Soon Comes Skull & Bones

  • With just about a week before skull and bones, im curious how many of you out there are excited for it? I know it has plenty of criticism, but its got the main aspects that i personally loved from black flag, and a lot of stuff i wish came with black flag. So im wondering how many people are going to be hopping on it when it releases.

    I would love to get it my self but with low funds and another game taking just a bit more priority over it in my list to get i will probably be late to the party my self, but i will eventually find my self plundering some new seas when i get the chance!

  • 13
    just for fun
  • I'm not gonna play it but I think it's a fine game from what I've seen, with lots of potential.

    It'll have people that love it and can't stand the design, just like this game lol.

    I love some of the graphics of it, has a cool look in some parts of it. I'm not into that style of pvp but some are.

    Season 11 is my favorite season and I hope Skull and bones becomes to some, what SoT is to me.

    I think it's an uphill battle as far as player content creation goes but I do hope people find some success with it, it's tough to be in a situation where branching out is a difficult and scary process but I hope it works out as much as it can for the people that are trying.

  • @goldsmen if it ends up on Gamepass maybe. Sounds more like a sim from what I gathered. Not very much on my radar.

  • I've been watching streams. Seems a bit meh to me, but I'm sure some people will like it.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Soon Comes Skull & Bones:

    I've been watching streams. Seems a bit meh to me, but I'm sure some people will like it.

    It is definitely a bit of a niche, but a niche that if i get the spare cash and my computer is willing, it will be my kind of niche for sure.

  • To me it seems like a higher detaileld and more complex sot

  • @emprsscrsona said in Soon Comes Skull & Bones:

    To me it seems like a higher detaileld and more complex sot

    I think it's more of a traditional style pirate game with modern mobile type of combat.

    I could see Sid Meier fans and people that enjoy both SoT and games like World of Warships enjoying it.

    The cost is probably gonna cause significant harm to its potential and people regularly talking about what it isn't rather than what it is will get it unfairly dismissed by a lot of potential consumers that would otherwise probably enjoy it.

    Some of the SoT community and some SoT content creators are kinda unkind and overly critical about it to defend SoT when it's not even a true battle of gameplay.

    Different experience, pretty different player base. Just another game for some people to enjoy, just like any other adventure game.

  • Most of us just wanted Skull and Bones to be (Assassins Creed 4) Black Flag without the Assassins Creed part. Now we get something that is still not ready, and still needs a year more of development. I like the look of it and the sailing and sea fighting part, but the almost total lack of proper island exploring kills the game for me. (Walkable outposts and such do not really count.) I want the freedom to explore jungles and i want to board ships, not just damage the ship and press "B" (or whatever the button was).

    And NO, i do not think Skull and Bones will impact the popularity of SoT. They are two totally different kind of games. The only thing they share is the pirate theme.

  • The beta for SaB is open and I tried it for a while. Quickly I realized that it is not "AC Black Flag" but more of a piratical style MMO with a mobile game gathering process and slight pvp moments.

    If you know the history behind the game's development, you can recognize the elements that were implemented in every change of direction.

  • I have been playing the beta. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played so far, so I’ll most likely pick it up again.

  • @emprsscrsona said in Soon Comes Skull & Bones:

    To me it seems like a higher detaileld and more complex sot

    Its not really anything like sot at all. In sot you control cannons and all your equipment manually and can crew up and can take to the sky to board enemies. In S&B you have upgrades but never leave your ship in battles and manage the ship all at once rather than individually.

    Messing around in the open beta earlier i couldnt find any real similarity other than choosing which hat you think looks nice.

    A lot of people have been comparing the 2 for some reason even though they have almost nothing in common in terms of gameplay.

  • I'll check it out if it's ever Free.

  • I'll be giving it a miss, looks and plays like a game thats had a troubled development. A pirate game with all the fun parts about being a pirate removed, and arcadey combat and ship movement that is somehow worse than the game it was based on which game out years ago. Ubisoft would have to pay me to play it honestly.

just for fun
8 out of 13