Problème d'alliance

  • Je trouve ça dommage que les joueurs ne veulent plus faire d'alliance à chaque fois que je veux en faire je me fait attaquer alors est-ce qu'il pourrait y avoir plus d'avantage à être en alliance cela pourrait peut-être forcer les joueurs à en faire . Merci

  • 13
  • Actually there are rewards for being in an alliance like share of the loot you sell or the double points for the Fury of the Damned event. You just have to find players who are willing to ally.

  • unfortunately not enough people use their brains lol it makes so much more sense to alliance with people…especially if you are a reaper…you both get shares of everything turned in…win win…

  • @madfrito99 but you can earn 50% more gold for stealing the alliance treasures and added bonus you get have good naval battle which is always the fun part :D

  • @butterfinger750 but you have 50/50 chance that will happen…i rather take the route if eaat money…work smarter not harder 😀

  • @madfrito99 true but I do love to challenge myself from time to time if I see the opportunity to take it all for fortune and glory!

  • @butterfinger750 said in Problème d'alliance:

    @madfrito99 true but I do love to challenge myself from time to time if I see the opportunity to take it all for fortune and glory!

    True, taking risks is all the fun in this game!
    But if some people don't have the courage to do so and prefer the easy and boring way, it's up to them as well, choices are part of the fun of the game as well!

    As for @Mr-DDDoss suggestion, il y a déja plein de récompenses de saisons ainsi que de commendations axées sur les alliances. En bout de ligne, les alliances ont leur avantages et inconvénients, les joueurs font ce qu'ils veulent peu importe s'il y a une motivation à les faire utiliser les alliances.

  • @butterfinger750 said in Problème d'alliance:

    @madfrito99 but you can earn 50% more gold for stealing the alliance treasures and added bonus you get have good naval battle which is always the fun part :D

    Oh sure, a short-term 1-time gain of 200% value versus a long-term presumably infinite-term gain of 150% value. 🤔

    It's like asking if I want $20 now or $15 every hour for the rest of the day. 1 is a quick choice; the other is the better, more profitable choice.

  • @galactic-geek said in Problème d'alliance:

    @butterfinger750 said in Problème d'alliance:

    @madfrito99 but you can earn 50% more gold for stealing the alliance treasures and added bonus you get have good naval battle which is always the fun part :D

    Oh sure, a short-term 1-time gain of 200% value versus a long-term presumably infinite-term gain of 150% value. 🤔

    It's like asking if I want $20 now or $15 every hour for the rest of the day. 1 is a quick choice; the other is the better, more profitable choice.

    Unless your session is ending in the next hour.

  • @bloodybil said in Problème d'alliance:

    @galactic-geek said in Problème d'alliance:

    @butterfinger750 said in Problème d'alliance:

    @madfrito99 but you can earn 50% more gold for stealing the alliance treasures and added bonus you get have good naval battle which is always the fun part :D

    Oh sure, a short-term 1-time gain of 200% value versus a long-term presumably infinite-term gain of 150% value. 🤔

    It's like asking if I want $20 now or $15 every hour for the rest of the day. 1 is a quick choice; the other is the better, more profitable choice.

    Unless your session is ending in the next hour.


  • @madfrito99 If I'm a Reaper, I'm stealing from someone. Why would I alliance and give them a share? Not very pirate-like. I use my brain, I just don't make the stupid decision of letting people come back to alliance with me before I sell.

  • @oddpoem71481766 just because your a pirate doesnt mean you have to be full on pirate. if your a reaper and come across another or emissary its way more beneficial to alliance to get more loot than to try and sink. what if you try and you get sunk? was it worth you attacking at that point? no…when i run reaper i never go after anyone…i can get my ledger points up doing other things so why bother? i maxed out just doing other things as well..

  • @madfrito99 I have 30 million gold, and I've bought the DA set. I literally could not care less about "the most efficient way to earn money." If I attack an emissary and sink, I don't care. It was worth attacking because I enjoyed the fight. I do not care if you spent hours stacking loot and you want to alliance because you've been on the game for 10 hours straight. I would rather sail the loot into the red sea than allow you to get a cut.

11 out of 13