How many wins do I need to get skeletoj curse?

  • Approximately how many wins will I need to get to level 100 in servants of the flame ignoring win streaks? I'm not great at the game and I'm not sure if I want to dedicate this much time into getting the skeleton curse. thanks.

  • 12
  • I think it's around 160ish

    at one point people were saying closer to 120 but I think 160 is what some are saying now.

    I would set the goal on the high end so you don't get frustrated if it takes any extra few days or weeks+ depending on how much you are playing

  • I saw someone say that they got it after 200-210 wins with almost no winstreak.

  • If you just want the curse play to you sink or every two wins go sale

  • Wow, 160-200, I am 0-3, guess this might take a while. Is this a permanent feature, it might take me years :)

  • @foambreaker said in How many wins do I need to get skeletoj curse?:

    Wow, 160-200, I am 0-3, guess this might take a while. Is this a permanent feature, it might take me years :)

    yeah it's permanent

    they are likely to tinker with it at some point but the rewards are a permanent part of adventure now

    If you are experiencing long wait times and fights against the same people over and over I'd just wait it out to see if it is improved.

  • I would say an average player could get the curse in around 200 wins or so. If you go on win streaks a lot and are able to cash them in then it will take less but for most it will be around 200.

  • @diivviinnee said in How many wins do I need to get skeletoj curse?:

    I would say an average player could get the curse in around 200 wins or so. If you go on win streaks a lot and are able to cash them in then it will take less but for most it will be around 200.

    So, if an average battle including Q time is 20 minutes that is 4000 minutes or 66+ hours.

    For that level of time investment, the reward would need to be a whole ship, not a costume.

  • @foambreaker with wait time I've spent around 100-150 hours to get to 100.

  • It took me 162 wins but I did a lot of loot stacking, and I turned in a lot

  • @foambreaker said in How many wins do I need to get skeletoj curse?:

    @diivviinnee said in How many wins do I need to get skeletoj curse?:

    I would say an average player could get the curse in around 200 wins or so. If you go on win streaks a lot and are able to cash them in then it will take less but for most it will be around 200.

    So, if an average battle including Q time is 20 minutes that is 4000 minutes or 66+ hours.

    For that level of time investment, the reward would need to be a whole ship, not a costume.

    I like skeleton though

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