes with the fire. The reason why I like this picture is because it most likely takes an extremely long time to set up. I have done server alliances before and the competition I won was just because I found a player on the seas willing to help. Server hopping is difficult especially if there is only 1 winner because everyone wants a prize. Winners are based on creativity and how well shot a picture was not just holding a lantern with a volcano (no offense to people who did that). Honestly, I have a tip for you, even if you dont want to take it. Do something that is so creative that even you get goosebumps when you look at it.

  • @boogyghost101 even if u cant c the flames. look at the ship skins (ashen dragon = fire) (glorious sea dog = pink) It feels like representing the theme of a photo is way better than just using the colors of flame. I respect that. Personally I think they deserved to win. These are always fun to do. So enjoy it (win or lose).


  • 'Fate of the Roaring skies' be all about the Devil's Roar, so maybe your screenshot might feature.... A VOLCANO.... perhaps? :D
    Who can come up with something special using the Red and Pink lanterns

    It was actually really difficult this week to pick the winner.
    The entries were whittled down to about 5 or so who had lantern's pink or/and red, were in the roar/ feature a volcano and/or did something a little different.
    If you have any questions about the mission set, you can always DM me :)

  • @badods said in

    even if u cant c the flames. look at the ship skins (ashen dragon = fire) (glorious sea dog = pink)

    Glorious Sea Dog is more red than pink, so it is 2 red ships following your logic.
    But, this contest had a specific theme about using lanterns, and while the lanterns are lit on the ships it doesn't bring out either colors at all.

    First thing everyone would think of when seeing that screenshot is naval combat, and not lanterns and/or the color red and pink.

    And not to be mean or anything, but you do have "Regal Hound" on your Xbox friendslist. So your opinion about the screenshot is extremely biased.

    It feels like representing the theme of a photo is way better than just using the colors of flame. I respect that. Personally I think they deserved to win.

    Again, your opinion is biased. Of course you want your friend to win the competition. But what do you mean with "representing the theme"?

    The theme was LANTERNS lit purple and red. Not the color itself, but Fate of the Damn and the lanterns involved.

    Winners are based on creativity and how well shot a picture was not just holding a lantern with a volcano (no offense to people who did that)

    So just to clarify this, are you the one setting the rules in this competition, because it certainly feels like it. The theme was Devils Roar and Pink/Red Lanterns.
    You basically saying that everyone that actually followed and FOCUSED on the current theme was not going to win, no matter what, just because they didn't have two sloops "fighting" in the screenshot?

  • @badods It said “Red and Pink Flame” not “Ship set that matches red and pink flame”.

  • @kashmero good point m8

  • Congratulations Regal Hound! Great shot and well done with the collaboration- I usually have to sink anyone that gets within a blocks distance of me

  • @boogyghost101
    If the theme was "tree(s)", you could win this competition by either choosing to focus on the theme; "tree(s)", or somehow just making sure a random tree is put into frame no matter how minuscule and out of focus it is, as long as it is in the frame..

    2 examples:

    Which one would you have chosen?

  • @kashmero
    Which version of insider are you playing? Lol

    #treeclimbingupdate #banjokazooietechnology

  • They're in the Devil's Roar? YES.
    There's a volcano? YES.
    There are Red and Pink lanterns? YES.
    It's a beautiful screenshot? YES.

    So why bothering about? :D

  • @kashmero You have to look deep into the picture. If you know what arena is then you know its pvp. The ship set is the pink lantern because it is pvp based. And u can obviously tell what the ashen dragon ship set represents. The winners picture had a deeper meaning to it. If I was a judge (which im not because im irrelevant) I would pick that picture. They didn't stray away from the original concept at all

  • @badods Because you are friends with the person/account that posted the picture.. Your opinion is biased. You were probably part of (the crew) taking the screenshot, hence all your opinions on what the meaning of the picture is, which honestly, only the person taking the photo/screenshot would know.

    @Deck-Hide Made a brand new account just to upvote the last two comments and to put in a comment that's already deleted?

    Is this you @BadOds making 20 accounts just to get your opinion through?

  • @kashmero chill I accidentally went on my other account lol

  • @seapost And you are?
    Oh you're another alt account, that accidentally got to be tagged as "winning the capstan" on the winning screenshot..

    I see how this is evolving. How big is you or your groups spiderweb of alternate accounts tagging each other in multiple screenshots to increase the winning chances?

    That @Deck-Hide account was literally activated as an xbox account less than 1 hour ago... So definitely not "another" account, but a brand new one where you can hide behind and weight down your opinion with silly upvotes.

19 out of 47