find the tunnel mouth at the centre of canyon pass and sound a tune

  • This riddle is broken i believe

  • 11
  • @igor-the-imp Which island is this?

  • @katttruewalker Plunder valley

  • @igor-the-imp From what I remember there are a couple of tunnel entrances in this canyon, you tried both?
    Sometimes it can just be about changing position slightly and playing your instrument, I've definitely noticed that.
    If it still seems bugged then be sure to raise a ticket and send a bug report via Support

  • @katttruewalker I have been playing music in all tunnel openings on the whole island. I have spent an hour trying to see if there is a "secret" one. But there are none in the center of the canyon pass. Someone spoke of one higher up, but i cant find any.

  • It may be bugged - We had that mission spent an hour trying to finish it never figured out if it was us or the quest.

  • @igor-the-imp
    Nope, there are 2 cave entrances in the valley of Plunder Valley.
    As @KattTruewalker said, in the entrance try moving a bit & then start to play music again, move a bit more & try again. The music riddles can sometimes be a bit picky!
    Also remember that constantly playing music while in the area won't work, you have to start playing music at the correct place

  • @logansdadtoo Yes, this was it. I had start and stopped playing music in all the entrances i could find. Just had to keep going. Then suddenly it triggered.

    This is c**p though. They need to fix this.

  • @igor-the-imp
    Well, at least you got it sorted ;)
    It is a bit of a pain, it sometimes happens with the lantern riddles as well, they just seem to have a very small target area where the clues actually trigger!!

  • @igor-the-imp i had this riddle. it works. Find the right place

  • @igor-the-imp no, it works fine...go into the entrance, where the green leaves hang down, that's the spot where you have to play the music...i was also trying a little bit until i found out

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