This isn't really funny anymore


    Rare, Can you like not be lazy for once and add in new things to the game and a dye system?

    Buying the same item again just for a slight re-colour. The grind is totally worth it, right?

    Instead of paying 70k JUST For a slight re-colour, You go to a dye shop then place your item then colour it or choose the colours you want for it and it'll cost you like 1k or so.

  • 70
  • I don't exactly get what you're angry about. Is it the many versions of the almost exact same sword that for which you must work and spend gold on? Or is it something else?

  • Id prefer the green to the gold eyes of yhe lion. Im sure someone has yhe same opinion. Whata wrong with options?

  • @benjawenja said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    I don't exactly get what you're angry about. Is it the many versions of the almost exact same sword that for which you must work and spend gold on? Or is it something else?

    Well, A dye system would be better than having the same item that is slightly re-coloured in the shops to sell for full price.

    Shops shouldn't include a bunch of the same items that are slightly colored.

    Buy the item you want then you can dye it in the dye shop.

  • @pk-r0ckin It seems that people are a little bit miffed and not because of the options.

    People are upset that the new cosmetics added don't display a lot of variation. Most cases the gear look almost identical with very minor coloration changes. So while yes there are more options, some think that the added options are not exactly meaningful. They give the air of 'low effort' to satisfy those clamoring for new material. Hence the discontent.

    In general, a way to address this would be to increase the depth of customization. You buy a stock piece with default coloration. Then you pay a bit extra to alter the colors as you see fit. More colors altered means you pay more sort of thing. Yes you have to implement a whole new system, but you save model development time by eliminating the need to work on variations that differ only by colors. You can instead focus that effort on developing new object models and let the players color their cosmetics as they see fit.

  • @theunknownd That kind of system would probably triple the time it took to make each cosmetic item, also to retrofit that sort of thing onto the existing items would take another huge amount of time.

  • Maybe they want you to make a "find the difference" game from ship cosmetics. The idea is to make your own fun, after all. I'll admit I had a bit of trouble finding the differences on the lion figureheads. It's not quite where's waldo, but it's something.

  • @program-024 fair enough. I havent had a chance to log in and see the new items myself.

  • To echo my sentiment on Reddit:

    I, for one, find it hilarious.

  • Whoever is charge over at RARE is making silly decisions. I'm trying to be hopeful about the May release event - but everything is pointing to panic mode content creation.

    You can tell by the look on their faces they're putting man hours in - I just don't know if it's under the right management.

  • @theunknownd I agree, Rare and their complete lack of content for this game is ridiculous.

    I'm just surprised it's taken someone this long to post a thread on this.

    Sure, they could have added an achievement or some sort of in game bonus for owning all items in a particular line i.e. all the basic Sea Dog stuff. Did they? Nope they just added the same exact item with a slightly different color or embellishment.

    SoT is the absolute best example of lazy development that I've ever seen.

  • @stadunator said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @theunknownd I agree, Rare and their complete lack of content for this game is ridiculous.

    I'm just surprised it's taken someone this long to post a thread on this.

    Sure, they could have added an achievement or some sort of in game bonus for owning all items in a particular line i.e. all the basic Sea Dog stuff. Did they? Nope they just added the same exact item with a slightly different color or embellishment.

    SoT is the absolute best example of lazy development that I've ever seen.

    I agree, I would love it that you get a special item after buying all of the items from the set.

  • @stadunator I don't see them as lazy - but I do feel that whoever is in charge hasn't been doing their job. If that ex artist is real - it sounds like there has been a lot of bad management of the game design - and now it's starting to show more and more. I had initially thought that it was rushed out the door - and once they launched they would regroup and push work in progress content out the door quickly.

    Now... it appears to me that there isn't someone in charge that was able to clearly bring the vision of the game to reality.

    Unless something changes behind the scenes - expect more silly decisions on the horizon. Hey look I made a sailor joke!)

  • @mrbrocksego Strictly speaking, any new system added would take development time. And I would rather they implement such a system now when they have only a few models to work with when compared with down the road.

    As it stands right now, there are only really a handful of actual models to work with. All that has been done thus far is take an existing model and apply different coloration to it. A dye system would simply put the coloration into the players hands. Then all that has to be done is building the models really and importing them into the dye system and away you go.

    If there is significant rework to be done, as I said above it would be better to do it sooner rather than later.

  • Eh, I'm loving the new outfits. Already bought myself new bilge rat gloves, eye patch, and belt.

    But that's just me. And I'm odd.

  • @personalc0ffee Eh, I am patient when it comes to game development really. I wasn't complaining about the lack of content or rushed cosmetics. I was simply explaining to someone why this opinion is held by some. I am not one of the ones demanding content yesterday.

    Personally, I would rather the new content and systems be implemented properly rather than rush jobs just to placate a few. The problem though is that Rare is in the "Damned if you do damned if you don't" scenario. They could delay content to make sure it is put in right and get flamed for it, or they rush it and get flamed for what seems to be "low effort" content.

    Either way there will be unhappy people. For the record, I am not one of those.

  • @pk-r0ckin said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    Id prefer the green to the gold eyes of yhe lion. Im sure someone has yhe same opinion. Whata wrong with options?

    Someone buy this man a "T" Key

  • @personalc0ffee said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @program-024 I didn't demand content either.

    Rare just needs to put their foot down and do what Rare wants to do.

    If that means telling a few hundred thousand where to shove it, so be it.

    They can not please everyone and they need to realize this.

    It's time to pick a side.

    Run even more people away. Brilliant! I can see this game is going to last for yeeeeeears! hahahahahaaaaaaa ahem

    This is unacceptable. To many people. You think everything is fine. Good for you. It's obviously not fine.

  • It cannot be easy to be an artist on the development team and see what is going on. For example, more could be done than simply changing the base and eye color of a masthead. Players want to show off their progress. If the difference is that subtle then it isn't going to have much of an impact. Maybe the differences look more distinctive on an isolated model within a design program, but once the asset is in context the differences are lost. At a glance we should be to tell what level an item is. A wooden lion's head would be the entry level, a silver one would be the next level, then the top tier would be gold. If it doesn't pass the glance test then it isn't going feel meaningful. This goes for weapons, clothing, other ship cosmetics, and items/tools.

  • @crusader-zorro said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @pk-r0ckin said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    Id prefer the green to the gold eyes of yhe lion. Im sure someone has yhe same opinion. Whata wrong with options?

    Someone buy this man a "T" Key

    This version is a little more consistent:

    Id prefer yhe green yo yhe gold eyea of yhe lion. Im aure aomeone haa yhe aame opinion. Whaya wrong wiyh opyiona?

  • @v**a-hombre said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    And I'm odd.

  • @ghostpaw said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    It cannot be easy to be an artist on the development team and see what is going on.

    This could explain the terrible color combinations. Insidious rebellion.

  • @lucid-stew said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @ghostpaw said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    It cannot be easy to be an artist on the development team and see what is going on.

    This could explain the terrible color combinations. Insidious rebellion.

    Like the disgruntled Disney artists sneaking inappropriate images into the cartoons they work on. Hopefully they find a way to gruntle (or regruntle) the Rare artists.

  • @ghostpaw said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    Like the disgruntled Disney artists sneaking inappropriate images into the cartoons they work on. Hopefully they find a way to gruntle (or regruntle) the Rare artists.

    Really, how else do you explain this? It's just a straight triadic color scheme, but it's seriously like the WORST one for a ship that's supposed to be cool.

    alt text

  • @lucid-stew said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @ghostpaw said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    Like the disgruntled Disney artists sneaking inappropriate images into the cartoons they work on. Hopefully they find a way to gruntle (or regruntle) the Rare artists.

    Really, how else do you explain this? It's just a straight triadic color scheme, but it's seriously like the WORST one for a ship that's supposed to be cool.

    Yep. When I saw that I found it a lot easier to just sit back and let legend come when it does. I know a lot of this is a matter of taste, but I know a vocabulary can be established via colors and designs to communicate ideas and themes. The Athena and light blue color is developing some meaning in the game, but something is just not right.

    There is a term within the music industry called "tape love." If you can get someone to listen to your demo tape three times you greatly increase the likelihood they will begin to like it even when they really shouldn't. Advertising uses repetition to get us to trust a message. I am wondering if the team is so tired, and have been looking at this stuff so much, that they have lost the ability to honestly appraise what they are doing. I look at the early artwork and design of the game and I cannot see that same level of attention and pride. I'm not trying to be a jerk. This is probably the most critical I've been about the game so far, but this aspect has been bugging me.

  • @junkysandburger

  • @personalc0ffee What are you even on about? Do you think you speak for the majority, because you do not.

    The majority are silent, are in the game complaining, and are busy tiring of the game laughing at all of you and the cheerleaders complaining about people voicing legitimate concerns regarding the game left and right.

    This game is not going to last years, despite what it was built to do. Perhaps YOU might be playing years from with a couple thousand others on dead servers, but that's not my concern. Even if it gained 200,000 people over night, that is not a huge gain with only around 1 million playing and more leaving every day.

    This constant BS about the game thriving and "Leave Rare alone!" needs to stop.

    You need to stop.

  • @personalc0ffee as per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. Failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @mrgrim67686 said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    This constant BS about the game thriving and "Leave Rare alone!" needs to stop.

    You need to stop.

  • That's what I'm talking about.
    This is pretty good logic for a game that is a cosmetic based progression - except whoever was in charge didn't do anything to represent that progression visually in game. The whole visual representation of progress was an afterthought to get the release out the door.

    These are NOT huge changes you're suggesting - It's logical visual based content that would have made players feel like progress was being made in the game.

    Instead - same chests no matter what level you get to.
    Same ship skins no matter what level you are (until you can purchase the super high level skins) - but there is nothing in between - there is no visual representation of your slow - very slow progress until you're at the end.

    I think this is a wonderful suggestion - and it would take about a week to make the change. That's what sad.

    They could redo the shops with level based skins at every level or every 10 levels etc. Make some look wood - silver gold - just as you suggest and new players would feel like they're working towards something.

    Instead they level up the compass - watch - spyglass every 10 level and nobody even can see them - but the ships are all turning into clones...

    Anyway - It won't happen though - RARE is in panic mode to release the events and something as simple as this is too large of a feat to do.
    Wouldn't help us higher level players - but would make a huge perception difference to new players.

    RARE is a galleon not a sloop. Can't make good turns. :)

    @ghostpaw said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    It cannot be easy to be an artist on the development team and see what is going on. For example, more could be done than simply changing the base and eye color of a masthead. Players want to show off their progress. If the difference is that subtle then it isn't going to have much of an impact. Maybe the differences look more distinctive on an isolated model within a design program, but once the asset is in context the differences are lost. At a glance we should be to tell what level an item is. A wooden lion's head would be the entry level, a silver one would be the next level, then the top tier would be gold. If it doesn't pass the glance test then it isn't going feel meaningful. This goes for weapons, clothing, other ship cosmetics, and items/tools.

  • @personalc0ffee said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @mrgrim67686 What are you even on about? Do you think you speak for the majority, because you do not.

    The majority are silent, are not in these communities complaining, and are busy playing the game laughing at all of you and the whiners complaining about the game left and right.

    This game is going to last years, because that is what it is built to do. Perhaps YOU might not be playing years from nor a couple thousand others but that's not a huge net loss. Even if it lost 200,000 people over night, that is not a huge loss with over 1 million playing and more showing up every day.

    This constant BS about the game dying in one year if they don't "give me my way, etc argument etc." needs to stop.

    1 million total think losing 200k players in one day isn't a big deal? LOL ok bro. Keep drinking the kool-aid.

  • Oh look a meme war......

    Also, I have a new hat and I love it. Good job Rare. Hashbrown for serious

  • @lucid-stew said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @crusader-zorro said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    @pk-r0ckin said in This isn't really funny anymore:

    Id prefer the green to the gold eyes of yhe lion. Im sure someone has yhe same opinion. Whata wrong with options?

    Someone buy this man a "T" Key

    This version is a little more consistent:

    Id prefer yhe green yo yhe gold eyea of yhe lion. Im aure aomeone haa yhe aame opinion. Whaya wrong wiyh opyiona?

    Hardy har har. But let me guess. The 4 man crew stole my treasure, so i need to cry online.

  • PLAN: All progress is cosmetic

    IMPLEMENTATION: Cosmetic progress rewards look almost identical to those that require no progress.

    Is there really anyone that doesn't see a problem here?

  • I have two words...maybe a compound word...(judges?)


    You are getting 'vanilla, vanilla with chocolate chip, vanilla with sprinkles, vanilla with with with because chocolate and rocky road, and pistachio cost cash money records.


29 out of 70