Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4

  • Rare tested and approved sword fighting update. Lol why does it quote me when i edit a post lol.

  • I completely understand the need to rework some of the commendations but let’s be honest you cut them way too much to go from 500 Forts completed to 120 is insane not to mention all the other commendations ... you have pioneers please use us...

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  • Lol, it was a screenshot. Sea of Thieves is not safe for work? XD

  • @cardshark-360 that wasn't even close to being nsfw

  • @morova Or better yet just change the barrels back to the way they were. They were perfect before. Nobody asked for this change.

  • @novas-soul Love this comment!

    What about us that actually love the game?

    To much crowd pleasing will dissown us that have already put in the hours that we have into the game.

    Great post!

  • Is it just me or the birds are even more realistic??? Nice update, just to get use to the new barrel system. 👍🏻

  • @cardshark-360 yah the image was fine lol. Nsfw pfft

  • So the Pig's feeding animation is not activating on feeding them.

  • We can not feed the pigs actually. They die of starvation.
    we can not pick up some loot (skulls,.. in the water)

  • Athena's Fortune Voyages are glitched. They only consist of the 8 maps now. There is no final map to a Chest of Legends upon completion of the 8 maps. What's the point of an Athena Voyage if the chest cannot be obtained?

  • Haven't played since the update. Is there even a point, or is everything broken?

  • @khaleesibot Thank you for balancing out the commendation, this was long overdue. Will this impact the achievements? Surely they'll need to be updated as well right?

  • Hello All

    Thx for the last Patch but now the Athena Voyage bugged ... you do 8 Voyages and get nothing.... thx that we wasting the time and dont get the last Voyage for the Legend Chest....!!!!!

    next Bug are Order of Souls.... Skull Heads stuck now and you cant pick it up....... !!!!!
    the new Menu Style is a Joke..... makes no sence and look like c**p.... !!!!
    This new Barrel system feel like sh.t sorry but.... why we can put now over 300 Cannonballs , blanks etc.... for what ??? give us the old System back !!! Please... !!!!

    mfg Stoke

  • @magus104 you can set it to click in your right stick (if not already allocated) for cannon balls and it will cycle through if you have normal balls in your inventory.

  • To be honest I’m getting used to the new Barrel system and staring to like it.

    However the rest of the patch is full of bugs;

    Skulls on beaches you can’t pick up
    Cursed Cannonball Skelly Kills not registering
    Pigs you can’t feed
    Broken Athena Quests
    Buckets of water not effecting gold Skellys
    Unkillable Kraken
    Fort keys sometimes not appearing
    Hunter gear wrong colour
    Telescope “appendages”

    Any more

  • Dear Rare,
    I have been playing since the last week of the hungering deep and i absolutely loved the game, but with this new update i wont be playing till the bilge rat adventure is gone.
    I get that pvp players needed a pvp event and completely support them but what you have done now is make them attack any random ship. which means that those of us (like me) who have no interest in pvp at all get harassed constantly by players who just fire random cursed cannonballs at us.
    i would have liked to see the commendations as such:
    -curse crews of other ships that are flying the reapers flag with "insert cursed cannonball"
    -complete voyages with reapers flag up
    this way pve players wont get herassed for no other reason than as a target practise for commendations and your reapers flag actually lures pvp.
    i will be back after this event is over as i really like the game in general, but for now its unplayable for some1 who just wants to run around with chickens :)

  • @xraylexx

    u are wrong with cursed Cannonballs kills u only have 2 use the Grenn Cannonballs and no Keg close 2 Skellis only with Cutles or Black Cannonballs !

    mfg Stoke

  • @stoker1980 the individual cannonball types are working but the total kills commendations (out of 50 and 200) seem to be stuck at 40 for us

  • I love that you finally added the keybind shortcut for the speaking trumpet, even though it isn't in the patch notes. Better late than never, I suppose. Well done. :)

    By the way: How about Xbox One Text Chat support via Xbox On Chat Pad and USB keyboard? Has that been added yet? Haven't been able to check my Xbox One version yet.

    I also like the way commendations have been made easier to accomplish, even though I was already far up into them as I had been playing regularly since launch. It will give some casual players (and let's face it, this game was always intended to be casual co-operative fun, not an endless MMO grind) motivation to play more and fall in love with the game like we did, which is good. Veteran players like myself don't need motivation anyhow, for we play for the sake of fun, not statistics.

    Anyhow, the new barrel loot/inventory system is rather awkward. I get why it's needed now and it is rather useful, but it needs to be tweaked a bit.
    I think a good solution to make this system better is to add the old key/button press for taking things out of barrels/storing things in barrels and making it a "Loot All" and "Store All".
    Using the "Loot All" button on a barrel will make you instantly pick up all of the things in the barrel you can carry. The "Store All" button will make you instantly store all the items you have that can be put into that type of barrel.
    In addition, it would be great if an empty barrel would be marked "Empty" when you look at it.

    Oh, and the barrel names on ships haven't been translated in the German version (they have been translated on the land).

  • I was a fan of Sea of Thieves. I was... before this patch! I always closed my eyes to the new patches, which brought more bugs than innovations and contents.
    I began to play Sea of Thieves from the beta version. I spent thousands of hours playing Sea of Thieves from the release day.
    Long time ago I have earned Pirate Legend and Athena 10. Last time I played only fos sake of PvP and commendations. And what now?

    1. You wiped all my commendation progress (1000 chests, skulls, etc.). I lost my titles, it's impossible to earn if you have 1000 chests (may be it's a regular bug).
      All commendations were not easy to earn, but real. And this gave an additional incentive to play.
    2. No more good PvP with cursed cannon balls. The one who shoots first will win.
    3. Barrel 2.0 worst idea in Sea of Thieves from the launch game! This new update slows the game and makes it uncomfortable. Barrel 2.0 for RPG or MMORPG game, but not for coop action game like Sea of Thieves, where is no content.

    Rare, you make a game for everyone, but forget about your loyal community.
    Just remember that not everyone will play the game, where from the content only - Skull Fort once every 3 hours and 1.5-2 hours Athena's Voyage, which needs to be performed about 80 times.

  • The inventory/barrel mechanic is appalling on console. I can't believe this even went through testing. Myself and three friends logged on last night - played for about 30 minutes - hated it - and went off and played something else. This needs looking at urgently.

  • @chrispy1880 a dit dans Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4 :

    @magus104 you can set it to click in your right stick (if not already allocated) for cannon balls and it will cycle through if you have normal balls in your inventory.

    I said it on the second page

  • @xraylexx not for me have 175/200...... and the other 3 Dudes with me.

  • I love this update my only complaint is a minor one: the particle effect of the cannonball in a canon moves with the ship and if feels very strange. I actually captured the moment when I realized this

    It would be so much nicer to see the particles move with the world, left them behind as a trail, I assume it is a tick box in Unreal engine to do this :D

  • Hey guys..

    this new barrel system is complicated, but stop crying, we really have to look to see what we have there, but it can be improved:

    the barrels on ships must have the option to just pick or place with one command, not havin to look into, we already know what is there, Rare you can amend this.
    the cannonbal barrel in the ships can have one specifc for cursed barrels too...
    more barrels with specific items can be added into the world, with this ones we can use it as we are used to, just pass and pick the supplies without having to look.

    the cannon ball system really needs an improvement, like pick one kind of ball each time. I don't know

    the reaper's mark is great, love it, but I'm not good at PVP.

    the commendations must be set as default, the commendations are for hard working players and long term... We lost this...

  • I'm not a fan of this update. Why:

    • The idea of the barrels is nice but it isn't well designed.
    • Barrels 2.0 slows down the gameplay. You have to look in the barrels EVERY TIME :/
    • We want to use F to take stuff and R to store stuff.
    • Selecting a cursed cannonball take too much time. Press TAB, go to Resources and select it.
    • There's no information how many cannonballs, bananas and planks you have in the barrels on your ship.
    • There's no information how many cannonballs, bananas and planks you have in the barrels on islands.
    • Barrels in the sea sink when you arrive. We had this 6 times in 20 minutes gameplay.
    • Every time I sell a chest or skull I see the new commendation unlocks. Everytime the same commendations. Everytime I have to buy it in the shop.
  • @novas-soul I completely agree. They nurfed the commendations way too much. Part of the charm of this game is just how hard the commendations are to reach. Other problems:

    1. Barrels need to say if they are empty.
    2. I can't feed pigs most of the time now. The bananas go away but the pigs keep crying.
    3. Cursed cannonballs needs to just go into the resource/equipment wheel. There was no reason to change that at all.
  • @laroussebrute Yes - I couldn't pick up washed up beach loot today. And the pigs are dying.

  • @kzoo-kid said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    Reducing the commendations this drastically is a joke and an insult to the most loyal players. Players who, for the longest time, have had nothing to work on in this game. Players who quickly reached PL, Athena 10, and have had no other goals to reach, aside from commendations. Many players, myself included, and many much more dedicated players, have sunk countless hours into completing commendations for little reward besides a prestigious title that many players don't even recognize the worth of. These players have spent the past few months playing the game with nothing to work towards besides grinding commendations. Just as these players complete some or many of these difficult commendations, all their hard work is nullified.

    At this point in the game, I see no more reason to play. This isn't really much different than the state of the game thus far, but at least we had commendations to do. Now, there is nothing. The cursed cannonballs are out which is cool, but they are so difficult to use fluidly. How can you expect someone to sort through 3 menus to select one cannon ball for proper use with proper timing in the midst of the fight? The barrel menus are horrible but I think you know this already. I have no factions to grind, no goals to achieve, commendations that I have been working on are worth nothing, the ones I didn't finish yet have been finished for me, and the one thing worth doing at the moment (experimenting with the new cannon balls) isn't even fun to do because of how difficult it is to pull them out and swap between them during a fight. I might finally have given up on this.

    Here Here I agree whole heartedly.

  • @treefittymonsta I like the new updates but ever since this latest patch my game has been glitching twice as much. I’ve lost more gold then I’ve made from the servers crashing and kicking me out of the game. Me and my Xbox party where playing and it kicked all of us out twice in one day. Happy with the update but I’m also very disappointed I feel like it should had been tested more or something before it was pushed out. It’s really ruining my SOT experience

  • @blacktiger4913 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    @treefittymonsta I like the new updates but ever since this latest patch my game has been glitching twice as much. I’ve lost more gold then I’ve made from the servers crashing and kicking me out of the game. Me and my Xbox party where playing and it kicked all of us out twice in one day. Happy with the update but I’m also very disappointed I feel like it should had been tested more or something before it was pushed out. It’s really ruining my SOT experience

    What i had been doing was logging on with my gf's account and putting her toon in the lower decks asleep, so when I crash in game. I could reconnect to her toon. The crashing issues have been in-game since Mid-July even though I reinstall every patch. I came up with the reconnect mule idea because didn't seem that Rare was concerned with the crashing no matter how many times I report it. The reconnection mule been working well.

    I am, also, determined to find a way to use this inventory system now. But be booted out of the system when the boat rocks or taking damage is silly.

    Whelp back to WoW, while we wait for a hot fix from Rare, which sadly probably won't come until Thursday next week because you know... early access games.

  • Cursed Cannonballs I do not like these in game for the reason that Sea of Thieves has been a skill based game and now you are adding a "RNG" factor. This is a very bad way to attempt to balance game play. Until there is a limit placed on affecting players or ships, this mechanism can easily be used as a stun lock. In the history of games (more so with MMOs) no player enjoys being repeatedly lockout of action, since the mechanic was added back in the day to Dark Ages of Camelot. There has to be either a limit per second OR a debuff that prevents a curse from being re-applied repeatedly.

    Inventory I know there is a whole other thread about this but this was included in this patch so I will post here in the feedback thread. I am shocked this went in, more so since it sounds like the majority of the testers told you there was problems, you released it anyway. You did the release know it was bad, thus why you had a barrel feedback thread long before you had the patch notes up. Why? You have delayed patches and features before, why push such a game changing and poorly executed feature out to the live game?

    State of the Game If we are being honest, you had a bad release; more so if you factor in the large streamer reviews. You had a few hiccups along the way with your patches and bugs. But this patch as well as the increasing amount of 'group play' content that has been coming out the last few patches is really starting to affect your most hard core players/supporters. Forced PvE, broken patches, and major system reworks without any prior feedback is not the way to grow the game; no amount of apologies will recover lost player base nor streamers.

    This patch is the first time I have sat in SoT and thought "No...this is not fun, interesting, engaging, or going to help get some more players in game." It is the first time I have gone from loving the game to feeling very meh about it.

  • @LibertadFr Please refrain from any type of discussion of internal test sessions, as it is a breach of the NDA you signed when joining the Pioneers. Your post has been removed accordingly.

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