Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.

  • Straight off the bat. im not proposing Ark: survival evolved type sliders. ive posted this idea and many others have too multiple times before. the pirate appearance generator is butt. the general consensus seems to be its either "Meh i dont mind it" or "this sucks, can we please improve it". the pirate appearance needs a change for once, almost everything in the game has been updated or improve in some way shape or form, save for the pirate appearance generator. (im not counting the addition of the potion as that wasnt to the creator itself, im also not counting favoriting, as that should have been a thing already not something to add a year later) idk what the stubbornness to not even change this is but it needs to stop, make some improvements to meet in the middle for people who hate it such as filters like male or female only, skin color, stuff to limit your selections but still have the same random process. or alternatively add a smart favoriting feature where when you favorite a pirate it gives you more characters with similar traits and appearances. this has been brought up multiple times and it goes ignored every time. in a game that is entirely cosmetic, i feel that your main cosmetic, that being your character, would be important.

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  • @sgt-w0lfe If you needed tk make this post, it's proof it's working perfectly.

  • the pirate appearance generator is butt


    the general consensus seems to be its either "Meh i dont mind it" or "this sucks, can we please improve it"

    Or..Its fine as it is for such a simple process?

    the pirate appearance needs a change for once, almost everything in the game has been updated or improve in some way shape or form, save for the pirate appearance generator.

    If it isn't broken, dont fix.

    idk what the stubbornness to not even change this is but it needs to stop

    Idk what the reason behind wanting to change something that works as it should for something. That needs to end.

    this has been brought up multiple times and it goes ignored every time

    Because, again...isn't broken. Players spend WAY to long due to there own natural need to look "perfect" and miss so much on the game while the havn't even set sail. I am to believe maybe this why people miss those twitch drops and limited items....they still haven't set sail to this day.

  • Or, hear me out, you make a character generator so janky and clunky, people are almost, like, guaranteed to buy a potion to change their appearance....I dunno, almost like something is prodding you towards the Emporium every time you get tired of what your character looks like....so weird....

  • @burnbacon its butt becasue despite saying its random. it sure seems to pop out very similar characters very frequently.

    its not fine as is for a simple process, its lazy everytime this gets posted people are either saying its fine, or hate it.

    not broken doesn't mean it doesn't suck

    and its a cosmetic based game. why do people hate that in a game where the entire reason to play is for a weapon that looks nice or a hat that look pretty, why is it sooo much to ask for the same thing for the player character. each person plays thier own way and, i know its hard to believe, but people like games when they dont look like sid the sloth, or the fat old dude who pops up atleast twice every pirate rotation.

  • i dont understand why its like, an offense to suggest this. what is bad about improving it for people who dont like it. its not like suggesting a PvE server that would change the ENITRE aspect of the game. this is just us wanting to better how people select thier pirate. and once again, I'm not suggesting a whole re work, just better it.

  • @fishyjoesalt we didn't even have potions for the first like 2 years. People kept asking and saying they would pay to change their pirate. They got what they asked for. Ive had the same dude for over 4 years amd he's awesome. The IPG was designed to take people put of their comfort zone. Clearly it's working when we get posts like this.

  • @captain-coel said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    @fishyjoesalt we didn't even have potions for the first like 2 years. People kept asking and saying they would pay to change their pirate. They got what they asked for. Ive had the same dude for over 4 years amd he's awesome. The IPG was designed to take people put of their comfort zone. Clearly it's working when we get posts like this.

    Yep, I remember. I only changed my Pirate because they literally took my Pirate, and copy pasted him for Merrick when The Hungering One came out, so when the potion finally came out I was happy to switch him just enough to feel unique again. If it weren't for Merrik, I'd still have the same face lol

  • @fishyjoesalt I feel that. I love my dude. I can't imagine changing him.

  • Works alright but could use some improvement to cut some time however at the end of the day you can’t rush art!

    I think all it really needs is a couple filter like genders, skin colours, body size (small, medium and large) and low or high amount of unmovable scars. the rest can remain random and the filters can entirely be just optional if you prefer pure randomness as it is now.

  • @sgt-w0lfe I’ve suggested this in the past and most people argue with me that the RNG stops everyone from looking the same. To them I have this to say, who are you to assume everyone will want the exact same pirate? I mean seriously, the ability to control just body type or gender alone would be incredible. It’s still RNG as in your face or scars or blind in one eye or missing teeth or having a jacked up nose can still all be there, but simply selecting a gender preference or body type or something else will not break the RNG gods.

    The least amount of time I’ve spent on my pirate is 40 minutes and I’ve hit my 26th pirate avatar now. I think it’s insanity to assume everyone will end up with the same avatar if they narrow down gender or body type.

    Not to mention how frustrating it is when you finally select a pirate just to find out their hair sits on their head like an ice cream cone or maybe a girl has the shoulders of a quarterback. I mean simply putting your current cosmetics onto the pirate you want to pay for would be enough for me.

  • @robby0316 true. people take this as like an offense, and the RNG definitely does not stop characters from looking the same. spending only a few minutes in the creator you start to see some every obvious patterns and very similar characters. you could almost make a bingo game out of it.

  • @sgt-w0lfe
    If I were to change one thing about the IPG, I would add a button to swap between showing your current outfit and showing the default sailor combo.
    Forget filters and active customization. All I would want is that. (Though cycling poses and rotating pirates would be nice too)

  • @sgt-w0lfe said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    @robby0316 true. people take this as like an offense, and the RNG definitely does not stop characters from looking the same. spending only a few minutes in the creator you start to see some every obvious patterns and very similar characters. you could almost make a bingo game out of it.

    Every female avatar looks like an incestual cousin of each other. Male pirates look like Sid from ice age, Biggie Cheese from Barnyard, Nigel Thornberry, or the main character (human) in Ratatouille. I mean I get it, praise shrek , but if the in game NPCs like Larinna or Umbra can look like that, there’s no reason to assume every pirate should look like the above stated gremlin creatures.

  • Its literally the worst character creation ive seen in any game. They have put no effort into it. It is how it always has been from day 1. Literally 0 changes. Couldnt even add a simple gender selection

  • @captain-coel said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    The IPG was designed to take people put of their comfort zone. Clearly it's working when we get posts like this.

    I'm sorry, that just a new level of being a fanboy. "Something is intentionally designed poorly, therefore it's good".

    @robby0316 said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    @sgt-w0lfe I’ve suggested this in the past and most people argue with me that the RNG stops everyone from looking the same. To them I have this to say, who are you to assume everyone will want the exact same pirate? I mean seriously, the ability to control just body type or gender alone would be incredible. It’s still RNG as in your face or scars or blind in one eye or missing teeth or having a jacked up nose can still all be there, but simply selecting a gender preference or body type or something else will not break the RNG gods.

    The least amount of time I’ve spent on my pirate is 40 minutes and I’ve hit my 26th pirate avatar now. I think it’s insanity to assume everyone will end up with the same avatar if they narrow down gender or body type.

    Not to mention how frustrating it is when you finally select a pirate just to find out their hair sits on their head like an ice cream cone or maybe a girl has the shoulders of a quarterback. I mean simply putting your current cosmetics onto the pirate you want to pay for would be enough for me.

    That's exactly my thoughts as well. First of all, why not let us simply choose at least body type and gender? For example, I'll never want a skinny pirate or a female pirate. And every time these pop up in random generator I have to skip them and it just wastes my time. I've never spent that much time in any game on character creation as I spent in SoT. That's just another torture.

    And also I agree that they must let us preview cosmetics on a new character. Sometimes you create a new pirate and think they look cool, but then you put on some hair style, hair color or some set of clothes and it just looks incredibly bad.

  • @sgt-w0lfe I agree, that a gender filter would be nice...that's it, besides that the IPG is just perfect

  • @schwammlgott a dit dans Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind. :

    @sgt-w0lfe I agree, that a gender filter would be nice...that's it, besides that the IPG is just perfect

    you have been around long enough to know that any kind of 'male/female' filter choice would cause confusion, uproar, and overblown drama amongst a small portion of the staff and customers.

    a gender filter shouldnt devolve into a political debate on human rights, but its 2022. at best, they would dare to offer 'body type A' and 'body type B', a la new world.

  • @rustyaldrich said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    @captain-coel said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    The IPG was designed to take people put of their comfort zone. Clearly it's working when we get posts like this.

    I'm sorry, that just a new level of being a fanboy. "Something is intentionally designed poorly, therefore it's good".

    The IPG is designed perfectly, you just don't like it. That doesn't make it poorly designed.

  • @captain-coel
    That's not the argument.
    I can say the same. IPG is designed poorly, you just like badly designed mechanic. That doesn't make it perfectly designed.

  • @rustyaldrich said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    That's not the argument.
    I can say the same. IPG is designed poorly, you just like badly designed mechanic. That doesn't make it perfectly designed.

    No its really not. The IPG was designed in such a way that all of this is intentional. This unease, this unhappiness with your character, the imperfections; this is how they want it.

  • @fishyjoesalt said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    Or, hear me out, you make a character generator so janky and clunky, people are almost, like, guaranteed to buy a potion to change their appearance....I dunno, almost like something is prodding you towards the Emporium every time you get tired of what your character looks like....so weird....

    The pirate emporium and the pirate appearance potion originated a lot later than the generator itself. Back then, you were stuck with the pirate you chose unless you deleted your pirate, erasing it with all of the commendations, reputation, and cosmetics earned on your profile. The potion, while disliked for having to cost money, was a massive QoL change for players who don't feel that their current pirate looks great in their newest set of clothes they're wearing.

    The generator was meant to be random to highlight that in all honesty, pirates are beyond imperfect humans that are going to look as weird as possible because 1: it's a fantasy, duh, and 2: pirates, even ones magically whisked away from their homes in the real world, probably lack good enough hygiene to keep their beauty standards in tip top shape when they arrive one the Sea of Thieves.

    Caring so much about having a good looking pirate is genuinely a problem with one's self than it is with the design of a random generator. The shapes of the pirates are so wildly random at times that you'll spend hours looking for that pirate that somehow looks good in the Scrapper's Vest.

  • @captain-coel said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    @rustyaldrich said in Pirate Appearance generator is still in Beta. change my mind.:

    That's not the argument.
    I can say the same. IPG is designed poorly, you just like badly designed mechanic. That doesn't make it perfectly designed.

    No its really not. The IPG was designed in such a way that all of this is intentional. This unease, this unhappiness with your character, the imperfections; this is how they want it.

    If that's the way they've always wanted it and the way they want it to remain forever more, why don't these threads get locked like PvE server request threads?

  • @captain-coel
    Quite frankly I don't really care how they want it. I'm not even talking about how characters look. This is about them wasting people's time in the generator for no reason. If they'd just add two preference sliders based on body type and gender, it would have zero efffect on how characters look. They'd still be randomized. But people would spend much less time regenerating character that they would never choose, no matter random generation or not.

  • @rustyaldrich but its not them wasting time in the IPG, its you wasting your time because you are attached to having a specific looking pirate. This is a you problem, not a them problem

  • @sweetsandman that's kinda my thought. These requests never get anchor dropped, which means it's never been directly addressed why or why not they can't improve the pirate creator

  • @captain-coel that's a lazy answer. "Hey our players are spending too much time doing this thing, and some of them say they don't like it" meh seems like a them problem. That be like if when the pirates of the Caribbean update was released. Rather then making a more direct path in tale 3, they just went "meh sounds like a you problem" there's literally, no game changing or breaking harm in just improving it for people who don't like it. A gender filter atheist be great cuz no matter what type character you want, the majority of people atheist know what gender they want. Whether it's a serious or silly character.

  • @nex-stargaze not a problem of "the perfect pirate" it's limiting the selection of what a person Wants from the creator. And the argument that the pirate generator doesn't produce perfect pirates is dumb cuz it does produce some very perfect looking pirates their just harder to find.

  • @tehstepford I'm using a male female phrase as a general phrase. Body type is to vague when it could also mean body size, but I see your point.

  • @sgt-w0lfe

    The IPG has been talked about in great detail since it was first introduced. In fact there were 2 mega threads on the subject!
    If you want a bit of light reading you can access part 1 here.


    And if you want to read more part 2 is here

  • @sgt-w0lfe

    As you are also commenting on the other IPG thread and it’s older than this current thread I’ll be dropping anchor and asking everyone to continue their feedback on the other thread.



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