Flameheart’s Chosen - A Guild For Reapers

  • Flameheart’s Chosen, my Guild of loyal Reapers and Servants of the Flame is almost completely empty. I’m looking for any interested Pirates, from Swabbies looking to learn the way to become a Pirate For All Eternity, to seasoned sailors looking to contribute even more to Captain Flameheart’s growing fleets and armadas.

    THIS IS A REAPER ONLY GUILD! Any pirates within this guild must have either the Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flag raised, the Guild Emissary (once we unlock it - we’re close!), or no Emissary at all. If in a ship’s chronicle it is discovered a Pirate has been delivering goods or treasures to the other, pathetic Trading Companies, or representing Athena’s Fortune in any way, there will be consequences. Conflicted Pirates are not welcome. If you are not loyal to Captain Flameheart’s cause, you do not belong here.

    We have multiple Guild Ships available, all ready for use by members except for my personal ships, the Marauder’s Blade, Dragon’s Breath, and Flameheart’s Revenge. Otherwise they’re all fair game for whatever you want to use them for. But beware! I will review Guild Chronicles to make sure people aren’t using our ships for any Trading Companies other than the Reaper’s Bones. So long as that is what you’re up to, there are no issues with PvP, PvE, or anything else. Treasure can be sold to Sovereigns so long as the Guild Emissary is raised. There is a ranking system. Myself, the Lord of the Guild. I hold ultimate authority regardless of ownership of the Ship currently sailing, and am to be given complete command over any crew. Then are the members of my Captain’s Council. They work with me to decide our next course of action against the Trading Companies and Athena’s Fortune. They hold authority over our Followers. Followers are proven Reapers, sent to sail the Sea of Thieves in our name. Lastly are our Disciples. These pirates may be of lower skill, or not be quite proven to the Guild, but they are learning.

    Otherwise, there are few rules 😆. Clothing wise, the Reaper’s Bones Costume and any Skeleton Curse cosmetics are fine, and as long as they aren’t Athena’s Fortune items, Equipment and Weapons are up to you!

    Ships can be pledged, but it must be discussed with me and I will consider their usefulness to our cause. So long as they follow our cosmetic outline, they’re probably fine with me!

    In summary, this is a great Guild, willing to accept Reapers who wish to serve Captain Flameheart. Long may the Flame burn, fuelled by the fires we light on our enemies’ decks. And may we all be Pirates, For All Eternity!

    • SirPebble323
      Reaper of the Flame
      Leader of Flameheart’s Chosen
      Loyal Servant of Captain Flameheart, King of the Sea of Thieves

    PC, Xbox, and PlayStation players are all welcome. Skill or playtime is irrelevant. If you doubt your own abilities or lack skills in any field, we will teach you. No level requirements. Be somewhat active, but you won’t get thrown out for being off a day or two. No swears or slurs. Be polite. Frustration is fine, but don’t harm others if you have a bad experience. Microphone is preferred, but not a requirement.

  • 7
  • So can I join this?

  • How join?

  • Is there a discord server?

  • Hey I'm a fairly new player looking for crews to get enough gold to buy my one ship. Let me know if I could be of help!

    Xbox based and got a working mic!

  • How Can i join ? i Have 550 Hours In total Sailing the seas i am 100% of the time reapers i am

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