Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control

  • So I been active on reddit for a while, I am also a safer seas player, mostly because I hate playing with randos (you never know what you are going to get when you play open) and my friends have had bad experiences with high seas, essentially to the level of "this is unfair and they are stalking us when we don't have treasure" I even did a play earlier today where I was on my ship steering and my own crewmate decided to blunder me off the wheel, they had no mic and the only messages they sent the entire time was "NO" not even lower case full on upper, eventually they quit the game leaving me solo sloop, but its not just me or my friends who have had bad experiences with SOT because of other players, yes there are glitches in the game that can be hilarious (row boat defying gravity) annoying (row boat glitching out when you try to get on it making it impossible to get on, getting stuck in the floor in mermaid dives) but these things cannot be controlled, players quit , pvp sweats being annoying , general call of duty level coms , sore loosers , and just this this is just from a quick search, (when i was searching i was intending to find out why some of the glitches happen and found these instead)

    remember, some point this month there is more than likely gonna be a wave of people coming to high seas who only played solo so instead of going all gung ho on them especially when they have no loot onboard find out if they are new to doing high seas, or hell even new to the game, like ive only been playing for a little under 5 months (will be 5 months next weekend) and especially solo slooping its not fun on high seas, granted cause hardly anything happens on safer its also not fun but a different level of not fun, im not getting chased half way across the map every time i load in

  • 25
  • I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

  • As above

    What here is a problem that needs correcting?

  • First off, SoT is not a single player game, it has never even been marketed as one. SoT is an open world PvPvE game with everything that comes with it. The game can be brutal when you are new, but that is also what makes the game good in the end. Everyone has the same weapons and tools, there is no gear to level up to get an advantage. The only things that separates us pirates are skill and experience.

    Also Safer Seas may be a good tool to learn the game in peace, BUT it gives the player a very, very wrong experience of the game. That is one of the reasons i personally do not think Safer Seas is good for anyone, as it gives new players a completely wrong picture of that the game is actually like.

    Playing alone is SoT on hardmode, and that is how it should be.

    I would recommend to enjoy SoT as part of a crew, as that is when you really experience the magic of the game. To be effective you need to cooperate to fight and sail effectively. This is not something you can learn in a day or two. You need to communicate with your friends, and learn what works for everyone and according to that, take your place in the crew. For example MY place is by the helm. I handle the speed of the ship in battle, using the back sail, and i try to keep cannons turned towards enemies in battle. I also watch for boarders on brigs, and try to monitor the water level. Those are MY jobs in my crew, others have other jobs.
    This is why SoT is best played as a crew, as that is how SoT is meant to be played. There is actually no single player ship in SoT, the sloop is tailored for two players.

    To tho OP, i do understand you do not like to play with others, i totally understand that. I actually play lots if single player games, but SoT is not one of them. I cant tell you or anyone how to enjoy a game, but i do have to remind you that SoT meant to be played with others. There are lots of people on Discord that want to find new crew mates. We have found replacements for our crew after some testing, as some people work well together and some do not. Im a day one player, and i have gone through many crew setups during that time. Trust me on this one, find a new good crew, and the SoT game experience will change.

    In time you will learn that 50% of the value of any loot is in the constant risk of loosing it. The risk to loose everything is what makes it all so exciting. Same goes with the emissary flags, you know that you are raising the PvP beacon for everyone to see that you are carrying loot. The reward is higher, but so is the risk, the salt of the game if you wish.

    Everyone gets sunk, but remember that you will get a brand new ship and nothing was really lost. You just gained some experience and a new good story. At some point gold will mean nothing in this game, and the actual journey is what matters. Sometimes is about a really long and difficult sea battle, sometimes its some fun interaction with another crew, or something else. Nowadays me and my crew use SoT as a "glorified chat simulator", something we do after work in the evenings just to relax and unwind for a while. Sometimes that is all SoT needs to be.

    Just some thoughts from an old pirate,

  • @quickhakker

    TLDR; someone sank in the PvPvE pirate game.

  • @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

  • @ghostfire1981 which is why they need to do a big update to safer seas to make it better for everyone around, but I bet you wouldn't even care about it cause you like the PvP stuff, and honestly the point of gaming is to have fun, you might like the challenge of sailing solo while you have a meg and a player on you pelting you with all kinds of balls while your ship has nothing in it, or to go to a dive/fort just to return and your ship is gone, but to a lot of players they want to do the dives have a nice relaxing time exploring the beautiful world especially down the dives, and just hoard a lot of gold, if you can name me a game that is basically SOT high seas without toxic pvp where you can say "i dont want to fight" and people will leave you alone im all ears.

    As for the playing together part, I do play with other people, in fact thats the only reason I even bought SOT I saw one of my friends streaming it, they told me its cross play, i bought the game we started playing and boom, the problem is because of situations where the other players have been toxic and essentially harassing the friend to the point where the other players practically stalked the ship they sword off high seas.

    The thing I find annoying with the whole "sinking" isn't "oh no you sunk my ship" its when people sink the ship "just cause" like I could be on an island doing something and BOOM ship behind me blowing my ship up using scatters and fire bombs essentially making it impossible for me to actually do anything, like i've been destroyed by several NPC ships playing the game and while its annoying that we sunk we gave it our all it just wasnt good enough for that situation

  • @quickhakker Other players sinking your ship or PvP is not "toxic".

    Sea of Thieves is a PvEvP sandbox. It is a Shared World Adventure Game....other people can and do interact differently.

    There are many valid reasons for sinking another ship and "just cause" is one of them. It is a pirate game after all.

    On the other hand, If you believe a player has been ACTUALLY toxic in the game or suspect foul-play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support.

  • @quickhakker

    If players are being toxic to you, why aren't you recording and reporting them? Rare doesn't tolerate that nonsense, nor should you.

    With that said, if you feel a ship coming over to sink you is "toxic", that's part of the game bud. I've sunk plenty of ships so far. What I can tell you is that I don't know what treasure/loot that ship has, until I'm able to board them. Also, if you see a reaper on your map, just know that if you're representing an emissary faction with your flag, the moment that reaper hits grade 5, they can see you. It's not "stalking" by any means of the word. You always need to be observant in this game no matter what. If you're doing a fort and suddenly your ship is gone, you weren't being observant enough. My crew and I were a lvl 5 reaper galleon (you can see us on the map), and had just sunk a ship stacking FotD. A FoF was already up, so we decided to go over and do it. We had a curtain of streamers flying off our bow from the reaper bounty crates collected at the FotD, were against wind, and had to go thru a storm. We arrive at the FoF to see a ship already there doing it, and they called us toxic because they never saw us coming apparantly.

    Your ship has certain strengths/weaknesses you need to understand in order to better defend yourself. That falls on no one else but you. A friend and I were on a sloop, and were able to sink the same galleon that kept coming at us 3 times in a row because they didn't understand how agile a sloop is vs. their galleon. Small ships can be just as deadly as the largest ship, it all depends on the player-- and is not the fault of Rare.

    Record/report toxic players, but just know, that pvp or sinking you "just because", is not being toxic.

  • @europa4033

    I’ve said it before on these forums and I’ll say it again, the most toxic encounters I’ve have in SoT are from pirates under attack who apparently feel entitled to get all the events to themselves without interruption. I’ve had some really nasty things said to me simply because i decided to fight over an event with a big marker in the sky for all to see and participate in.

  • @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

    Funny, as I have 100s of hours of my solo console gameplay taking place on shared servers posted on my YouTube channel that completely disproves this narrative. Not saying I never run into a heavily PVP focused crew, but it is pretty rare and even rarer that it is a toxic encounter...and when that does happen it gets reported, which I've only had to do less than a handful of times since the game's launch years ago (and most within the first few years of the game).

    So forgive me if I don't buy into your narrative as my experience (with video proof) begs to differ with the picture you are trying to portray.

  • @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

    When you say near impossible to play and have fun—are we just talking about a new player solo slooping on high seas? I'm trying to narrow this down but in the meantime I'll go back to some elements from your original post, so solo slooping is one of the most challenging and yet rewarding experiences you can ever have if you stick with it. As for the open crew thing, I'd recommend not using that unless you really let go and have no expectations there is other options for finding crewmates. Open crew is very random, can get an amazing crewmate or a crazy one. One last thing, if you choose to solo sloop on high seas there is a phenomenon where other crews that fight you will talk trash way more often. It's usually because you'll make them look bad in front of their friends when you smack them around by yourself, but more often its because they realize you are solo and have a severe disadvantage to the point you often cannot win certain fights especially when outnumbered and they know it they've been in the same scenario themselves but don't mind it you got a mute button you can use if its too much.

  • @europa4033 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:


    If players are being toxic to you, why aren't you recording and reporting them? Rare doesn't tolerate that nonsense, nor should you.

    With that said, if you feel a ship coming over to sink you is "toxic", that's part of the game bud. I've sunk plenty of ships so far. What I can tell you is that I don't know what treasure/loot that ship has, until I'm able to board them. Also, if you see a reaper on your map, just know that if you're representing an emissary faction with your flag, the moment that reaper hits grade 5, they can see you. It's not "stalking" by any means of the word. You always need to be observant in this game no matter what. If you're doing a fort and suddenly your ship is gone, you weren't being observant enough. My crew and I were a lvl 5 reaper galleon (you can see us on the map), and had just sunk a ship stacking FotD. A FoF was already up, so we decided to go over and do it. We had a curtain of streamers flying off our bow from the reaper bounty crates collected at the FotD, were against wind, and had to go thru a storm. We arrive at the FoF to see a ship already there doing it, and they called us toxic because they never saw us coming apparantly.

    Your ship has certain strengths/weaknesses you need to understand in order to better defend yourself. That falls on no one else but you. A friend and I were on a sloop, and were able to sink the same galleon that kept coming at us 3 times in a row because they didn't understand how agile a sloop is vs. their galleon. Small ships can be just as deadly as the largest ship, it all depends on the player-- and is not the fault of Rare.

    Record/report toxic players, but just know, that pvp or sinking you "just because", is not being toxic.

    do you constantly track down a persons name so that if you see them coming out of a port your chasing them down the entire map litterally ignoring everything else the game has to offer just to attack this one ship

  • @capt-greldik said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:


    I’ve said it before on these forums and I’ll say it again, the most toxic encounters I’ve have in SoT are from pirates under attack who apparently feel entitled to get all the events to themselves without interruption. I’ve had some really nasty things said to me simply because i decided to fight over an event with a big marker in the sky for all to see and participate in.

    its honestly amusing cause as much as i would love to take part in thoes events (the skulls and the fleets cause me and my friends can solo the red mists, i even did it as a one on one situation with 2 others on safer) if 1/10 comments about world events are like your one then i dont want it

  • @dlchief58 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

    Funny, as I have 100s of hours of my solo console gameplay taking place on shared servers posted on my YouTube channel that completely disproves this narrative. Not saying I never run into a heavily PVP focused crew, but it is pretty rare and even rarer that it is a toxic encounter...and when that does happen it gets reported, which I've only had to do less than a handful of times since the game's launch years ago (and most within the first few years of the game).

    So forgive me if I don't buy into your narrative as my experience (with video proof) begs to differ with the picture you are trying to portray.

    you are one person with lets say 999 hours worth of video proof, sea of thieves is a MASIVE multiplayer game, you just need 10 people playing 100 hours to beat your time, and considering there are plenty of creators out there who make a living off of sea of thieves (theres a whole section dedicated to sea of thieves partners) with the length of time that its been out as well you can respectfully shove it, and im not just going off of my personal experience, which is getting sunk when i didnt have anything on my ship, and having someone blunderbomb me off my own wheel without telling me why, but several of my friends who had crews stalk them all over the map on several different ocassions for no reason

  • @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

    When you say near impossible to play and have fun—are we just talking about a new player solo slooping on high seas? I'm trying to narrow this down but in the meantime I'll go back to some elements from your original post, so solo slooping is one of the most challenging and yet rewarding experiences you can ever have if you stick with it. As for the open crew thing, I'd recommend not using that unless you really let go and have no expectations there is other options for finding crewmates. Open crew is very random, can get an amazing crewmate or a crazy one. One last thing, if you choose to solo sloop on high seas there is a phenomenon where other crews that fight you will talk trash way more often. It's usually because you'll make them look bad in front of their friends when you smack them around by yourself, but more often its because they realize you are solo and have a severe disadvantage to the point you often cannot win certain fights especially when outnumbered and they know it they've been in the same scenario themselves but don't mind it you got a mute button you can use if its too much.

    im also taking stories from my friends who at minimum had 3 people on the ship, i dont know if they ever had a 4 man but still, it really doesnt matter what ship your in it feels as though every ship knows where you are, spicy take as a side, reapers shouldnt be able to see players that havent got above say level 50 in the 3 core guilds

  • All i can say after reading this thread is: this is the MOST fun game I've ever played with friends. Even when some other crew is screaming and sinking us. It is hilarious! Start TALKING into the mic. Most of the times after we get sunk, we talk to the enemy, even get a grog in the pub. The OP might be playing the wrong game.

  • @jamesdevil said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    All i can say after reading this thread is: this is the MOST fun game I've ever played with friends. Even when some other crew is screaming and sinking us. It is hilarious! Start TALKING into the mic. Most of the times after we get sunk, we talk to the enemy, even get a grog in the pub. The OP might be playing the wrong game.

    This. I don't think it's Sea of Thieves that has a problem, some people are taking things way too seriously.

  • @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @europa4033 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:


    If players are being toxic to you, why aren't you recording and reporting them? Rare doesn't tolerate that nonsense, nor should you.

    With that said, if you feel a ship coming over to sink you is "toxic", that's part of the game bud. I've sunk plenty of ships so far. What I can tell you is that I don't know what treasure/loot that ship has, until I'm able to board them. Also, if you see a reaper on your map, just know that if you're representing an emissary faction with your flag, the moment that reaper hits grade 5, they can see you. It's not "stalking" by any means of the word. You always need to be observant in this game no matter what. If you're doing a fort and suddenly your ship is gone, you weren't being observant enough. My crew and I were a lvl 5 reaper galleon (you can see us on the map), and had just sunk a ship stacking FotD. A FoF was already up, so we decided to go over and do it. We had a curtain of streamers flying off our bow from the reaper bounty crates collected at the FotD, were against wind, and had to go thru a storm. We arrive at the FoF to see a ship already there doing it, and they called us toxic because they never saw us coming apparantly.

    Your ship has certain strengths/weaknesses you need to understand in order to better defend yourself. That falls on no one else but you. A friend and I were on a sloop, and were able to sink the same galleon that kept coming at us 3 times in a row because they didn't understand how agile a sloop is vs. their galleon. Small ships can be just as deadly as the largest ship, it all depends on the player-- and is not the fault of Rare.

    Record/report toxic players, but just know, that pvp or sinking you "just because", is not being toxic.

    do you constantly track down a persons name so that if you see them coming out of a port your chasing them down the entire map litterally ignoring everything else the game has to offer just to attack this one ship

    "Constantly" track down a person's name? I mean, lol, it's a big ocean and I honestly have better things to do, but if I'm sailing around and see a ship we've sunk before and see them coming towards me/or are near me (like what the SoSS is designed to do), you bet! I could always use the free supplies :)

  • @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @capt-greldik said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:


    I’ve said it before on these forums and I’ll say it again, the most toxic encounters I’ve have in SoT are from pirates under attack who apparently feel entitled to get all the events to themselves without interruption. I’ve had some really nasty things said to me simply because i decided to fight over an event with a big marker in the sky for all to see and participate in.

    its honestly amusing cause as much as i would love to take part in thoes events (the skulls and the fleets cause me and my friends can solo the red mists, i even did it as a one on one situation with 2 others on safer) if 1/10 comments about world events are like your one then i dont want it

    It's why I always record my sessions, so that when/if these things happen (people being toxic towards me as I fight them over whatever world event), I can report them to Rare. Fighting over a world event isn't being toxic. It's not often people spew toxic things towards me or my crew of friends, but I have proof if/when they do.

  • @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @dlchief58 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

    Funny, as I have 100s of hours of my solo console gameplay taking place on shared servers posted on my YouTube channel that completely disproves this narrative. Not saying I never run into a heavily PVP focused crew, but it is pretty rare and even rarer that it is a toxic encounter...and when that does happen it gets reported, which I've only had to do less than a handful of times since the game's launch years ago (and most within the first few years of the game).

    So forgive me if I don't buy into your narrative as my experience (with video proof) begs to differ with the picture you are trying to portray.

    you are one person with lets say 999 hours worth of video proof, sea of thieves is a MASIVE multiplayer game, you just need 10 people playing 100 hours to beat your time, and considering there are plenty of creators out there who make a living off of sea of thieves (theres a whole section dedicated to sea of thieves partners) with the length of time that its been out as well you can respectfully shove it, and im not just going off of my personal experience, which is getting sunk when i didnt have anything on my ship, and having someone blunderbomb me off my own wheel without telling me why, but several of my friends who had crews stalk them all over the map on several different ocassions for no reason

    You seem to be intent on having people tell you "why". WHY did he blunderbomb you off the wheel? To knock you off the wheel and stop helming the ship. Again, many players like to hide treasure on their ships, and it's not obvious...until you board them and see for yourself. Many times I've boarded a ship to find stacked treasure hidden down below, that I never would've discovered had I not boarded their ship.

    The other thing is, if your friends were emissary and the person tracking them down was a lvl 5 reaper, that's part of the game. Heck there's even achievements you can earn for turning in a certain number of emissary flags. It's on you (your friends) to see what's on the map, and if that reaper is sailing towards them, so they can take defensive maneuvers. Players don't need a reason for killing you or sinking your boat, and it's not being toxic. This is a pvpve game, which means pvp is going to happen, and it makes no sense reporting someone for killing/sinking you in a game where pvp is a core component of it. You don't have to be a tournament player to outwit/outsmart them, you just have to think outside the box and know the strengths/weaknesses of your ship vs. theirs. Last year sometime, I was solo-slooping, and a galleon came after me. I didn't feel like pvping and just wanted to do my own thing, so I sailed into the fog, made a hard turn. They lost sight of me, and gave up the pursuit. Were they being toxic? No. Did I HAVE to fight them? No. I simply out-smarted them and went back to what I was doing. WHY players are coming after you doesn't matter, it only matters what you intend to do about it.

  • @europa4033 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @dlchief58 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

    Funny, as I have 100s of hours of my solo console gameplay taking place on shared servers posted on my YouTube channel that completely disproves this narrative. Not saying I never run into a heavily PVP focused crew, but it is pretty rare and even rarer that it is a toxic encounter...and when that does happen it gets reported, which I've only had to do less than a handful of times since the game's launch years ago (and most within the first few years of the game).

    So forgive me if I don't buy into your narrative as my experience (with video proof) begs to differ with the picture you are trying to portray.

    you are one person with lets say 999 hours worth of video proof, sea of thieves is a MASIVE multiplayer game, you just need 10 people playing 100 hours to beat your time, and considering there are plenty of creators out there who make a living off of sea of thieves (theres a whole section dedicated to sea of thieves partners) with the length of time that its been out as well you can respectfully shove it, and im not just going off of my personal experience, which is getting sunk when i didnt have anything on my ship, and having someone blunderbomb me off my own wheel without telling me why, but several of my friends who had crews stalk them all over the map on several different ocassions for no reason

    You seem to be intent on having people tell you "why". WHY did he blunderbomb you off the wheel? To knock you off the wheel and stop helming the ship. Again, many players like to hide treasure on their ships, and it's not obvious...until you board them and see for yourself. Many times I've boarded a ship to find stacked treasure hidden down below, that I never would've discovered had I not boarded their ship.

    The other thing is, if your friends were emissary and the person tracking them down was a lvl 5 reaper, that's part of the game. Heck there's even achievements you can earn for turning in a certain number of emissary flags. It's on you (your friends) to see what's on the map, and if that reaper is sailing towards them, so they can take defensive maneuvers. Players don't need a reason for killing you or sinking your boat, and it's not being toxic. This is a pvpve game, which means pvp is going to happen, and it makes no sense reporting someone for killing/sinking you in a game where pvp is a core component of it. You don't have to be a tournament player to outwit/outsmart them, you just have to think outside the box and know the strengths/weaknesses of your ship vs. theirs. Last year sometime, I was solo-slooping, and a galleon came after me. I didn't feel like pvping and just wanted to do my own thing, so I sailed into the fog, made a hard turn. They lost sight of me, and gave up the pursuit. Were they being toxic? No. Did I HAVE to fight them? No. I simply out-smarted them and went back to what I was doing. WHY players are coming after you doesn't matter, it only matters what you intend to do about it.

    it was my ship that i bought with my coin, the guy was part of my crew so why blunderbomb off the wheel

  • @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @europa4033 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @dlchief58 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

    Funny, as I have 100s of hours of my solo console gameplay taking place on shared servers posted on my YouTube channel that completely disproves this narrative. Not saying I never run into a heavily PVP focused crew, but it is pretty rare and even rarer that it is a toxic encounter...and when that does happen it gets reported, which I've only had to do less than a handful of times since the game's launch years ago (and most within the first few years of the game).

    So forgive me if I don't buy into your narrative as my experience (with video proof) begs to differ with the picture you are trying to portray.

    you are one person with lets say 999 hours worth of video proof, sea of thieves is a MASIVE multiplayer game, you just need 10 people playing 100 hours to beat your time, and considering there are plenty of creators out there who make a living off of sea of thieves (theres a whole section dedicated to sea of thieves partners) with the length of time that its been out as well you can respectfully shove it, and im not just going off of my personal experience, which is getting sunk when i didnt have anything on my ship, and having someone blunderbomb me off my own wheel without telling me why, but several of my friends who had crews stalk them all over the map on several different ocassions for no reason

    You seem to be intent on having people tell you "why". WHY did he blunderbomb you off the wheel? To knock you off the wheel and stop helming the ship. Again, many players like to hide treasure on their ships, and it's not obvious...until you board them and see for yourself. Many times I've boarded a ship to find stacked treasure hidden down below, that I never would've discovered had I not boarded their ship.

    The other thing is, if your friends were emissary and the person tracking them down was a lvl 5 reaper, that's part of the game. Heck there's even achievements you can earn for turning in a certain number of emissary flags. It's on you (your friends) to see what's on the map, and if that reaper is sailing towards them, so they can take defensive maneuvers. Players don't need a reason for killing you or sinking your boat, and it's not being toxic. This is a pvpve game, which means pvp is going to happen, and it makes no sense reporting someone for killing/sinking you in a game where pvp is a core component of it. You don't have to be a tournament player to outwit/outsmart them, you just have to think outside the box and know the strengths/weaknesses of your ship vs. theirs. Last year sometime, I was solo-slooping, and a galleon came after me. I didn't feel like pvping and just wanted to do my own thing, so I sailed into the fog, made a hard turn. They lost sight of me, and gave up the pursuit. Were they being toxic? No. Did I HAVE to fight them? No. I simply out-smarted them and went back to what I was doing. WHY players are coming after you doesn't matter, it only matters what you intend to do about it.

    it was my ship that i bought with my coin, the guy was part of my crew so why blunderbomb off the wheel

    I've had to blunderbomb my crewmates off the wheel if they were afk at the moment and we needed to turn the ship. Or, he decided to grab the wheel at that moment, and needed you to get off of it for some reason. If the both of you were in a call (like on discord), you could've asked him what he needed/why he chose to do that/what's up? If it was open crew and this person set your ship on fire, threw your treasure overboard, kept throwing blunderbombs at you, etc., you can record and report that too by the way. Many who join open crew decide to troll others for whatever reasons. All the answers you seek, should've come from that player.

  • @europa4033 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @europa4033 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @dlchief58 said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @quickhakker said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    @karkona said in Sea of thieves has a problem, and (from what I've seen) its not just with what rare control:

    I read all this, but I'm wondering what you want? Are you wanting to have fun and solo sloop on high seas? Or you having trouble finding pals to play with?

    people on high seas are essentially making it so that people who want to play just end up quitting by being esentially a pvp sweat, constantly targeting people who don't have any loot, stalking people all the way across the map, making it near impossible to play the game and have fun for the "victim" player, and with changes to safer seas theres likely gonna be more people coming into high seas, playing for a month maybe total and then dropping the game entirely, which could also have the nock on effect of £100's worth of microtransactions not going through

    Funny, as I have 100s of hours of my solo console gameplay taking place on shared servers posted on my YouTube channel that completely disproves this narrative. Not saying I never run into a heavily PVP focused crew, but it is pretty rare and even rarer that it is a toxic encounter...and when that does happen it gets reported, which I've only had to do less than a handful of times since the game's launch years ago (and most within the first few years of the game).

    So forgive me if I don't buy into your narrative as my experience (with video proof) begs to differ with the picture you are trying to portray.

    you are one person with lets say 999 hours worth of video proof, sea of thieves is a MASIVE multiplayer game, you just need 10 people playing 100 hours to beat your time, and considering there are plenty of creators out there who make a living off of sea of thieves (theres a whole section dedicated to sea of thieves partners) with the length of time that its been out as well you can respectfully shove it, and im not just going off of my personal experience, which is getting sunk when i didnt have anything on my ship, and having someone blunderbomb me off my own wheel without telling me why, but several of my friends who had crews stalk them all over the map on several different ocassions for no reason

    You seem to be intent on having people tell you "why". WHY did he blunderbomb you off the wheel? To knock you off the wheel and stop helming the ship. Again, many players like to hide treasure on their ships, and it's not obvious...until you board them and see for yourself. Many times I've boarded a ship to find stacked treasure hidden down below, that I never would've discovered had I not boarded their ship.

    The other thing is, if your friends were emissary and the person tracking them down was a lvl 5 reaper, that's part of the game. Heck there's even achievements you can earn for turning in a certain number of emissary flags. It's on you (your friends) to see what's on the map, and if that reaper is sailing towards them, so they can take defensive maneuvers. Players don't need a reason for killing you or sinking your boat, and it's not being toxic. This is a pvpve game, which means pvp is going to happen, and it makes no sense reporting someone for killing/sinking you in a game where pvp is a core component of it. You don't have to be a tournament player to outwit/outsmart them, you just have to think outside the box and know the strengths/weaknesses of your ship vs. theirs. Last year sometime, I was solo-slooping, and a galleon came after me. I didn't feel like pvping and just wanted to do my own thing, so I sailed into the fog, made a hard turn. They lost sight of me, and gave up the pursuit. Were they being toxic? No. Did I HAVE to fight them? No. I simply out-smarted them and went back to what I was doing. WHY players are coming after you doesn't matter, it only matters what you intend to do about it.

    it was my ship that i bought with my coin, the guy was part of my crew so why blunderbomb off the wheel

    I've had to blunderbomb my crewmates off the wheel if they were afk at the moment and we needed to turn the ship. Or, he decided to grab the wheel at that moment, and needed you to get off of it for some reason. If the both of you were in a call (like on discord), you could've asked him what he needed/why he chose to do that/what's up? If it was open crew and this person set your ship on fire, threw your treasure overboard, kept throwing blunderbombs at you, etc., you can record and report that too by the way. Many who join open crew decide to troll others for whatever reasons. All the answers you seek, should've come from that player.

    yeah they should have come from the player, i was on the wheel taking the ship towards something i hadnt seen in safer seas (cause it doesnt exist) so i was curious, wasnt afk all he said was "NO" (yes in that caps) never elaborated or anything and it wasnt as if i was driving it into rocks and he had to stop me from doing that

  • Unfortunately these types of situations happen all throughout gaming. The crux at this point is experience. Playing and experiencing this situation and similar ones over and over again; instead of dreading and avoiding them, will make you more experienced, knowledgeable and therefor powerful. It's not the situation in and of itself that is bad, it is your judgement of it. Gamers like those in your story do exist, you need to take that into account and adapt. At the end of the day it's pixels, don't lose the good looking for the bad.

    You will get there. I have. We all have. Build your legend and the gold will follow. I've learned the call of the Hungering Deep. I've shared a grog with Merrick, rest his soul. I was on the Sea when it was closed, before the Roar. I'm the Master of Hounds for the Arch-Duke of the Ancient Isles. I've sailed for Fortune and entertained the community. Forget the sweaty weapers and write your own story.

4 out of 25