Season 14 still not lauchned : what can we do ?

  • Ok first don't think i don't love the game, i love it for real, but it's been dozens of weeks since people haven't got any session without crash/bugs/lags/cheaters/abuse without Rare doing (really) anything.
    The season 14 should been lauchned nearly 2 month ago, but still today : Traps don't work they just vanish in seconds, hanging from ledges don't work either since the camera bug make it impossible to look around, and disguise don't work for thousands of players that just can't equip them and buy new one, all of that without saying a word about the state of the servers, never been worst. A week ago after massive tickets send we learned that the dev are not planing to do anything about it they are "not working on it". Their staff don't answer on X, Messenger, Instagram, Mail, and 80% of tickets are closed because "we can't verifie and do nothing about it".

    My point is : we paid for the game, that state of the servers/cheaters/all of the bugs make it like an early access state since month, but we have new paying cosmetics every weeks :D some of us pay for plunder pass every season too but WE ARE NOT BETA TESTERS : this state of playing and lies about hotfix that fix nothing since month is against the GCU of the game (and somehow kind of illegal to sell a product that don't work).

    So : on a discord pour the 1rst December 2024 we are planning to do a mass bad review on game's steam page, until it's really fixed, and if it's so, planning oc to delete these reviews, cause now Rare decided to not listen to players for real, it's been month (or years) that the game decline for just more and more money.

    Actually we are close to 2000 players for this action on the 1rst December, join us in this action and pass the word, if you want the game to become good and playable again


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