Rumblebeard - Do I need to be concerned?

  • I've gotten the Rumblebeard - Kick from Server - notice yesterday, and again today!
    Is my account compromised or something?
    What do I need to do in order for this to not happen?

    I've played SoT since early beta, and I am very scared to read this message as I love this game

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  • Nothing to worry about if you aren't cheating.

    Lots of people have seen that since the anti-cheat showed up.

    Some will tell you about unfair bans and all that and no system is perfect but I wouldn't worry about it.

    Save the concern and worry for stuff you're actually guilty of imo, lol

  • Some legitimate software causes this issue as well. I believe nvidia’s(and maybe AMD’s too) recording software was doing it for a while, and certain VPN services. Some people reported that closing the software, launching the game, then opening it fixed the problem.

  • @admiral-oom Did you fix it because i just joined the game and i keep getting the error

  • @SenecaSailor Yeah, I just restarted, but I started Steam with "Run as Administrator"
    (Right click the icon and select that option when starting Steam).

    Don't know if that was the issue though, perhaps I just got lucky hehe

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