Suggestion- Hourglass against friends

  • We should be able to do hourglass pvp with our friends against each other. This way we can do the pvp against friends to be able to play with big groups or just for added fun and competition.

  • 4
    generaljust for fun
  • Good idea as long as noone gets allegiance for it.
    Tdm servers or just servers to fight your friends would be nice or as you said use a seperate hourglass, where you can only find your friends.

    But as i said, only if theres no allegiance.

  • @jb7309 where is the competition? Sounds like an attempt at boosting. If in same region you can queue at the same time and try and match

  • So, you'd be playing against your friends/other people just for competition, nothing more I take it? You already can play against other crews and have your own competitions on the open seas or hourglass. The best part about that is, not only can you do it "for fun", you get their supplies, treasure, allegiance and gold for it, making it not only "fun" but profitable in some cases. Against your friends, would require a private server, one that awarded no rep/gold, etc. Also, fighting against people you already know, may not help you become better at pvp against those you don't know. If I know my friend uses a sword, isn't very good at naval, and likes to board a lot, I'm ready to deal with that since I know this about him. On the open ocean if I see a ship coming towards me, I have zero knowledge of what that crew is good at, what their weapons of choice are, skill level, etc. and I need to be able to adapt to that.

generaljust for fun
3 out of 4