crew size

  • here is a solution that will work...

    -default: 3mates
    -small crew: 2mates
    -solo crew

    -default: 5mates
    -small crew: 3/4mates

    creates the perfect overlap for preferred ship🙃

  • 107
  • The crew sizes have been tested for about a year, I think they are pretty balanced as is.

  • Sloops are balanced for a 2 man crew. Having 3 would make it unbalanced. So please no. Same with 4 man galleons.

    However, for people that want to do 3 man crews, I think rare should make a balanced 3 man ship.

  • odd how both respondents don’t even tag me, as if my idea isn’t even worthy of a conversation, typical..

  • @boaton I think if the galleon had 5 crew it would be very, very hard for a solo sloop to take that on, if all 5 crew knew that they we're doing.

  • @boaton said in crew size:

    odd how both respondents don’t even tag me, as if my idea isn’t even worthy of a conversation, typical..

    i think it's a great idea !! whatever it is.. :)

  • @a13xa4d3r pretty bold to say that testing through the development cycle completely dialed in balance.. especially considering more folks couldn’t play than couldđŸ€”

  • @boaton well its never going to be perfect, but I said: I think they are pretty balanced as is.

  • @boaton If you just reply to the thread it wont tag you, if you want to be notified you have to make it so you are "watching" the thread

  • @boaton that's actually similar to what I suggested in another thread. I like the idea but my version was to have matchmaking up to 2 on sloop and 4 on gal with a 3rd sloop and 5th gal slot reserved to invite only. Def a good idea and wouldn't really throw the balance off much in my opinion.

  • @realbadhor5e a little late for a 3man ship, if it had been introduced already I’d never have posted my thoughts. fact is it hasn’t. 3manning a galleon will be a nightmare for some folks.. unfortunately the only other option would be picking up a random, we both know that can result in unnecessary brig abuses..

  • @astraldruid thanks, I guess?😕

  • @starquest that seems more complicated, programming wise, than what I’m suggesting; but I like where your head’s at. you agree that a 5crew galleon and 3crew sloop wouldn’t be over powered?

  • @a13xa4d3r you think adding one extra crew member would break the game that much?

  • @boaton Well like I said, if you could have 5 people on a galleon, solo sloop players are at an even bigger disadvantage. The amount of things to do on the ship (steering, sails, repairing, shooting, bailing, lookout, navigator) is suppose to outnumber the amount of sailors on board. So your crew have to run around and do different things.

  • @boaton
    Yeah, I know they are already adding a crew lock function and invite from game so may not be too hard. I think the 5th on a gal would make it balanced with the sloop being able to have 3 as it's still a 2 person difference. Some people say well how then will a solo sloop take on a 5 man gal but that's not really supposed to be a balanced fight as it is. That's more for skilled players who want that extreme uphill battle. It would be cool not knowing if you are going to run into 3,4,5 aboard a gal. I know in the beta I was surprised when I boarded an enemy gal that had 6 aboard so people are already forming larger crews. Then if you see a sloop you will wonder hmm is there 1 guy on that sloop or 2, 3. Gives another reason to be hesitant and use a spotter. Now as far as pve or skeleton forts go I'm not sure how the 5th man would affect balance there.

  • @starquest Solo sloop is not just for skilled players who want an uphill battle, they are also for players who just want to play alone, and maybe just want to pve....

  • @boaton sadly yes. But Rare shouldn't go the lazy way by making it an option to play a 3 man sloops. This would make it unbalanced and make sloops a bit over powered. They should take their time to make a balanced 3 man ship and add it later.

    3 man galleons while hard, doesn't make it more overpowered... finding a fourth member isn't that hard. If you are playing with 3 friends and the 4th isn't cooperative then ask him to leave or bring him..

  • @a13xa4d3r doesn’t that beg the question that perhaps a new solo designed craft should be explored?

  • @a13xa4d3r
    You would think that but the game does warn you the solo sloop is for more experienced pirates and is not as easy. If you want to be alone you can but you should be running or hiding more often and add extra precautions. So the game says it and I'm just really restating that fact.

  • @boaton @StarQuest Like I said in my OP, I think its pretty balanced as is. They want this game to be playable for anyone, whether you play alone or with friends no matter what your skill level is. I think the biggest beef people have with this, is they have more then 3 other friends that they want to play with. I just don't see a way to make it fair for solo players. The way things are, seem to be the best way so far.

  • @a13xa4d3r

    We are mainly commenting on how rare was thinking of doing a 4 man sloop. We are making suggestions that wouldn't make sloops so powerful. Edit- by suggesting a 3 man sloop option instead.

  • @starquest Yea I don't know if I like the idea of a 4 man sloop, it might be OP. Then again, if you have 2 good pirates on the cannons of a gallon against just one on the sloop, I think the galleon will still be the meta for 4 players.

  • @a13xa4d3r
    That's why I like the 3 and 5 option for sloop and gal respectively. This would bridge the gap between the two ships and so a 3 person team wouldn't be stuck on a gal if they did not want to manage that ship minus 1 crew. Then the 5th spot on the gal for those who wanted the larger ship option. It's a bit of a compromise.

  • @starquest said in crew size:


    We are mainly commenting on how rare was thinking of doing a 4 man sloop. We are making suggestions that wouldn't make sloops so powerful as a 4 man sloop.

    a 3man sloop isn’t a 4man sloop, your comment is confusing😳

  • @starquest Me and my gf are going to play this game when it releases, I plan on just playing 3 man galleon, because then we can brig the 3rd random player if they don't want to help. I have never had a problem sailing and fighting with just 3 on a galleon. And I find the galleon is just better then the sloop for many reasons, its easy enough for 2 to sail it.

  • @boaton yeah basically was trying to say we wanted a sloop that's not as powerful as a 4 man sloop like rare was looking into. I guess it's worded a bit weird. They want 4 man sloops and we don't want 4 man sloops so 3 was our compromise lol

  • @a13xa4d3r said in crew size:

    @starquest Me and my gf are going to play this game when it releases, I plan on just playing 3 man galleon, because then we can brig the 3rd random player if they don't want to help. I have never had a problem sailing and fighting with just 3 on a galleon. And I find the galleon is just better then the sloop for many reasons, its easy enough for 2 to sail it.


  • @boaton When I played the scale tests and final beta and joined random 4 person galleon. Usually one or two of the crew wouldn't be doing anything to help the ship sail. So yea its not that hard for 1 or 2 people to sail a galleon.

  • @realbadhor5e said in crew size:

    @boaton sadly yes. But Rare shouldn't go the lazy way by making it an option to play a 3 man sloops. This would make it unbalanced and make sloops a bit over powered. They should take their time to make a balanced 3 man ship and add it later.

    3 man galleons while hard, doesn't make it more overpowered... finding a fourth member isn't that hard. If you are playing with 3 friends and the 4th isn't cooperative then ask him to leave or bring him..

    you missed the fact that my idea holds an overlap for play styles and ship preferences😳

  • @a13xa4d3r see you like that option but for some, they like the maneuverability of a sloop. So why not have options? Like I want to play with my wife and would prefer 2 people on a sloop.Then our 7 year old can join in when he would want. He's 7 so he's not that great at the sailing bits and really just wants to shoot sharks or people with a gun. We would be stuck with basically controlling a 2 man gal. This is doable but it's a lot harder when you like to PvP as much as I do. We could get a random but those are very hit or miss when it comes to PvP.

  • @a13xa4d3r I’ve one manned a galleon effectively, I know it’s possible. it’s just a waste of time... you’re saying you and your partner wanna run a two man galleon and brig the third mate when you could just run a sloop together?!? there goes all your credibility, I’m speechless😕

  • @boaton You know you can leave the steering wheel and do the sails? like its not that hard. Plus using a galleon scares off most sloops, it can take more damage, it takes longer to sink and you can make it more maneuverable by lifting some of the sails. If you don't use the anchor and lift all the sails it can turn on spot to aim broadside. I don't understand why I've lost credibility in your opinion.

  • @boaton I honestly would love to run into his two man gal and salute the poor brigged man as it sank to the depths lol. Actually was there a salute option in game? If not that needs to be a thing lol.

  • @a13xa4d3r yes both ships can turn in place when you raise the sails yet the sloops way faster at it including raising the only sail you have to worry about. Plus the gal then slows way Down while the sloop can just do circles in the gals blind spot. Some sloops may run from a gal but there are those that wont.

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