The Ketch and The Brig - 2 and 3 player ships idea

  • Right now game is missing 3 players ship. Sloops is too small and Galeon is too big for 3 players. I know that it was probably discussed on forums many times, but I had lot of fun designing and thinking about it.

    I think next ship, that game definitely should have, is the Brig. It's 2 mast ship quite often used by the pirates. It was much easier to operate than 3 masts ships and were smaller, but still dangerous.

    Other idea is that sloop as 2 players ship is little too small, so the next one could be the Ketch. It will be little bigger than the sloop, but still smaller than the brig. It should have 2 cannons per side.

    This will give us 4 ships in game, depend on how many players are playing. It should not be hard thing to implement them, and it should not break balance of the game too much. Also there will be no need to do any changes in how players are distributed through sewers. Game already supports 2 player and 3 player only crews.

    Imagine ketch, brig and galleon fighting together, it should look much more interesting than 2 galleons and slop. Game will feel much more complete.

  • 15
  • You've been playing too much of PotBS... The ketch is awful, the sloop and the galleon is fine, you just need a frigate.

  • i'd just like to see more versions of the current ships, just visually different, perhaps a jib or genoa on a sloop etc

  • @mad-jack-ketch Haven't played PotBS at all.

    It only feel right to have as many ship types as many players can play together to be sure its balanced for all of them. Right now game feels like there was only galleon, and sloop was fast added to allow people play alone.

    Frigates are quite similar to Galleons with some small differences. I think it can only be alternative to Galleon, but not as a smaller/bigger ship.

  • I totally agree that we need a 3 person, two sail, two cannon per side ship.

  • I agree, the Sloop feels to small for two players, Solo it is absolutely fine, but 2 Players i feel like already need a bigger Ship.

    So in my eyes it would look like that:

    Sloop - 1 to 2 Player
    Ketch/Brig/Frigate - 2 to 3 Player
    Galleon - 3 to 4 Player
    (And because why not? ;D) Man O' War - 5 to 8 Player

  • I played a lot with 2 friends on Galleon, and that ship feels too big for 3 player crew. Same with Sloop being too small for 2 players. So I will stay with that we need a ship for every way you can play SoT. Right now we have option to play on sloop or play with friend, or play full galleon crew or small galleon crew. 2 player sloop or 3 player galleon feels optional and as not good balanced as 1 sloop and 4 galleon crews.
    Frigate is similar class of ship as a Galleon, so I will never put it as a smaller ship than galleon. Actually Frigates were more of a warships than Galleons.
    With current state of servers and map size I don't think ships bigger than 4 player ships will be a good idea. The bigger your ship is, the less other players can play and less ships can be on the map. Also i think player count is more important for balance than cannon count. You don't need more cannons to sink galleon, you just need few good shoots and then don't allow crew to patch the holes. Shooting again and again in the same holes will not help a lot.

    For me it should be something like that:
    Sloop - 1 player
    Ketch - 2 players
    Brig - 3 players
    Galleon - 4 players

    And in the future 4 players Frigate as alternative to Galleon. Little faster, but less maneuverable.

  • I agree on 100% of this idea with The Ketch and The Brig ships. This will definitely bring those crews/best friends together that cannot play SOT together on smaller ships instead of the default option on the Galleon which most people hate using compared to the Sloop.

  • I want a Fluyt :(

  • @lordxilion From what I see Fluyt is the same same class of ship as a Galleon, but with different rigging. Right now in game there are only square sails, so ships types should be based on that.

    Maybe if in the future there will be more sail types, then we can think about that. It will require new mechanics of sails for that, so I don't believe it will happen soon.

  • @o3ozon said in The Ketch and The Brig - 2 and 3 player ships idea:

    @lordxilion From what I see Fluyt is the same same class of ship as a Galleon, but with different rigging. Right now in game there are only square sails, so ships types should be based on that.

    Maybe if in the future there will be more sail types, then we can think about that. It will require new mechanics of sails for that, so I don't believe it will happen soon.

    I expected more of a trolly response to my post... I am gladly mistaken, hah!

    To be fair, the only reason I would want a Fluyt is sentimental reasons (the Fluyt being of Dutch origin).

  • I agree. Sloop is too small for 2 players.
    Always someone doing nothing.
    Galleon is awkward for 3. Easily manageable. But awkward non the less.

    I'd love variants to offer more or less space.

  • Whole this topic is actually response to the thread:

    Players want more ships, but not too many people are talking about that. I think Rare should be working on more quest types first, but in the meantime working on next ship. Brig will be the best for that. It happen to me few time, that we were waiting for 4th player, when with Brig we will be able to play with 3 players using ship more suitable for that.

    Also adding new ship like that should not be an issue for current state of the engine. It has everything needed for that, no new stuff to design and implement. Most work will need to be done by artist to create 3d model and then animate/configure it in the game using existing mechanics. I work as game developer as Technical Artist, and I think its quite possible, to make such new ship in about 3 months. But it all depend what Rare will want to do next. I hope they will focus on quests and ships, because I think it's the core content for this game.

    I understand that making new ships is hard and time consuming, but these 2 new ships should fill the hole and will add more variety to PVP and PVE. Quest should improve PVE so whole game will become much more interesting and engaging.

  • Ketch plz

  • I think we should delegate the sloop to solo play only an have every other ship be up to 4 people (or more in the future). That way the crew can add and subtract members at will. There are rumors that the galleon will get a once over to improve sailing with a smaller crew but don't have any official word, just hearsay. I hope they do as open crews will make this game that much better then it already is. I'd love to be able to pick whatever ship regardless of how many i have in my crew. That and a few tweaks to ship battles and this game will be hard to put down. More ships please. I really like both of these ships.

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