I'm tired of every time I sink into the game's PvP I have to buy and look for loot in the outposts instead of just going to another match, I miss the arena for its simplicity, you just entered the matches and already had your loot ready for fighting, it was a faster style of play for when you didn't have time, but in this new pvp you have to get loot when you start and every time you lose you end up getting discouraged, every time it takes about twenty minutes to do it, so my suggestion was when you Entering matchmaking, the game would give you resources to fight, so it would be faster and less tiring
PvP I have to buy and look for loot in the outposts
I’m sounding like a broken record. But…”I have to buy”. But do you really??
Who says and why? Nowhere is it required.You’re free to set sail as you see fit
the game would give you resources to fight
You do get enough. No ship that sinks and respawns isn’t without supplies.
It all depends on you, more supplies you sail with, just adds to someone else supplies when you lose. Giving them moreWin more :)
If you’re not sinking due to lack of supplies, don’t get supplies prior to a fight. Just go in with basic supplies until supplies become an issue.
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