Flag signalisation discussion

  • Hi,
    since the flag system is live I want to show my use of it and if people want to discuss...
    Let's do it!

    I play in both language (French and English) and the in-game description are not all the same so we can't use it as a good reference.
    This is why I created my own signification and I want to share it to you for discussion and information.

    Sure people can use any flag for any reason (fun, beauty, lying on their intention) and it's cool because it's part of the game!
    But for others who want to use it for "honest communication" I'm showing to you how I use it.

    NOTHING : I just spawn OR I'm shoping OR I want to be sneaky
    WHITE : I'm peaceful
    YELLOW : I'm doing Gold Hoarder voyage
    RED : I'm doing Order of Soul voyage
    BLUE : I'm doing Merchant Alliance voyage
    LEGENDARY : I'm doing Legendary voyage
    BLACK : I'm doing Fort
    SHARK : I'm doing/helping with Merrick quest OR fishing/hunting shark
    CHECHERED : I want friendly interact with other crew (drinking, playing music, chalenging others crew, racing or something else)
    JOLLY ROGER : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!

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  • NOTHING : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    WHITE : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    YELLOW : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    RED : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    BLUE : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    BLACK : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    SHARK : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    CHECHERED : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    JOLLY ROGER : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!

    Fixed that for you.

  • @sanni said in Flag signalisation discussion:

    NOTHING : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    WHITE : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    YELLOW : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    RED : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    BLUE : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    BLACK : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    SHARK : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    CHECHERED : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!
    JOLLY ROGER : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!

    Fixed that for you.

    I hate how true this is...

  • best I've seen

  • @zyrkal totally up for this being the norm, so far I've only used white for friendly and jolly Roger for murdery, still need that race cheevo though so might try chequered for a bit!

  • @sanni Like I said, it's up to you to use it the way you want ;)

  • Stolen from @GareeeT in another thread but hilarious all the same:

    Yellow : I'm going pretend to be friendly, then try to kill you and steal your loot.
    Red : I'm going pretend to be friendly, then try to kill you and steal your loot.
    Blue : I'm going pretend to be friendly, then try to kill you and steal your loot.
    Black : I'm going pretend to be friendly, then try to kill you and steal your loot.
    Shark : I'm going pretend to be friendly, then try to kill you and steal your loot.
    Checkered : I'm going pretend to be friendly, then try to kill you and steal your loot.
    Jolly Roger : I'm going to try to kill you and steal your loot.
    White : I'm going pretend to be friendly, then try to kill you and steal your loot.

  • If we really want to use flags to COMMUNICATE with other crews., we need to create it in a intuitive and clear way. @Zyrkal's signalisation code seems to have both criteria.

  • If we want to be historically accurate here.
    WHITE = give up/surrender.
    RED = no quarter/I'm going to try to kill all of you no matter what.
    JOLLY ROGER = scare the fleeing merchants into surrendering.

  • @sanni This. definitely this.

  • I've also thought about this but more from a diplomatic standpoint. Each flag represents a different diplomacy a crew intends to deploy. As such, this is my working theory. If anyone agrees feel free to copy and paste it and spread the word

    White Flag: Willing to surrender and disengage

    Jolly Roger: Looking to plunder. Likely have nothing to lose and everything to gain

    Blue Flag: Friendly players on board. Would rather split the loot, say at a Skull Fort, than risk losing it all

    Red Flag: Soaked in the blood of their enemies. These crews are in it to win it, and won't settle for second place

    Yellow Flag: Merchant Cheesers. These crews are looking to focus solely on the grind, but will defend their livestock with their own lives

    Checkered Flag: Achievement Hunters. Looking to cooperate to get those hard-to-get Achievements. Most likely getting ready to log off so have nothing to lose

    Black Flag: Solo Grinder on Gold Hoarders or Order of Souls. Not lookiny to cooperate and will fire warning shots and engage potential threats when possible or run from bigger threats when needed

    Shark Hunter Flag: Looking to cooperate to fight the Hungering One. Might also be a ruse, approach with caution and empty handed.

  • @ziggys-daze said in Flag signalisation discussion:

    I've also thought about this but more from a diplomatic standpoint. Each flag represents a different diplomacy a crew intends to deploy. As such, this is my working theory. If anyone agrees feel free to copy and paste it and spread the word

    White Flag: Willing to surrender and disengage

    Jolly Roger: Looking to plunder. Likely have nothing to lose and everything to gain

    Blue Flag: Friendly players on board. Would rather split the loot, say at a Skull Fort, than risk losing it all

    Red Flag: Soaked in the blood of their enemies. These crews are in it to win it, and won't settle for second place

    Yellow Flag: Merchant Cheesers. These crews are looking to focus solely on the grind, but will defend their livestock with their own lives

    Checkered Flag: Achievement Hunters. Looking to cooperate to get those hard-to-get Achievements. Most likely getting ready to log off so have nothing to lose

    Black Flag: Solo Grinder on Gold Hoarders or Order of Souls. Not lookiny to cooperate and will fire warning shots and engage potential threats when possible or run from bigger threats when needed

    Shark Hunter Flag: Looking to cooperate to fight the Hungering One. Might also be a ruse, approach with caution and empty handed.

    I only run up the white if I’m going to surrender or if I want someone else to surrender (combined with telling them they should) - I’d never run with it all the time. I’m going to start using a mix of flags - kinda based on how they were used in real life. Innocuous flags to start. If I’m close to a ship I want to rob, I’ll run up the Jolly Roger or the Black. If they run, I’ll put up the white and use the trumpet to let them know they should surrender. If they continue to run or fight back, I’ll run up the Red to let them know they’ll get no quarter and I’ll be trying to sink them.

    One thing I’ll add is that people need to start opening up their audio settings. Generally, I’m open to boarding and a chat and, if I can nick something, I will. But, I take silence as resistance. If they do not respond to my speaking to them, I sink them.

  • @zyrkal Keep hoping for the Taco flag...Im eating Taco's. Love Taco's, think im going to make some now. Taco flag please.

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