PvP and Pirate Legend

  • If this has been answered forgive me, I have to know though is PvP going to factor in to you becoming a "Pirate Legend" IE. players killed, ships sank, chests stolen. or is this just something that you can do?

    For those people who like to PvP and not do quests all day is it viable even if slower to reach Pirate Legend this way? Hopefully I can get a deckhand to answer this.

    Because currently without knowing it just feels like a quest game that you can PvP in but the rewards of PvP seem limited other than knowing you sank someone which means very little.

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  • no one knows for sure. But I would say somehow it will factor into it somehow. Whether its sink a ship or something no one knows.

  • I don't believe so. The article I read made it seem like after you max out the factions (Gold Hoarders, Lost Souls, and Merchant) that a new group will emerge to give you the option for a legendary voyage

  • @jesus-cane said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    I don't believe so. The article I read made it seem like after you max out the factions (Gold Hoarders, Lost Souls, and Merchant) that a new group will emerge to give you the option for a legendary voyage

    This would make me very sad if this is the case. I understand the quest route and have no issue with it, but as you go through your progression the encounters that you fend off or initiate I believe should be factored in somehow.

  • The way it factors in i think is to steal the loot from the ship your attacking so if they dont have loot then your out of luck so unless they directly factor pvp in with kills and what not then thats how its supposed to play into becoming a pirate legend

  • As far as we know, PvP won't give you nothing per se.
    Of course, if you sink a ship, steal their chests and deliver them to the Goald Hoarders, you'll gain a progression. But I really doubt that killing other people will have a consequence on your progression towards being a Pirate Legend.
    However, PvP will probably let you unlock unique cosmetics to make yourself and your ship look more menacing.
    If Rare really wants a progression by killing people and sinking ships, they'll really need to balance a few things and think a lot about what kind of issues and toxic behaviours this decision will bring.

  • @madame-ching said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    If this has been answered forgive me, I have to know though is PvP going to factor in to you becoming a "Pirate Legend" IE. players killed, ships sank, chests stolen. or is this just something that you can do?

    For those people who like to PvP and not do quests all day is it viable even if slower to reach Pirate Legend this way? Hopefully I can get a deckhand to answer this.

    Because currently without knowing it just feels like a quest game that you can PvP in but the rewards of PvP seem limited other than knowing you sank someone which means very little.

    I would hope you have to do at least a little pvp to become a legend but something tells me that would upset the " i only want to quest " crowd.
    They probably shouldn't call it pirate legends but more like " become a menial tasks and turn in legend" rather than pirate legend.
    I dont know many famous pirates who where actually just merchants who avoided all combat.

  • @misterdoomed said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    @madame-ching said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    If this has been answered forgive me, I have to know though is PvP going to factor in to you becoming a "Pirate Legend" IE. players killed, ships sank, chests stolen. or is this just something that you can do?

    For those people who like to PvP and not do quests all day is it viable even if slower to reach Pirate Legend this way? Hopefully I can get a deckhand to answer this.

    Because currently without knowing it just feels like a quest game that you can PvP in but the rewards of PvP seem limited other than knowing you sank someone which means very little.

    I would hope you have to do at least a little pvp to become a legend but something tells me that would upset the " i only want to quest " crowd.
    They probably shouldn't call it pirate legends but more like " become a menial tasks and turn in legend" rather than pirate legend.
    I dont know many famous pirates who where actually just merchants who avoided all combat.

    Unfortunately I think you might be right, seems like PvP is something you "Can do" and really has no point to it other than some good fun. I think Rare really misuses the word "Pirate" and the name of the game even "Sea of Thieves" it really just seems like we're errand boys for the merchants and doing their dirty work for them.

  • @madame-ching said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    @jesus-cane said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    I don't believe so. The article I read made it seem like after you max out the factions (Gold Hoarders, Lost Souls, and Merchant) that a new group will emerge to give you the option for a legendary voyage

    This would make me very sad if this is the case. I understand the quest route and have no issue with it, but as you go through your progression the encounters that you fend off or initiate I believe should be factored in somehow.

    I assume that PVP will have its own rewards.

  • @misterdoomed We'll all have to fight PvP during our adventures.
    But making a progression PvP only means giving players a way to completely ignore the rest of the game and just sail around killing strangers. It's a bad idea ihmo.
    I should fight you in order to defend myself or steal your treasures, not just to be famous.
    The only way a progression system based on Infamy would work (and I don't think it will anyway) is to make you lose Infamy every time someone else kills you. You're not gonna be so menacing once you're dead, right?

  • @arcangelo87 said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    @misterdoomed We'll all have to fight PvP during our adventures.
    But making a progression PvP only means giving players a way to completely ignore the rest of the game and just sail around killing strangers. It's a bad idea ihmo.
    I should fight you in order to defend myself or steal your treasures, not just to be famous.
    The only way a progression system based on Infamy would work (and I don't think it will anyway) is to make you lose Infamy every time someone else kills you. You're not gonna be so menacing once you're dead, right?

    Even if they're focused on PvP they still end up turning in chests from shipwrecks, getting messages in a bottle along the way, finding chests while looking for supplies and powder kegs.

    If you PvP you need those supplies if you are going to last, unless you plan to just board everyone and that might not go so well.

  • @arcangelo87
    I cant argue that. Thats why i said " at least some pvp" to become legend.
    Pirates attacked people and its just the way it was so to become a legend i would just think some sort of pvp is needed.
    I definitely dont want to see pure pvp because then it would become the griefest everyone fears.

  • I think you dont have just one way or that way to become a pirate legend, you have many ways to achieve that or a group of achievements to become. I believe the process to achieve pirate legend its more complex than kill other pirates or just delivering cargos everywere, seems like you have many paths to achieve this honor in the SOT world what makes everything intersting since no pirate is the same as the other so i realise you have to find your own way to become a pirate legend.

  • You steal stuff from the ships you sink and then turn it in for progress and gold.

  • With PvP you can level the gold hoarders (sell the stolen chests) and the other faction with the skulls (sell the stolen skulls).
    As well as all the PvE players will encounter PvP during their way to legendary pirate, since they will be attacked and have to defend their stuff.
    So both will have to deal with both playstyles at least to some degree.

    I think atm there are sooo many threads discussing the same topics over and over again. It's almost annoying.

    And why the hell are there so many who like to play PvP to be like: "pve takes no skill"
    And as many of the PvE players are like: "all the PvPers a griefing trolls"
    It's just not that easy...

    I thinks the Mods or whoever should just close every single thread like that and post a link to the megathread.

    I'd like to be here to discuss about the game, bring some creative, good, bad or funny ideas
    or help out people with serious problems.
    But everytime I come to the forums the first 2-4 threads are about pve/pvp.

    I apologize for my english, since it's not my native language I sometimes have a hard time writing something understandable.

    I don't want to offend anyone

  • @madame-ching
    I would imagine PVPers would still be required to do some questing to reach the pirate legend status. You couldn't solely rely on PVP & stealing to be able to fully progress in reputation with the 3 factions.
    With the gold hoarders a PVPer can progress reasonably quickly by sinking ships with booty aboard & like you said, the odd shipwreck, random chest etc. So gaining reputation with them should be straight forward enough.
    The Order of the Souls would be a bit trickier & would probably take more time if you didn't do some bounties & relied upon finding / stealing them.
    The 'Merchant' faction will be the one that causes PVPers the problem & will probably require the most effort to gain reputation in. We know the quests are going to be time sensitive & will require the transportation of animals & boom booms. If you attack, you will probably blow everything up or at least kill the animals! We don't know if you can be rewarded for delivering some of the items, or if all are required to be rewarded. So i think this one will be a tough one to do without actually questing for it!

    Yes, this is a pirate game & yes pirates killed people, but they didn't murder everything that moved & most of the time they had a set quest to follow :)

  • @logansdadtoo said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    I would imagine PVPers would still be required to do some questing to reach the pirate legend status. You couldn't solely rely on PVP & stealing to be able to fully progress in reputation with the 3 factions.
    With the gold hoarders a PVPer can progress reasonably quickly by sinking ships with booty aboard & like you said, the odd shipwreck, random chest etc. So gaining reputation with them should be straight forward enough.
    The Order of the Souls would be a bit trickier & would probably take more time if you didn't do some bounties & relied upon finding / stealing them.
    The 'Merchant' faction will be the one that causes PVPers the problem & will probably require the most effort to gain reputation in. We know the quests are going to be time sensitive & will require the transportation of animals & boom booms. If you attack, you will probably blow everything up or at least kill the animals! We don't know if you can be rewarded for delivering some of the items, or if all are required to be rewarded. So i think this one will be a tough one to do without actually questing for it!

    Yes, this is a pirate game & yes pirates killed people, but they didn't murder everything that moved & most of the time they had a set quest to follow :)

    except usually their quest planned on killing people, whether is be on land or sea :)
    I mean how many people were saying goes to the "X" on the map I have provided for you.

    Brothels would report high end cargo ships or spanish galleons and off they went.

  • I think there's good evidence to suggest that PvP is going to be pretty well balanced when we get release. You can easily progress your factions by only playing PvP. Or, if you're like me, and totally suck at PvP you can only do your voyages and use PvP as a way to goof off and have fun with people. I know for a fact that if I'd been caught by some of the people who tried to pirate me, they'd have all gained at least 2 or 3 rep levels just by stealing my stuff. But I'm a better sailor than them, they didn't stand a chance of catching me lol.

    You can't look at specific play styles and expect different rewards for each... You have your rewards and progression, and you have two paths to get there. Yes, one may be harder (Strictly playing PvP) but, that's the point. You play the way YOU want, and the progression will follow regardless. The way this game is set up, so far, there's really no way that you can't progress, unless you actively try to NOT get/steal and turn in chests/other voyage goals.

    I didn't used to think the PvP/PvE balance was good, but that was before I had played the game at all. After having played, now I understand the system and I think it works. (In my opinion).

  • @madame-ching
    Yes, but their quest would have been planned & coordinated to make sure they gained a good haul from the attack.
    Pirates didn't kill for fun, for sport or because they could, it was always about the booty or maybe revenge, but mainly the booty!

  • @madame-ching I like it the way it is. I'm both a PvP and PvE guy. I enjoy both playstyles and mix it up when needed. I found that doing any one part for too long wasn't something I liked. PvE and never seeing another ship isn't great. But neither is running away from a ship for 4 hours because they don't have any loot and only think we do. I imagine if there were rewards for PvP it would only increase griefers. Chasing people for hours that are just trying to quest or Outpost Camping truly being worth it. It would ruin the game for both the PvE purists and folks like me who are in between. I think it's fine the way it is.

  • The thing is pvp has 0 reward other than the % of stealing a chest. So it seems the only way to reach legend the fastest would be actually to spam the AI bounties as their easy and the skulls are small so they are easier to hide on your ship.

  • @cavemansamurai Not if you're good at PvP and catching people off guard. It's not hard to spot someone collecting booty, and all you have to do from there is catch them and steal it. You'd progress at roughly the same rate if you approached it like that, instead of attacking random ships that you have no idea if they've got loot or not.

  • @k7-issues but A) you got to find them B) you got to sink them and C) got to then hand in the loot yourself.

    Its a lengthy process finding and killing especially with the "spank a plank". Uld be firing 40 shots per ship to sink it with all the repairs.

  • @cavemansamurai Finding them isn't that hard, and doesn't take too long. You don't necessarily have to sink someone to steal all their chests. Sneak onto their ship and drop them all overboard and wait for them to leave. I did that to a full crew'd galleon a couple times (same crew) and it was wondrous listening to them in game chat, wiggin out about missing booty. And of course you have to turn stuff in yourself lol, that's the progression system regardless of PvP and PvE play styles.

  • @k7-issues but im talking about the rate it would take to get 100% gold horder/bounty hunter.

    It would be miles easier to grind than it is to pvp and hope for loot. Also got to think people put their chests in crowsnests and all sorts. You need atleast 300-400 chests to get legendary level for goldhorder. When you think about the chase, collecting cannon balls, finding them, looting them then taking the voyage back to an outpost its not as easy as you suggest. Where as you can litterally power sail a galleon and hammer out voyages. I got over 40chests in one voyage that took an hour one time. Remember you also miss out on voyages in a bottle by pvp. Most ships have barely any loot from experience. Ive sunk many and found maybe 5 chests?

  • Pretty sure it has nothing to do with Pirate Legend. The articles/dev diaries say it's about maxing out the companies.

    I'm fine with it, but I'd like something separate for the kills/sunken ship stats, like wanted boards on the outposts.

  • @madame-ching Only guessing here, but if you are referring to Stats and Vertical Progression for better gear in order to PvP more 'effectively' than others, then I'm pretty sure Rare have already ditched any of that.
    From what I have read and seen, there will be no Stats and the only RNG will be in regards to the value of the chests (min and max levels of gold per chest 'type') and the Skellie AI during quests.
    Therefore, everyone is equal and it becomes a balanced game for both PvP and PvE and RP playstyles - thankfully.

  • @madame-ching said in PvP and Pirate Legend:

    except usually their quest planned on killing people, whether is be on land or sea :)
    I mean how many people were saying goes to the "X" on the map I have provided for you.

    Brothels would report high end cargo ships or spanish galleons and off they went.

    Sure, but they killed people in order to take what they had, whether it be gold or goods. That was the point, to steal their stuff. Just like in the game.

    A pirate who sunk ships just for the sake of sinking them may have been feared briefly, but not for long. Paying crew and keeping the ship stocked and in good repair costs money. Sinking a ship with nothing on it would be seen as a failure.

    And that's kinda what SoT is like right now. You sink ships to get their gold or skulls. You CAN just sink them for fun, but it's not going to get you much beyond that.

  • @madame-ching

    Unfortunately, I doubt Rare will tie the "Pirate Legend" title to any PvP. That's one thing I really hope they take the time to consider: PvPers kind of need some form of recognition of their exploits in-game, even in something as casual-leaning as Sea of Thieves.

    While they may not tie the Legend status to PvP, it might be wise to consider adding cosmetics or some kind of renown/infamy system like some have suggested to give PvPers a sense of progression. Worst thing they can do is assume "the fights" are enough to keep this crowd invested in the game.

  • @waw-gunn Not talking about stats at all, just ismply being able to achieve pirate legend with our PvP helping the cause, a ship batle can take a long time, especially if their are no chests, there should be something we get for it.

  • @n7-spectre said in PvP and Pirate Legend:


    Unfortunately, I doubt Rare will tie the "Pirate Legend" title to any PvP. That's one thing I really hope they take the time to consider: PvPers kind of need some form of recognition of their exploits in-game, even in something as casual-leaning as Sea of Thieves.

    While they may not tie the Legend status to PvP, it might be wise to consider adding cosmetics or some kind of renown/infamy system like some have suggested to give PvPers a sense of progression. Worst thing they can do is assume "the fights" are enough to keep this crowd invested in the game.

    I could live with some kind of infamy system.

  • @madame-ching Ah, ok. Got what you mean now.

  • @madame-ching Well you forgot to mention you also get to possibly steal the enemies ship's chest if you sink them, so your getting that too...but I think this game should have a seperate leveling system for everyone individually so things like PvP can count for something other than that

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