Looking for players who are bad at PVP

  • Why?.....
    Because Im bad at PVP too and I want to grind HG to get better without disappointing an overly emotional career HG player.
    Obviously we will sink.
    -Adults only please
    -No toxic mindsets
    -Be commited enough to grind until we are not sinking (obviously not in one session) Point being, lets attempt to not rage-quit.
    -I am a late night player. I am usually active from 21:00 until 06:00 Mountain time (United States)
    -Doesnt need to be HG at first but, we need to keep focus on PVP
    -I have a guild created that we can use

  • 7
  • I'm down add me my GT is K33BLERelf90

  • You can count on me to miss every cannon shot trust🙏

  • @elite-killa816 Feel free to send me a request. im on XBOX and PC

  • I'm down feel free to add me, Xbox gamertag is JoeKing885821

  • Feel free to add me: PeakMammal771

3 out of 7