Answers to what Newer Players complain about!

  • Solo is unfair and bigger crews destroy 1 man crews
    Answer - Don't fight bigger crews and run away or try to outsmart them by luring them to other ships. - If these methods don't work then play with other players and don't play alone.

    Outpost Camping is a serious problem!
    Answer - You are wrong. If you see a ship at an outpost, you have plenty of time to decide to go there or head to another outpost. Use your head.

    PC Gamers destroy Xbox Gamers
    Answer - This isn't CSGO, there are no crosshairs and the guns are very different than actual FPS Games, and Cannons and Cutlasses are easier to use with a controller. (I played with both)

    There is nothing to do!
    Answer - I will give this in steps.

    1. Its a beta, they are testing the raw mechanics and databases.
    2. They have shown and spoken about upcoming features that adds more things to do.
    3. SOT is a great sandbox to create your own entertainment in.
    4. Ship Wrecks, Kraken Hunting, Skeleton Boss Hunting, Voyages, Titles to earn, Players to plunder, clothing to acquire, events, secrets hidden on the map, the goal of becoming Pirate Legend, reputation. - (These are just some of the things they have announced in the game.)
    5. Make Friends.

    Griefing is a problem
    Answer - Not everyone you meet, wants to be your friend or trust you, but there are players who do and yes there is nothing to gain from meeting enemy pirates at the moment so the Risk outweighs the Rewards in trusting enemies. We do not know what they will add in the future so keep your complaints to a minimal and don't just give up on the game before release.

    The Map is Too Small
    Answer - There is no guarantee that the map will increase in size, but remember that this is a beta and that the developers have been and are still debating the size of the map and to make sure that players don't get overwhelmed or bored from too much sea.

    What is the aim of the game?
    Answer - So far what we know is that there are titles and rewards you receive for reputation from the trading companies. Rare has said that the end game content will be like starting again with the updates in the future. So your known goal is to work with the trading companies and become a Pirate Legend. Where you will be able to get legendary voyages and rewards.

    [Sanctuary Of The Damned] Our Alliance's Discord -

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  • I think it's really telling that most people discussing this are Insiders that have no idea what the game is

    We need a stickies post like this, that gives answers to all the questions new people keep asking

  • @jamiethe1egend Great post, I agree with all of it!

  • @saracens-lament @Jesus-Cane
    I think the game is still fresh and people don't understand that this is the best time to play around! I mean I watched a video just earlier today of a crew of 4 sinking a ship with just buckets!

    Creativity is the way to go!

  • "Solo is unfair and bigger crews destroy 1 man crews"

    Not always true. Solo crew is indeed harder, but you can definitely play solo, avoid or even destroyed bigger crews if you're good enought ! I played 4 hours straight solo, and destroyed at least two galleons and two sloops 2-man crews ! My boat was full of repaired holes but never sunk !

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  • @scheefinator said in Answers to what Newer Players complain about!:

    @jamiethe1egend said in Answers to what Newer Players complain about!:

    @saracens-lament @Jesus-Cane
    I think the game is still fresh and people don't understand that this is the best time to play around! I mean I watched a video just earlier today of a crew of 4 sinking a ship with just buckets!

    Creativity is the way to go!

    Me and my mate did that with our sloop during the scale test.

    During the scale test I spent a fair bit of time on a galleon 3 man crew. Then the Mrs went away so it was just me and my mate so we went on the sloop, and I'd forgotten how much fun that wee boat is! It handles brilliantly after moving from the galleon, and getting a good wind it truly goes like the clappers.

  • @dragonic26 Most of my ships look like that by the end, thats how you know you had a good game 😁

  • @saracens-lament yes, that's the sign of a true survivor :)

  • @JamieThe1egend Great points all well made.
    The other thing 'Newer' players or those without knowledge of the 'game' forget is the following:

    • You are currently 'playing' an unfinished game (clearly stated when you sign up & log in)
    • This is NOT an 'Early Access' title where everything so far has been added and future content hasn't even been thought of yet

    These two points appear to be the cause of many a 'player' making the statement of "Is this all" or "Not enough content in the game" or "ABC and XYZ are going to ruin this game" etc.

  • For the love of god pin this to the top! Well said!


  • @dragonic26 I find it very gratifying to boast a ship full of external brands after some time of session, to me sounds like a survival trophy.

  • @dragonic26 mate, they sold you a pre-owned boat, you should cancel the pre-order!! XD

  • Griefing is a problem: The game is currently free to play. Once people have to buy the game it will reduce.

    Outpost Camping is a serious problem!: Make sure there are no sips visible at all in your draw line of distance. Keep a look out.

  • @canadianmuscle3 maybe everything will change when the game will be published, maybe not, but just hoping it won't be enough. Everyone has to convince him/herself that these problems, or better, the -overcoming- of these problems (which really should be regarded as challenges, as in real life), is what can make this game a real fun.

    Sure, it's a bad and sad world. Sure, there's a lot of people wanting you to feel annoyed or miserable. Well then!! Let's make them see what real fun is all about! And when all those who've been grieved will learn how to turn things to their advantage, THAT, alone, will be one of the best moments ever.

    I firmly believe that this is the code which Rare has given us. I'm not saying it will be easy, but that it will be rewarding, for everyone who'll try enough.

  • @jamiethe1egend well said could not agree more. More insiders need to read this post instead of posting unnecessary posts on the forum, all the info is out there and easily available to find on the forums just takes 10 mins of reading.......

  • @dreifois I agree with you. People need to learn what they can form experienced people or people that know the mechanics of the game so they can turn the tides on trouble and are able to fight back and have a blast. I know after 180 hours of game testing Im still not board of the game. Every crew I sail with we have a blast.

  • @canadianmuscle3 well, I'm certainly no Pioneer or Founder, and that's my bad, but I think that everyone of us who's learned the ropes - even if just a bit, should volunteer, sometimes, to take onboard someone willing to have another try. Call it free-weekends, whatever...

  • @dreifois I'm all for helping. Every one that has sailed with me in game I have shown the ropes and given tips to help in their success when sailing with others or solo. I'm more then happy to crew up with people that want to learn to better their skills. Heck I even get to better my skills learning from others that find new better ways.

  • @canadianmuscle3 that's talking mate, I really like this sense of community!! :))

  • @jamiethe1egend thanks for that topic

  • Solo is unfair and bigger crews destroy 1 man crews
    Answer - Don't fight bigger crews and run away or try to outsmart them by luring them to other ships. - If these methods don't work then play with other players and don't play alone.

    Talk about missing the point! We shouldnt feel pressured into joining a crew if you dont want to. At the same time we shouldnt be at such a huge disadvantage for wanting to play alone. Not everyone is comfortable playing games with other people.

    This whole post reads very condersendingly you may aswell just put getgud and be done. So blind to think everyone plays the way you do.

  • @jamiethe1egend

    You're gonna hurt someones feelings with these words.
    But i guess you didnt think of that now did you!?

    How reckless.


  • Griefing is a problem
    Answer - Not everyone you meet, wants to be your friend or trust you, but there are players who do and yes there is nothing to gain from meeting enemy pirates at the moment so the Risk outweighs the Rewards in trusting enemies. We do not know what they will add in the future so keep your complaints to a minimal and don't just give up on the game before release.

    Not sure you know what griefing is with this tip lol. But I guess still valid that's about online playing not griefing.

  • @lumpaywk check @Dragonic26 post on this topic about solo player and ask him how he did it.

  • @avecrux as with all things it's possible some people may find it easy but we are talking about a game aimed at a very wide demographic of gamers. I personally have no issue going solo my 10yo son or my wife on the other hand do. Why should they feel excluded or put out just because you want easy pickings?

    As I said before it's possible to get a whole in one playing golf. I seen it done. Does it mean we should all be able to.

  • @lumpaywk
    I think you miss the point, this game from day 1 and even stated on their videos is best while in a group. They added solo to appeal to a minority of players who don't have friends or prefer being alone, but hope that through playing the game they meet and join a larger crew later on. - We all know that Solo is harder to play than 2 or 4 man but that is also the appeal from going solo as some players, want that challenge. There is a minority of players who are complaining about the Solo ship and want them to be buffed out so there is no point in joining a bigger crew.

    • If you are not the skilled, challenger then join a crew of 2 or 4.

    • Griefing is a problem at the moment, but I haven't experienced it because I have won most of my ship and land fights so far. What I was saying is that the developers have addressed the griefing issue in posts and have stated they are working on solutions.

    • I was adding suggestions to ways that solo players can avoid or outwit bigger crews, not every fight is won with pure man power.

    People have the right to be offended, but that is their problem as offence is a one sided thing. You can't give offence, you can only take it. You can't change others, but you can change yourself.

  • @dreifois
    To ask for help or provide it:
    Would it be like a tick if you wish to get help (join a friendly crew) before going into match making ?
    And others that have already learnt the ropes have the possibility also to tick before matchmaking (or apply on forum, don't really know but yeah) ?

    Then again we could just create a thread, but I then you'd need to had the friends list etc ... If you have helped 200 people your friends list might get too long, or you 'll probs delete friends. I doubt this is very practical.

  • @lumpaywk
    Being good does help..

  • @lumpaywk look your 10yo old son is unexperienced player, in the menu there is a note when you are going to play solo - for the experienced pirates.

  • Great post, I agree with it!

  • @ironuzuka I see your point, there's none so deaf as those who will not hear.
    I know it would be unpractical, I know it would be a mess. I know what's like helping someone just to hear - at the end - nobody has asked for your help. But hey, we can see the glass as half empty or half full.
    Too many times, when in need of someone willing to help, I've found noone and I've had to learn the ropes all by myself. Should I start whining? No, I think I should do my part, without expecting anything back. Who cares if just one in a thousands deserves it. It might be me.
    Do as you would be done by, it's the golden rule. It's hard to follow, but I always like to try ;)

  • @dreifois AYE!! Let's drink to that me lad! cheers

  • @ironuzuka together, me and you, we can make a full one! ;) cheers!


    I have a new discord group and would love to see a lot of you experienced players come join!

  • @jamiethe1egend this topic is necessary to be on top everyday. Posts that solo players make are ridiculous

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