Another Sea Monster Lurking in the SoT?

  • I haven't noticed this, but if you look closely at the bottom of the map in the main menu of the game, you'll see a serpentine creature drawn next to a Megalodon near the drawn island that is shaped like Shark Bait Cove.

    Could there actually be a third underwater threat? A Leviathan that is a type of large sea snake or eel? If so, we might get to fight something slightly bigger than a Meg.

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  • @impymidna2303

    It's that thing screaming 2am ingame time

  • @pithyrumble said in Another Sea Monster Lurking in the SoT?:


    It's that thing screaming 2am ingame time

    those are the shrieking eels
    they always grow louder when they are about to feed on human flesh

  • @wolfmanbush said in Another Sea Monster Lurking in the SoT?:

    @pithyrumble said in Another Sea Monster Lurking in the SoT?:


    It's that thing screaming 2am ingame time

    those are the shrieking eels
    they always grow louder when they are about to feed on human flesh

    @ImpyMidna2303 is correct in thier suspicion....

  • @wolfmanbush Lol, like in the Princess Bride? Honestly, it would be amazing and scary to see a sea serpent that could make a bloodcurdling scream similar to the Kraken, and would be inspired by the Shrieking Eel creatures from the film if my suspicions of the beast being in the game are correct.

  • @pithyrumble, Another Sea Monster Lurking in the SoT? içinde yazdı:


    It's that thing screaming 2am ingame time

    I am pretty sure that is the Last Kraken calling for her dead mother. Falcore had a deeper video about it.

  • Oh also,

    The island on that map is not sharkbait cove. Its Golden Sands.

  • @thorumsu The Old Mother wasnt the last Kraken, and she wasnt the Kraken who attacked Golden Sands.

    She was the one that spawned more of em.

  • @faceyourdemon, Another Sea Monster Lurking in the SoT? içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu The Old Mother wasnt the last Kraken, and she wasnt the Kraken who attacked Golden Sands.

    She was the one that spawned more of em.

    When did I say The Old Mother was the Last of their kind? Or when did I say she attacked Golden Sands? I recommend reading my post again. The Kraken we face today is the last of her kind who is presumed to yell for her dead mother every night.

  • @thorumsu oh "for her dead mother" got it 😄
    Ive read Old Mother

  • @thorumsu ....he also had a video about a monkey-powered Megaladon....did he not?

  • @crowedhunter If the Old Mother were to somehow return, they possibly would make it a boss in a Tall Tale, also in the lore, the beast was said to be as big as an outpost and was terrifying, and met its demise at the hands of the Merfolk and the Ancients, now since dead things from the Sea of the Damned, both human and creature is being brought back to the SoT from memories, there could be a possible chance we'll see the Mother of all Krakens come back as a large phantom.

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