A suggestion for improving the emporium and the other shops

  • The item previews are horrible in most cases. For example the sails, you see the main sail but that's it. You have no idea what the others look like and usually they do not look that good. Same with clothing, hair and such, you can see the front but you won't get the whole picture and you can't see how say a shirt looks with the pants and shoes you have on since it zooms to the upper body and you can't zoom out.

    But the thing that bothers me the most is the stuff at the emporium. I'd have to spend coins on items that i can't see properly like for example hulls. The color theme is roughly visible but the images don't show nearly enough for me to spend money on them. I tried to look some of them up but in many cases all i found was clips or images of galleons. The difference can be sometimes quite big depending on the ship model so i just won't take a shot in the dark.

    Could it be possible to add proper previews at some point? Rotatable images of the whole ship and every model so you'd actually see what you are paying for. I already spent money on one that didn't look that great on a galleon so i'm not gonna do it again.

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  • @oiva-kalli said in A suggestion for improving the emporium and the other shops:

    The item previews are horrible in most cases. For example the sails, you see the main sail but that's it. You have no idea what the others look like and usually they do not look that good.

    Yep bought a couple ship skin packs and have been let down once actually seeing it in game. The colours are not as vibrant in game either as the screenshots in the shop.

  • This would be a great addition. During the Emporiun Extravaganza, I purchased the soaring oracle costume set. I didn’t realize the legs were bird legs, so I never used it. Feels like I wasted my ancient coins.

  • @xdragonman15558 said in A suggestion for improving the emporium and the other shops:

    This would be a great addition. During the Emporiun Extravaganza, I purchased the soaring oracle costume set.

    It shows the bird legs in the smaller thumbnails on the page. A bigger and better view would help a lot though...

  • When you select it in the Emporium, the title and description block the view of the legs, so I figured they were normal legs. I still think the soaring oracle looks cool though and I may use it someday.

  • Thats the point, most of them are ugly, you don't know, so you have to buy it, you can't return it back.

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