Bewildering blowpipe commendation not unlocking

  • Same as title. The commendation doesn't unlock even if I met all the criteria (complete all dart related commendations).

  • 18
  • Same here. I even redid the darts more times incase there was issues in counting and its still locked

  • All my comms were done yesterday and now it's 41/42 with this comm being the one that is showing as not completed, lol.

  • Same here. Unlocked it yesterday and sent a support ticket. They didn't give a proper response.

  • They have acknowledged it here on the website, but not on their public official channels (Twitter, Facebook and within the game)
    No idea why they've done it this way. Which I guess is why everyone is making posts about it on the forums.


    Would be cool if they put out a hotfix that let us use these new rewards before this weekend's community weekend, but I doubt it.

  • Same issue here…

  • Same here.

  • same issue

  • Rare never met an IF statement they couldn't flub.

  • Same here, unlocked all coms for the blowpipe but this one is still locked for me

  • Finished mine and all unlocked. (Xbox user)
    Possible device issue with connecting between account and database

  • I wonder if there are mimic dart comms which haven't been activated yet. It has been previewed and hinted hasn't it and would fall under blowdart

  • Just logged in and it seems like they are currently working on it, since the "bewildering blowpipe" commendation just unlocked for me the second I spawned in the tavern.
    It only let me buy the Athena chest for now, so we'll hopefully have the commendation(s) and chests unlocked in the next couple of days.

    alt text

  • @kashmero said in Bewildering blowpipe commendation not unlocking:

    Just logged in and it seems like they are currently working on it, since the "bewildering blowpipe" commendation just unlocked for me the second I spawned in the tavern.

    It re-unlocked for me as well.

    Still can't buy the coral or athena chest (the only ones I have locked) but I'm back to 42/42.

  • Same here!
    Completed all, but bewildering blowpipes won’t unlock still..
    i now completed all the mimic ones too.. (i thought it was bugged because of the update coming up, but still not unlocking)
    Did it all fort the chest of fortune hide, and it’s pretty frustrating I still can’t do that after all i went through…
    Rare! Please fix it

  • #Rare
    please fix this for me

3 out of 18