Town Activities

  • Another set of sketches, this time some concepts for Outposts/Towns like Port Merrick.

  • 21
    just for funcommunityfan artfeedbackgeneral
    1. Gambling won't be added, because it will up the rating of the game in some countries.
    2. Smoking is not needed. Seriously; There's nothing glamorous about smoking. It's a habit that kills. It's also not tied to the image of 'a pirate' like drinking grog is.
    3. Did...did you write down 'ladies of the night (I can't write the actual term due to forum filters)'? Do I even need to go into how little SoT needs virtual bedroom olympics or how it would change the rating of the game to 'Adults Only'? 🤦
    4. In-game trading would give rise to spam-bots marketing 3rd party gold-selling websites. Bad idea.
    5. These are pirates why would there need to be AI police?
    6. 'No weapons allowed' = Safe place to turn in treasure. Because no one can kill you and steal it. Which goes against the Sea of Thieves game at its core.
    7. There's no bank because only Gold Hoarders can open the magical treasure chests. And they give you a share of what's inside. Also; Where would that money come from? Or is it just free money, and thus completely broken as a way to earn gold?
  • @guildar9194 People are so negative, Jeez..

  • Sounds like it would fit Red Dead Redemption more.

  • Nice sketch, but the ideas really don't match what SOT is, I wouldn't be against minigames like cards, chess, darts... if there was no betting involved.

  • @timotion22 said in Town Activities:

    @guildar9194 People are so negative, Jeez..

    People can critique ideas. It's not 'being negative'.
    Did you expect people to only post if they liked your ideas and keep silent if they disliked it?

  • @guildar9194 Give me a year with Unreal Editor and some programmers and I'll prototype all those ideas and keep what is gold and discard what is p00p. Just like I did with Arizona Sunshine 2 VR. It is not good to brush off ideas too fast.

  • @look-behind-you Even there you didn't have brothels :D

  • @lleorb A kid's game, but demons and skulls are allowed.. That's not very christian!

  • @timotion22 Weird...almost as if it's not a great plan? 🤔

  • @look-behind-you it was fun in GTAV :)

  • @timotion22 And yet not something for Sea of Thieves. Almost like not every game has to try and be every other game.

    If you want to play GTA, play GTA. Sea of Thieves is not trying to be GTA.

    If Sea of Thieves doesn't have stuff that GTA does, then play GTA for those things.

    Don't try and make one game into another.

  • @timotion22 said in Town Activities:

    @guildar9194 Give me a year with Unreal Editor and some programmers and I'll prototype all those ideas and keep what is gold and discard what is p00p. Just like I did with Arizona Sunshine 2 VR. It is not good to brush off ideas too fast.

    It's also not a good idea to just throw ideas at a wall. That 's how games lose their identity.
    Jumbling a bunch of ideas together is what you do before you start making the game. Not after it's been active for 7 years. And even then; You should try to make them fit together instead of chasing trends.

    • Rare do not want the rating of the game to go up. That removes gambling.
      This is not me being negative. This is a fact. The game's rating will be forced to go up if they add gambling.
    • Smoking is not needed. It's not a pirate thing, so why add it? 'Just because' is not a good reason.
    • Adding in 'happy bedtime workers' would, like gambling, raise the rating of the game. And are not what people think of when they think 'pirates'. So, again; Why add it? 'Because GTA' is not good.
    • Gold trading leads to gold selling. Gold selling leads to scams and account thefts.
      Not worth the headache to add.
    • 'Pirates' do not really make people think 'Police force'. So again; Why add it? 'Because GTA' is a horrible reason. This is not GTA. This is SoT.
    • Again; No islands are safe zones. And these are pirates. So why would they honor a 'no weapons' rule when they want to steal treasure?
    • The Gold Hoarders know how to keep their gold. Also; It's cursed. You see how they are turning into gold?
      Plus, AGAIN, being able to steal gold from a bank would just be free money.

    @timotion22 said in Town Activities:

    @look-behind-you it was fun in GTAV :)

    This is not GTA V :)
    "Because another game does it" is 100% not how you ever make a successful game, ever.
    You end up with a cluttered mess of conflicting ideas that all miss the mark and leave people saying "GTA V/Red Dead/God of War/insert other games you copied here did it better".

  • @guildar9194 Yeah but now there is NOTHING to do in the towns/pubs, [mod edit]

  • @guildar9194 In the game industry I always have to fight through a whole group of nay-sayers like you, I'm used to it. You will come around..

  • "Towns" are for selling.

    Otherwise you get a bunch of players complaining they can't socialize while a bunch of sociopaths complaining about no one letting them bully others.

  • @th3-tater Yeahh gamers are hard to manage..

  • @timotion22

    In the game industry I always have to fight through a whole group of nay-sayers like you, I'm used to it. You will come around..

    Not every idea you have is a good idea, that’s why this forum exists, to provide positive and negative feedback and critique. I get that it must be hard to hear your ideas are bad and don’t fit the game, but if you truly knew it then you’d recognise your ideas don’t fit with it in the first place.

    You didn’t exactly sell your ideas either with a reason why any of it should be brought into the game and the massive hurdles it will cause (mostly by increasing the age rating of the game, which you haven’t addressed at all).

    Come back with refined ideas and you may get support, and who knows, Rare might pick your ideas up. In its current state though? No.

  • @timotion22 Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • As a general reminder to all, please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

just for funcommunityfan artfeedbackgeneral
14 out of 21