Looking for a guild with pretty ships ( mainly pvp sloop )

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  • i have The Mad monkey!

  • @nea-culita we have a guild called The Code we are distinction 260 with lots of pretty and scary ships. I sent a friend request if you are interested.

  • We have a lot of cool sloops, i sent you a friends request!

  • You're invited to take a look at my guild, 'Reel Ones'. We are a guild with a wide variety of ships, including rare sets, some of which are from the Pirate Emporium or sets that are no longer obtainable.

    However, I want to clarify that our guild requires being in our Discord server and following the guild rules.

    If you're interested, feel free to send me a message on Xbox or Discord. My tag is FlintPrime.

2 out of 5